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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. While I read and understand what MeefZah was saying, the obvious bypassing of enforcing basic traffic laws probably has more bearing on shit that happens on the road than speeding does. Whether people including Leo's, think its chickenshit, enforcement of all the laws is a necessity.

    Also, hearing about people, especially Leo's, caught speeding at 30-80+ mph over the posted limit with some failing breathalizer tests by double or more the legal limit, then getting off with mere slaps on the wrists is the total horsechit.

    Enforce the freaking law, all the laws, equally without prejudice or favoritism. If the fines need to be raised to cover costs, then do it.

    Enforcing every law all the time is impossible. The Leo would never be able to end their shift. On the way to and from the station they pass multiple violations if they stopped to write the minor stuff up by the time they finished that ticket another violation would come by unless they work in BFE. Basically you'd have to be a complete dick to write every violation. Eventually judges won't take a leo that writes several petty citations seriously and their supervisors will get tired of complaints real quick. If your car has an analog speedo and you get a ticket for going 1 over how would you feel?

    As far as leos getting special treatment yeah that's bullshit. I see it the same as working at mcdonalds and expecting free food from wendys because you work in fast food also. If you've broken the law and get cited for it pay your dues. If you get a warning or don't get caught be thankful. Leos aren't out to screw with people their goal is to keep everyone safe by enforcing laws.

  2. If you decide to heat with wood build up a stash throughout the summer that's when its cheapest. Also splitting and stacking wood sucks in the winter. Try to have all you'll need by fall. When you stack it put it on a shelf type set up above the ground. It keeps it dry and cuts down on pests. Nothing like finding a snake thawing out in your wood stack after you bring a pile inside. Wood stoves work best when people in the house have different schedules. When my wife and I were dating she worked a morning shift and I worked an afternoon shift. It was perfect she'd wake up load the stove get ready for work then top it off and go to work. I'd wake up load it again bring in enough wood for the rest of the day get ready top it off and go to work. She'd come home load it do whatever before bed then top it off. Is come home bring in enough wood for the morning load it eat dinner and whatever then top it off and go to bed. It was always 75-80 in our old rental house and we didn't use the furnace accept as a back up set at 60* incase the fire went out. If you've got a strong work ethic wood burning is the way to go. If you can afford one of those outdoor ones that can tie into your duct work it saves on work load. You can put huge logs in there and burn all kinds of stuff you shouldn't in an indoor stove such as pine and paper. I've heard you can load those up and they work more like a furnace so you've got better control of the temp. And burn time. I've heard you can get away with loading them every 12 or more.

  3. So, though I may not get a speeding ticket, I can still expect speeding to be a "reason" to be pulled over so that a witch hunt can ensue in hopes that I can be found guilty of something stronger.

    Still, I don't want to be pulled over by you. And though you may be an alright guy, the second cop, the one riding shotgun, or the one in the car behind you who just pulled up because they were close by, he or she may be having a bad night and an attitude to match and not be so cool.


    You'd only have something to worry about if your a shit bag or a dick. The second part the backup cop will not step on the others toes unless your being a complete dick. So if your a shitbag with something to hide or a dick and don't want a ticket its easy don't give them a reason to pull you over. Anything a leo cites you for is your fault not theirs so to try to blame your ticket on them having a bad day is juvenile. Don't hate on them for enforcing the laws if you have a problem with the laws hate on the people that demand the laws be put in place or the people who have screwed it up by making those people feel the law is needed. A utopian anarchist society would be nice but never work because of human nature. People are inherently evil and greedy which is why we need laws and those people enforcing them.

  4. I bought Dustins ps3. I just remembered my tv only has 1 hdmi input if I remember right. I looked online to see if they had a device that would allow me to have my ps3 and my dish box plugged in at the same time that way I don't have to unplug them each time I want to switch to the other device. I did a search online for "hdmi splitter" and all I could find was a device that allowed 1 device to be hooked to 2 displays. Is anyone aware of anything that will allow me to hook 2 devices to 1 display? I used to have a box that you could plug input cables from 2 sources into and it had 1 output all you had to do was flip the switch on the box to change the source without unplugging anything. But that was for the old school s cable hook up.

  5. I had a 2000 suzuki intruder 1400 that I ran the crap out of when I was a newb. I was riding with a friend that had a sportster 1200. We always talked trash to each other ever since we met about everything. So bikes were no different. I could power wheelie my intruder in first I'd rev it up let off the crack the throttle and most of the time it would lift the front up about a foot and a half then set it down nice and smooth. I had been telling my friend he was on a pussy bike because he couldn't even get it to do a wheelie. I had been doing them all day just to piss him off. We had stopped at the Harley dealer at 36/37 and 71 in Delaware. When we were leaving I decided to do another wheelie as we pulled off. I did it the same as I always had but this time the front tire shot up in the air way faster then I had ever experienced. My left foot came off the peg but some how I kept my right foot on and was able to tap the rear brake. The front of the bike slammed down hard and I about dumped it trying to get my balance and climb back onto the bike. When we got up to the light my friend said he was hoping I was going to drop my jap bike infront of a Harley dealer.

  6. Thanks, yep I am.

    Brand new in the box still. Has a second controller included with the bundle...I'll be in Columbus on the 15th.

    Sent via mobile

    I've been thinking of a blu-ray for awhile. Looking at your thread made me start to lean more towards the ps3.

    I notice the come in various GB sizes. Is that for storing music and stuff along with saving your spot in a game? Is there more to the amount of GB than that? Would I be able to use it to upload/play the HD videos from my helmet cam (its a contour if it matters)?

  7. Are all ps3's 3D capable or just the newer ones? I've been looking at some used ones. The next tv I get may be 3D as long as no unexpected expenses come up after buying this new house. I have a couple of hdmi cables one I bought and two that I received when we had our dish installed and relocated.

  8. Ok when it comes to home theater stuff I'm pretty far behind the curve. I still use a regular dvd player for movies and my tv is a 720p plasma. Is it even worth getting a blu-ray player? Eventually I'll probably upgrade my tv to a 1080 or even a 3D once the prices drop because I'm cheap like that. I don't really play video games that much but I used to enjoy them back in the day. I'm not a gamer nut by any means but I think if I bought something more entertaining than the wii I've got I may play a little more.

    I would like to get a wifi enabled player for the netflix and crap like that. I'm supposed to close on my new house this month but its in BFE and the internet options are limited. What kind of internet speeds are needed to be able to stream movies without too many issues?

    I'm thinking about buying a used blu-ray player or ps3 do they both provide equal quality as far as picture and streaming capabilities? Is it worth buying the ps3 if I'm only going to play games occasionally?

  9. Final decision: I'm keeping the GS. I've got a Katana 600 Rear Shock ordered (It's a direct drop in) to set the back end of the bike up a bit and stiffen it up. I'm also going to get some clip on handlebars to put myself more forward so i can actually use the windscreen (which I'm replacing with a double bubble). Basically, I'm making it a bit sportier and more comfortable by fitting it to my larger frame a bit better than the 5'6", 150 lb person it was designed for.

    I don't think clipons are a step in the right direction. Have you sat on a bike with clipons? They will cause you to lean quite a bit more forward if you don't know the proper muscles to use it will be uncomfortable. If you don't use your core muscles your wrists shoulders and back will hurt. If I'm not mistaken the gs has pegs that are more forward than the rear sets on most sportbikes. I would think that clipons with these pegs would bunch you up more similar to sitting in a chair that's too low to the ground creating an awkward riding position.

    If you do get clipons get a set of the adjustable ones so you can set them where you need them. Makes sure you keep the stock handlebar because you may want to switch back and it may be a deal breaker when it comes time to sell it.

  10. I have received a few email responses from a couple of the AZ senators and 1 from the governors office. All were cookie cutter thank you for your concern we will look into it responses. I received one response that shows the letter was read by someone in Ron Barber's (D) office.

    Thank you for contacting me about gun violence prevention. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

    Like you, I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. Most firearms are legally purchased for legitimate purposes, including self-defense. In Arizona and across the country, there is a rich tradition of hunting and shooting sports. We must protect the rights of citizens to possess firearms for these lawful purposes.

    As a grandfather and a member of Congress, I also believe we have a responsibility to ensure the safety of our families, our schools and our communities. Preventing gun violence is a complex problem with no single answer, but I am hopeful that we can come together and take meaningful steps to address the availability of high-capacity magazines and prevent those who are criminals or a danger to themselves and others from purchasing weapons illegally.

    As we work to prevent future violence, we also must take steps to identify and treat mental illness. Untreated or undiagnosed serious mental illness combined with easy access to heavy fire power has been an underlying cause in a number of mass shootings. It is important to stress that the vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent. In fact, they are far more likely to be the victim of violence than the perpetrator. Nonetheless, we must expand mental health awareness and treatment services and prevent people who are a danger to themselves or others from having access to weapons.

    On January 15, I introduced H.R. 274, the Mental Health First Aid Act. This bill would provide training similar to first aid instruction run by local chapters of the American Red Cross. It would take a public health approach to mental illnesses by providing training to teachers, students, firefighters, police officers, emergency services workers and others. Those trained would learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental illness and would be given the tools necessary to respond and know where to get mental health services. I was pleased that the president and vice president included my legislation as part of the Administration's recommendations to prevent gun-violence

    I was honored to be named as a Vice Chair of the House Task Force to Prevent Gun Violence. As a Vice Chair of that task force, I have been able to work with my colleagues in the House, Senate and the vice president as we develop recommendations to make our communities safe while protecting every American's right to bear arms. At home in Arizona, I have initiated Mental Health and Law Enforcement Task Forces to talk with experts in these fields about what they feel we must do to prevent and reduce gun violence. Most importantly, I'm talking with the people I represent, in my office and out across Southern Arizona at Congress on Your Corner and other public events, where I can hear directly from you and other constituents in my district.

    As Congress works to reduce gun violence, be assured I am committed to working with my colleagues to move forward with common sense proposals that both ensure the safety of our communities and protect our Second Amendment rights.

    It is an honor to represent Southern Arizona and keep the people I serve updated on my work in Congress. My office can also help you resolve issues with federal agencies. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you. Click here to contact me or call my office in Tucson at 520-881-3588 or in Sierra Vista at 520-459-3115 for more information.

    Yours sincerely,

    Ron Barber Member of Congress

    My response from the governors office said thanks for the concern we will look into it and my letter was being kept on file as a letter of opinion and is being held as public record?

    I did hear one time that letters to politicians that disagree with your issue just annoy them. So let's annoy those that support the gun legislation we oppose. The letters to the politicians who support your issue feel more confident in what they are doing and feel they have the backing of their constituents. But these two types of politicians that have their mind made up aren't going to change it. The ones sending letters to are the ones on the fence. They will take in to consideration the amount of letters they have supporting or opposing an issue when they decide how they will vote. So it is very important to get letters to these people even if their staff is all that reads them they keep track of which way has the most support.

  11. At his age, I think this will work. Tell him if it ever happens again, you will donate some of his favorite computer games and toys to kids that are less fortunate and he will go with you when you do it.


    This will teach him about the welfare system at an early age. He will learn that he should either be in the top 5% when it comes to wealth or the bottom end. If hes in the middle class he will be punished for the income he makes to give to the bottom end.

  12. I borrowed a buddies fz6 for a tail of the dragon trip. I was impressed with its handling. As far as sportbikes go I've only owned 1000's but I liked how smooth the power delivery was on his fz6. The bottom end seemed slightly soft but the midrange and up was as respectable as any other 600cc sportbike I've ridden.

  13. I have replied to a few of these threads with the same answer. I use either my crossbreed IWB or my "t-shirt" holster. The "t-shirt" holster is basically an under armor style material with holsters sewn in the sides. It works great with a leather jacket or full suit. I bring a shirt I can fit under my passenger seat to throw on if I decide to stop some where. I've carried my sub-compact .380 my full size .40 h+k my .45 XD and my wifes taurus judge using that shirt. It works a little better for 2 up depending on how you and the passenger ride. My IWB only fits my .40 but its comfortable enough I sometimes forget its there but it doesn't work to easily with full leathers.

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