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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. cOoTeR


    From the album: Random Crap

  2. It looked like Marquez was holding back for awhile.
  3. I think Marquez will be a thorn in the sides of Rossi, Pedrosa, and Lorenzo. I think it will be a close season for those 4 and hope Hayden finds his groove. I think as long as Marquez doesn't burn through tires early in the races and also keeps the bike on the track he will be the champ. I can't wait for the race in Austin I bought tickets in the Turn 1 grandstand. I was torn between turn 1 and 15 and decided to go with 1 because of its view of start finish and its elevated position providing a great view of the track.
  4. The article did say that there were plenty of loopholes for those who don't want to own a gun. My only thing is the timing of this gun prices are way too high and several guns are hard to find new. I've quit asking about certain guns at gun shops because its always the same answer "we have no clue when we will get any of those in. Our waiting list is soo long for that gun that we quit taking names."
  5. I love my contour but hate the wind noise issue. I haven't taken the time to rig up a furry Mic cover yet.
  6. cOoTeR


    Have you done a track day? I know a handful of guys that were in the same boat as you and now they ride pretty much only on the track. There's a lot less variables to mess you up and a good organization will really improve your skill level. My first track day did wonders for me first it was a reality check as to how slow I was and how little I actually knew. Second I improved a lot. With the new knowledge of my improvement and how much safer a track was I slowed down and rode smoother on the road and it was even more enjoyable.
  7. Bought a carry gun for my wife. Went and had her try out a few but the stores we went to didn't have anythingb other than their rental guns. Then we found a walther pps 9mm that she liked so we bought that. It was used and Arizona law requires the gun shops to hold used guns for a couple of weeks before they are released so its still at the gun shop. Can't wait to get itout and shooting.
  8. I was being a little sarcastic since I live about 3 hrs from your destination.
  9. Will you deliver it to me on your way out here?
  10. I moved out to AZ awhile ago. I moved to accept a job I had been trying to get for 4yrs. My fiance knew that I was trying to get the job when we got together but she was still pretty reluctant to move across the country. When I got the job offer I had to report 25 days before our wedding that was already planned and paid for. I told my fiance that I was going and I'd like her to go also but I wasn't going to pass the job up if she didn't go with me. I ended up flying home the day of the wedding and flying back the next day. My wife had to stay in Ohio during training but we managed to see each other every month and a half. The pay increase I got for the first year made my income just a little less than our combined income with our old jobs so she didn't need to work. At first she hated it out here being so far from family and not knowing anyone. She's made some friends and decided to go back to work and is enjoying it a lot more. I love my job and the weather is pretty sweet here. Ive been able to ride every month this past year. The problem is the nice roads to ride are scarce but there's some nice mountainroads near by once it warms up.
  11. Congrats dude. Fatherhood has been a blast for me. Well at least so far.
  12. I was being sarcastic it was more directed at people who say it should be a requirement to start on a smaller bike like they do in other countries.
  13. I guess its time to lower the standard for the engine size people should start on. I let newbs lead if they are comfortable but I don't have a problem jumping ahead pulling over and telling them to ease up. If they aren't comfortable I ride really slow so they don't feel pressured to ride faster than they can.
  14. I was responding to another's post as seen by the quote I used and explaining how it was more than them acting in good faith. Sorry I didn't use terminology that was exact to convey my point that it was more than an honest mistake. But no I was not looking for the term qualified immunity.
  15. Kicking in the neighbors door at night and dragging them out of bed is not good faith. The police that were doing the investigation were neglectful in their duties if they used the wrong address. The police serving the warrant that had nothing to do with the investigation would be acting in good faith because they are going off information given to them. If a cop buys narcotics from someone in a red car but then tells the other officers that it was a green car that would be neglectful. Also don't know about local and state but federal warrants are required to be served between 6am-9pm at a reasonable time unless there are exigent circumstances.
  16. I'd call a few lawyers don't go cheap. Also remember the words emotional distress, nightmares, paranoia, PTSD. Sounds like a violation of the 4th amendment. This will go all the way up to whomever approved the warrant.
  17. It's one of those things future generations will hear about and say WTF? How many invasive species have been brought in to kill off another just to become a worse problem. I do like the thought of dropping them from a plane. Are they going to be equipped with Stewart little style parachutes? I think a more effective plan of action would be a bounty program. Edit. I didn't realize the snakes would eat dead mice. If only the recruiter told me about this opportunity when I was looking into the AF. "what did you do in the military?" " I dropped dead poison mice with streamers onto snakes from a helicopter." Lol. I wonder what rotting mouse plague will develop from this.
  18. Here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv63D6hJU_Y
  19. That advice is about as good as Biden's advice on home protection. "Get a double barrel shotgun. If you hear people breaking into your house go out on the porch with it and fire two shots into the air. No one needs an ar 15 they are harder to hit your target. Get a double barrel shotgun". WTF? So much wrong with that advice.
  20. Pretty sure this is the second thread about this, this week.
  21. Who will blame Bush, who will blame WMD's and Allah so in a way the terrorists are winning.
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