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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Do the ol suck and blow trick see if if get any longer. If not they have pills fo that nowadays.
  2. That may be rape. Heck she ran in front of a car attempting to run from him.
  3. I thought about the mustang and camaro but I'm leaning more towards a 4 door so its easier to tow the family around. What kind of fuel mileage does your horse actually get? I think i may have to look into the mazdas.
  4. So I'm looking into the idea of a fun car and have narrowed it down to a few options. I have another thread about building a car which is one thing I'm thinking of doing. The other is buying a ready to go car and the ones topping that list are the WRX STI's. I'd like to stay at or under $30,000 so out here that budget puts the 2011 asking price just over budget. I found 2 an 08 and an 09 in that range at the top end of the NADA value range at dealerships. From what I've read online the early 08's big issue is some pop out of second and should have the tranny replaced. Other than that what else should i be looking out for with these? I haven't met anyone that owns one that wasn't 100% satisfied with it. So I'd like to hear the good the bad and the ugly about it.
  5. Yeah its definitely not for profit. I may wait until my son is old enough to help so he can learn some mechanical skills. That way he doesn't end up like my brother who cannot change oil.
  6. Yeah but the ones in good condition seem to be over priced or not for sale. I need to get a chunk of change together and have it ready for when I find one of those too good to be true deals that never lasts. But on the other hand I found a couple of nice WRX STI's that are pretty sweet. It's just wrapping my head around another car payment and getting my wife to like those that's holding me up from going that route.
  7. As far as paint I honestly prefer the flat black with maybe red pin stripe. I'm thinking of buying a rolling chassie and throwing a crate motor inside. So a decentbbody is the big purchase I'm looking at.
  8. Are you coming out west at all? If you plan on hitting up southern AZ let me know ill take a couple of days off if you'll be in the area.
  9. So ive been thinking about buying a fun car after we pay off my wifes car. I thought about a corvette or WRX STI but lately I've been leaning towards building a hot rod. I haven't decided on what style yet. I'm fairly mechanically inclined but not Chip Foose. As far as body work and paint I'll probably take it to a shop to get it done right. But I can do most regular mechanical stuff. I don't have any machining ability. Has anyone built a car on their own before? Any advice and is it worth it? My plan is to do a little at a time and buy the needed parts as I go.
  10. What do you guys have as far as radiator guards for 2012 zx-10r? Prices shipped to 85602 please?
  11. cOoTeR


  12. Cool I think ill try to find the gp style ones. We were at a motorcycle dealership last night because I needed to get some warranty work done on my bike. While I was back at service my wife and son wondered around front looking at stuff. My son loved two things the chrome pipes on the cruisers and a yamaha 50cc dirtbike. We sat him on the 50 and he loved it grabbed the handlebars and started turning the bars. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. One of the salesmen said it looked like he was still a little small for them but suggested a strider bike saying afterwards he'd be ready for the dirt bike.
  13. Careful you may become an accessory to domestic violence.
  14. http://shop.stridersports.com/Honda-ST-3/productinfo/ST%2D3%2DHON/ So I guess these things are great for teaching kids how to ride. Makes since since basically they start out like the MSF training course by pushing the bike around. Has anybody got one for their kids yet?
  15. I talked to my agent today. On the windshield its free again. On the car its also free. Apparently I don't have a deductible on the accord for comprehensive claims and no rate increase.
  16. First last week my wife was driving and something cracked the windshield on our scion. We pay a little extra for windshield coverage and state farm paid to replace it with no deductible or rate change. Well yesterday she was driving and a truck kicked up a rock and chipped it. Does anyone know if I will get a rate change for a second claim for the same thing so soon. Also last night I hit a javelina ( its a rodent like animal that looks like a boar) with my car. Does anybody know if state farm will raise my rates for hitting an animal if I claim it?
  17. Don't your insurance rates still go up?
  18. When i read it I'm pretty sure there was a part B that tied it into reckless op for entering water that has risen onto the roadway. I think the barricade thing applies to the rescue workers being able to charge the driver upto $2,000. The big thing is the insurance being able to say they won't pay.
  19. I've seen DPS cite people for it for trying to cross a flooded wash even though it wasn't barricaded. The only sign they had were the regular ones that say do not enter when flooded. But I live and work in a very rural area.
  20. Good thing you aren't in AZ, they have a dumb driver law. Thats really what it is referred to as. Basically if you drive into water on a roadway and your vehicle gets damaged you get cited and your insurance doesnt cover the damages. The bitch of it is that the ground here doesnt handle water well at all and the road way can be washed away from underneath. So it may look like a puddle that's a 1/4 inch deep but actually bee a three foot hole. Also for some strange reason Arizona doesn't put bridges on many of their roads. So you have washes (creek beds) that cross the roads and anytime it rains there's a flash flood.
  21. That doesn't help its like riding into a giant blowdryer that's also blowing sand. With mesh gear it dries your sweat instantly so there is no cooling effect. I actually prefer my leather gear over my mesh out here most of the time because it traps the sweat in. You can zip it up for awhile build up some sweat then unzip it a little for a bit and the air flow feels like A/C. But being able to ride year round is definitely worth the summer heat. It is pretty crazy though if you go out in the desert it kind of smells like a sauna because the mesquit wood is soo hot its almost cooking.
  22. 311 miles according to a google search or 5hrs 25min to the start of the ride.
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