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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. The cost is probably going to cut down on the no shows and as a result cut the walk ins.
  2. Not if you've paid her to do that.
  3. Unless they are double locked.
  4. I wonder if guys that ordered rifles and are still waiting are going to continue to wait or cancel the orders realizing that people willing to pay extra have already done so? Maybe demand and price will drop soon.
  5. I havent looked too hard but it looks like they will be about $300 for a set for my bike. 120/70 17 and 190/55 17.
  6. To prevent this have scruit sneak in one night to hide one of those high tech GPS tracking systems he has on his stuff.
  7. That's kind of what it seems like. I can buy the Magpuls for about $15 not sure about a limit or shipping. If the profit would only be $5 or less doesn't seem worth it for the effort of finding buyers and shipping.
  8. Seems to be doing a good job using foreign coins to distract you from his agenda.
  9. I may have a hook up for a limited number of pmags from Magpul. How much are they going for? I'm wondering if it'll be worth it to buy some extras. I just want 3 but I think my limit for the purchase is 8.
  10. Did you feel like the guy that got superglued to the toilet at Walmart a few years ago?
  11. Thanks for your service. Congrats on your bike be safe I hate hearing about guys coming back from deployment buying a bike and getting hurt riding above their skill level. You're going to hear some trash talk about cruisers on here from time to time. Don't let it run you off there are a lot of good people here and a lot of knowledge. Welcome.
  12. Even if it were, Jonas-Boggioni said, police hunting drugs should know that a Buckeye leaf — which has five leaflets — doesn’t look much like a marijuana leaf, which typically has seven leaflets and a narrower shape. At highway speeds im sure counting the leaves would be easy. But stopped they should know.
  13. They mess with these settings during the race? And people say texting and driving is dangerous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6HEi-p3_pg
  14. Maybe it stuck to your shoe or you got it in a handfull of change from a gas station?
  15. Pretty much this. Also tell the wife the lessons learned deer hunting are more important than anything learnedin school.
  16. The real question is did this really happen or is the media just throwing every rumor they think they heard like the Sandy Hook reports?
  17. What does Chaney's service have to do with this thread? Does Obama's plan to get us out of the war involve cutting pay of servicemen and letting embassy officials get murdered with no consequences? Yeah he's doing a great job resolving issues overseas. We are still deploying people to those war zones. Almost weekly someone I know is leaving to be deployed. When did you serve for how long? What did you do while in the AF? Did you even do anything combate related? I'm willing to bet what I do daily does more for this country than you ever did with the AF.
  18. That's pretty ignorant. He knew too much? Like what?
  19. Still better than Jerry Lee Lewis and his cousin. Since you can't comprehend that being a patriot has nothing to do with military service we are Nazis?
  20. Your reading comprehension must be lacking. Where in any definition of the word patriot does it say military service required? Nowhere. Where did I say the soldier you posted about wasn't a patriot? Nowhere. Never did I say you need to a patriot to be a hero or a hero to be a patriot. So by your terms a person who works in law enforcement putting their life on the line keeping the country safe can't be a patriot if they weren't in the military? What about contractors overseas? People that are support staff to the military? People that build military equipment? None of these are patriots? No offense to those that served honorably but I know several people that served and are pieces of crap. They didn't enlist because they were patriotic, they enlisted because they couldn't get a decent job elsewhere. The military took them they did 4 years or less and still don't give two shits about this country.
  21. But then the chickens would attack the cows and rule the barnyard. ^^^^ also has nothing to do with this thread. You posted in the wrong one.
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