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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. I know if a bad guy really wants something, there is away to get it. I was just looking for something to keep a pistol out of sight and somewhat secure. As for keeping a pistol in the car in the event a place is posted no guns, I was looking for something that would be better then locking a pistol in the glove box or center console.

    You could keep it on your hip.

  2. This question has been thrown around a lot lately along with, "Why does anyone need a weapon that can hold more than 10 rounds?". Here's a video of some guys defending a market from looters during the LA riots. It seems to have worked for them to have an uzi. Ask yourself, what / who are you going to turn to if the police can't protect your house, family and food? If you say it can't happen look at LA just shy of 21 years ago.


  3. It's a tad too small. The only way to make it fit is if I could buy spool sliders, but I'm not gunna drill/weld my swingarm since they dont make aftermarket spools for the f4i. I haven't messed with the front stand though and probably never will.

    You know there's a guy in this thread that is known for his welding skills. He could possibly help you out if you ask him nicely. Spools are way more stable than the paddle type stands in my opinion.

  4. Sounds like I should sell 90% of what's in my safe or near my bed. This is a load of crap. The worst part is the fact that all four guns I am authorized to carry at work to assist me in protecting the Constitution will be banned for the citizens of this country. Total crap I can in no way support or enforce this.

    • Upvote 1
  5. http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/feinstein-details-new-senate-assault-weapons-ban

    Didn't see any mention of NFA registration - but I did see this:

    Suggests that "pre-ban" rifles will still be legal for sale after the ban comes into effect.

    Watch the price of these rifles go even higher now. As preban gun supplies will be limited, postban guns will be neutered, and real Americans will continue to demand the preban models. I think my AR and 922r SKS just doubled in value, again, with that annoucnement.

    (Actually, I wonder if the SKS is on her hit-list)

    So now the next shooting happens with a 10 round mag and they drop it to 5...

    No next they will blame the trigger finger, in order to own a gun you will be required to remove any appendage that you can fire the weapon with.

  6. That is not the vase.

    This is the vase:



    Have any other weapons industry folks reported the same thing?

    I'm really wondering if he didn't have the vehicle insured for personal use and they dropped him because someone narked on him for using it to transport business goods, or that there are stated underwriting rules for different industries and they found out he was not compliant with those rules.

    Sorry about the vase instead of case I was walking down the sidewalk and typing. But casper pointed the following out.

    You're right, reading comprehension is lacking in America. First, the letter is from "GEICO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE", meaning it was a commercial (or business as you put) policy. Second, it specifically says, "because it is used in conjunction with a company that deals in the weapons industry".
  7. I wonder if Geico has defined standards for vehicles used in the weapons industry, such as must have a given type of safe or must have some kind of locking trunk.

    If they're transporting weapons in a minivan with clear windows and no safe then that's a different level of insurance risk than if they are transporting in a plain van with no rear windows and a safe.

    Just wondering.

    If this were the case why wouldn't the suggest he make the vehicle compliant with the requirements? Has to be more of an anti gun attack.

  8. "This was an argument between two individuals. Two people got into an altercation that escalated to gunfire. One of the men in the altercation was shot and two bystanders (white male, black female) were also shot. The uninjured man from the altercation fled north from the campus, black male aged 18-20."

    18-20? Not a CCW holder therefore illegally carrying the gun. Another law that didn't stop a shooting.

    A witness that was 10' from the shooting said only one person had a gun.




  9. Well, it was a shooting at a college on campus in a corridor between two buildings in a pedestrianized area.

    Current reporting is that one person had the gun, Carlton Berry, 20. Berry and another man argued, and Berry started shooting. he has been charged with Aggravated Asshattery. I mean, Aggravated Assault. It's it not clear how Berry himself was shot. The person Berry shot was detained at the hospital (probabyl because initial reports from the police indicated an "exchange of gunfire"), but no charge at this time.

    If Berry and the person he was shooting at are both students then I'd say it's fair to call it a "College shooting".

    Fingers crossed Berry isn't a CCW holder. :mad:

    CCW at the age of 20?

  10. immigraton laws tend to border on racisim for one. and 2 you don't need an assault type weapon. riffles, shotgun and handgun is all you should be allowed to own. and if you want to get technical about the constitution since it was written when the only kind of "arms" was a musket you should only be allowed to own one of those.


  11. Several states have already ignored federal law regarding medical marijuana. So I wonder how the federal politicians can word any enforcement against the Georgia type gun laws? The Federal government stays away from large scale drug enforcement of the medical marijuana issue. They pretty much just confiscate it book the person so it shows they were arrested but not charged on their record. Yet we have a "War on Drugs". If the government starts to enforce against the Georgia type laws I'm sure the new "War on Guns" will cause quite a stir.

  12. i dont think i have.

    wait i kept the VFR for 2 years.. well maybe

    ill be keeping the ducati for a looooong while. thats the last 2 up bike im buying for probably another 2 - 3 years or so.

    as for the TOYS.. they can be rotated out as needed :D

    I thought you said the same thing about that Harley?

  13. immigraton laws tend to border on racisim for one. and 2 you don't need an assault type weapon. riffles, shotgun and handgun is all you should be allowed to own. and if you want to get technical about the constitution since it was written when the only kind of "arms" was a musket you should only be allowed to own one of those.

    That is the ignorant bullshit that is spewed by ignorant anti gun people. When the second amendment was written is was to enable everyone to have equal fire power. Guns killed people back then too. The people had the same fire power as the military. The bill of rights was written for the future not just the current times. Please show me the part that says it won't apply later on in the future I'd love to see that clause.

    • Upvote 1
  14. I wonder if they would suspend a kid for running around playing Cowboys and Indians? I mean shit its got socially unacceptable racial undertones and violence. But let's totally forget that the state (United States) at one time played a game of Cowboys and Indians only it was real life and we call it history. But with as pussified as society is now its probably taught that all conflicts are resolved using mediation and peaceful conflict resolution.

  15. The news is NOW reporting only one gun was used. Sheesh! Get your act together, media.

    I bet it was an AR just one both shooters used it. They were both able to use it because it had a pistol grip and they both could grab it. They both were able to use it because of the high capacity "clip" (<yeah I know) and the mount on the front to attach a grenade launcher.

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