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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I think there is a felony charge of weapon under disability relating to having a fire under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  2. cOoTeR

    Deals Gap 2015

    So a friend of mine and I were planning a trip there next year and chose to be there pretty much the same time. Hope to be able to meet up with you guys. We are planning on may 30th-June 5 or 6.
  3. Let me know when you are riding around Tucson.
  4. Just saw this post. Are you still in NM? Sorry to hear about your dad. Best of luck man.
  5. Yes it I have vacation days scheduled for it may 23 and 24th. So it'll be one of those days.
  6. I picked it up a couple days ago paid $1200. Trying to figure out the idle issue it has. It has a wandering or surging idle Always when it is cold and sometimes when it is warmed up. I replaced 2 injector seals to eliminate leaking injectors. I cleaned the idle air control valve which apparently is the main cause for idle issues on late 80's Honda's. Bleed the coolant system. The next step I'm going to take is cleaning the Fast Idle Thermo Valve which seems to be the next cause for screwy idle. I also replaced the valve cover gasket so there isn't any oil leak any more. That took a whole 15-20 minutes to do. But it handles nice even though the ride is a little rough being lowered. I didn't notice how rough the ride was until I got it out in the country where I live and the roads aren't as well maintained. Once I get tires on it this week its going to become my daily driver.
  7. I've never really wanted one but for under 1500 and running. Can't really beat it especially with how many different Honda engines can be swapped in for under $500. Plus they are light. There is also some level fun that comes from running the piss out of a crappy car.
  8. A buddy of mine tells me his neighbor is selling an 88 CRX si for dirt cheap. I've been wanting to get a car that I can track and notworry about breaking for awhile so I ask how cheap? The guy is selling it for $1,300. So I decide to go look at it after doing some research. Most of the other ones are listed at $2,500 and up and nada has them valued at 2,600 for rough retail. I go and look at the car with my buddy who used to be a certified Honda mechanic. The body is ok. Couple small areas of surface rust upfront from when the guy lived in Oregon. I'm not too worried about that since I live in AZ. Wheel arches and under the rear bumper and under the car itself are rust free. The paint shows its age due to Sun fade. It was in a crash and damaged the front bumper hood and left fender. The guy tried to fix it on the cheap and bought a fender sight unseen. When the body shop got it they told him it was actually also a damaged fender with bondo on it. So it looks like shit after being installed and still has the same bumper and hood from the crash. It all sits fine just looks like crap but I don't mind that. Interior is good actually better than I expected for a car that has been on the road since 88. Only issue is the drivers seat hassome small tears from getting in and out. It doesn't have a radio because the guy sold the system he had in it with the radio. I don't care about that as I'm probably going to strip the interior anyway. It had a messed up idle. My friend looked at it said that the things that cause that are vacuum leaks, idle or throttle postion sensor (i can't remember what he said.) And leaky injector seals. He said he could get that fixed for me dirt cheap or tell me what to do and help for some beers. But the parts are cheap. The car has a specter intake and a full exhaust but I'm not sure what brand. The car is lowered with aftermarket rims. The guy said he lowered it by buying lowering springs and didn't cut the springs. It also has a front sway bar. I figure its a good car for what I want a disposable car that handles good with cheap aftermarket and lots of potential for upgrades and engine swaps. I figured the guy was asking $1,300 so he would take less because no one starts with their bottom price. I was prepared to pay $1,300 if the guy absolutely wouldn't come down but would be real happy at $1,000. So I offered $900. The guy thought for a second then said I'll have to think about it. I said well what are you thinking? Where are you at? Trying to get him to haggle. He said well I don't know if I can let it go for that. You're the first to look at it and I don't know if I can go that low. I see them listed for $2,500 and up for the few I see for sale so my price is already low. Then I counter with all the issues the body the engine the radio it needs an alignment and doesnt pass emissions (i also don't care because I live in the country so my vehicles aren't subject to emissions here. I told him I'd be comfortable at $1,000 for those reasons. He said I'll have to think about it and still wouldn't give me a number. He said he'd call me today so I decided I wasn't going to run the price up on myself since he was already on the fence at $900. I think he is just attached to the car so I'm not sure he really wants to sell it but I'll see.
  9. Right now it is tentatively for the end of May. If you go to early the roads will be covered with debri from the melting snow. But if its cleared up enough when you get out here we can set something up.
  10. Im planning on doing a trip around the million dollar highway area in late August fif you guys are out there around then.
  11. Can I get a price quote for the alien motion and ballistic shipped to 85602 please? Also will I need to order a charging system before I can use the battery in the bike?
  12. Im going to need a battery soon for my 2012 Zx10r. I'm interested in a lighter battery than the stock acid battery and have heard great things about Alien Motion, Shorai and Ballistic batteries. Do you guys sell these and are there any advantages one has over the others? Are there any other light weight batteries you recommend?
  13. How much are they charging per ticket? I bought the movie for about $24 on amazon. I wasn't very impressed.
  14. When I was there for the GP race i heard some guys talking and they were going to do a track day there but I doubt they paid that. Also a friend of mine accompanied a friend of his down to a track day there. I'll try to find out what it cost him and what org it was with.
  15. I just thought of another ride I forgot to mention to you. I haven't rode it but a lot of the guys I know say its a good ride out to arivaca, AZ.
  16. No problem I had a good time. Hope you guys are enjoying AZ.
  17. Wanna ride tomorrow morning (monday)? Mt.Lemmon is fun as long as its warm enough. You are about 45 min from me depending where in Tucson.
  18. Where you at in AZ? Butters and I both live down here.
  19. Can you get clothing sizes? Would you be willing to collect stuff and get it to them? I'd be willing to send some stuff as long as i know it'll make it to them This thread has had a lot of good intentions but doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I think we found a deserving / needing family.
  20. I think it works out to 400 miles or so. But all the moving around on the bike helps a lot. The worst stretchs are on 10.
  21. We are probably going to do a ride there in the spring then again in the fall. If your interested ill let you know when we get it locked in. We normally leave from Benson and ride as a group to Clifton. We gas up at the circle k in clifton then everyone kinda spreads out to their own pace. We normally stop once or twice before alpine. We get lunch in Alpine then head down through New Mexico. Then over to Safford and then south to 10.
  22. I just noticed you took a picture at the motorcycles use caution sign. We always take it extra slow through that area. A few years back before I got down here my friends went on a big group ride up there. One guy convinced his daughter's boyfriend to go even though he was very new to riding. When they hit the s curves north of Clifton the kid blew one by locking up the brakes and sliding into one of the driveways for the mine. My buddy told the guy who brought him and the kid they should turn back because it was dangerous and he didn't have enough experience. The kid agreed and was going to go back but his girlfriends dad pressured him into staying. After riding the area with the drop offs the kid started gaining confidence and trying to play catch up. When he got to the curves that now have the "motorcycles use caution" or "motorcycles slow down" signs and the flashing light he went in too quick. He locked up the rear again and went straight off the road and hit one of those big boulders head on. He hit hard enough to knock his helmet off. My buddy was a combat medic and current EMT and was giving him CPR for as long as he could. He passed it off to two other guys when he became exhausted and they all tried to revive him but they never could. It took over 4hrs to get a squad there but there was nothing anyone could have done to save him. One of my friends that was on that ride still won't go back up there. I guess several motorcyclists have died on that curve and thats why they put the signs up.
  23. The route from Alpine South into New Mexico is pretty nice and open with nice sweepers. The thing about that road especially near the mine is the curves will start to open up and be real easy building your confidence then all of the sudden you come up on one tgat is way tighter than you expected it to be. It can be a deceptive road and due to its remoteness if you need medical intention its going to be a while until you find cellphone reception and even longer until help can get there. The best time to go is early summer before its too hot and there's been enough traffic to clear the crap off the road. After the monsoon season the road gets a lot of debri on it. By the time it gets cleared the pine trees start dropping needles and it gets cold up there.
  24. Looks like you stayed near Morenci / Clifton area if you were near the big mine. Did you ride it upto Alpine? When we ride it we do a loop down through NM. I love that road even though the area between the mine and meadow is pretty scetchy but that makes it fun. Also I like how little traffic you see out there. Tail of the Dragon area and the areas I rode in Colorado were awesome but also loads of traffic. My buddies and I try to ride 191 at least twice a year. I'll hit you up next time we head up there. Gotta agree the free range cattle beat the hell outta the bears, mountain lions, elk and big horn sheep that live in the area.
  25. My opinion would be either leave them as they are or try to repair. Being from a grandparent I'd want to have both in either the condition you receive them or both functioning without changing them too much.
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