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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. If you do that be prepared for the leg humping.
  2. Maybe they will no longer allow semi auto rim fires at the range or the class.
  3. You don't need the FFL but I believe people get it because it is easier then finding and paying an FFL that will deal with class 3. But there is paperwork that you need to have to own the class 3 weapon. That's because you look like the worlds biggest Mexican. (im joking). But its not a constitution free zone by any means.
  4. You could stick the .22 round in a straw tape it and throw it in the air over pavement to get a similar affect.the straw is there to make sure it lands rim first.
  5. I think big brother may be shutting it down ^^^^. Moar fear! Lol. It worked for me yesterday.
  6. Seems like a really odd angle for a stove pipe of an unfired round to go from shoulder height in hands forward of the line of fire to thigh height behind the line.
  7. They could not that they will come to your house and knock on the door to review the papers. If they see a violation from the door it will fall under plain view. If the evidence of a violation could be destroyed or they are witnessing a criminal act then they can enter to seize the evidence or perform enforcement duties as needed. It is also common to have back up from another agency when going to someone's house so it is likely that the ATF agent may be accompanied by a local deputy. Once again I have never heard of the ATF actually doing a "knock and talk" to check paperwork of Joe schmoe NFA holder. All the ATF agents I know use it with the FFL holders to check them. Similar to the title 21 authorities of customs officers. They can board any vessel in water that connects to the ocean to check their documents. Part of checking the documents is checking the keel numbers which are located normally in the hull of the ship towards the front. While they are checking the keel number if they pass anything that gives them probable cause to believe there is a criminal violation they can handle it accordingly.
  8. Ah, the good ol' Slippery Slope. I don't want to ban magazines, I don't want to ban guns. I do want to have a outlet where people that need mental health help can get it, and have that outlet be available for everyone. That's my "great savior", and that's the absolute core of my argument. Apparently, from the level of vitriol that was leveled at the ACA, we can't have those nice things as a country. While they can only enter if you have an ffl they can still come to your house and request to review the documents for you NFA firearm. While waiting at the door if they see a criminal violation under their scope of duties then they can enter. Or if they have another agency there and the violation falls under their jurisdiction they can enter. Now none of the ATF agents I know have ever gone to someone's house just to check the paperwork for a NFA but they could. It doesn't take much time to reload magazine type firearms it also doesn't take training to be proficient at it. Maybe 2 seconds is a bit quick but it doesn't take much time. Allowing people to carry in restricted areas would be better than hoping a person is quick enough to close the distance between them and the shooter and over power them. It would be safer and easier for the person to use the 1-5 seconds while the bad guy is reloading and shoot them from across the room behind cover. With the psych it was a one time exam to determine if they are competent to own a firearm. If not there will be appeal processes. Like I said the whole mental health system needs rebuilt. Right now its just families take care of who they can unless they can afford assistance such as assisted living or a nursing home. The current state mental hospitals are over crowded and under funded. Leaving some with no help at all. Their only hope for treatment is to get locked up in the prison system which is a horrible environment for the mental people. What the prison system calls treatment is a few talks with a psych Dr. And a shit ton of meds. Meds only work when they are taken and even then sometimes they still fail. This nation needs to get away from throwing pills at its problems. I respect businesses decisions to not allow firearms. I was referring to public places more so. What is the ACA you are referring to?
  9. " Go back and re-read my argument. EVERYONE DOESN'T HAVE EQUAL FIREPOWER. Not in Mexico, not in Chicago, not in Ohio, and not anywhere else in the US. Police departments have easy access to full-auto rifles, not to mention surplus gear direct from the DoD, for free even. Do you have a APC? Do you have access to a LAW to attempt to penetrate the armor of a APC, thereby evening the odds? No, you don't. You also don't have easy access to full-auto weapons, unless they were made prior to 1986 and even then they're a little cost prohibitive. Just because you can tacticool out your AR15 to look like a SWAT rifle, doesn't make it on par with one." No not everyone has equal fire power all the more reason to not restrict what I can have or any other law abiding citizen. Actually I think I know a little more about the law enforcement aspect than you do. I actually do that stuff its not something I read in a book. I have quick access to a full auto M4A1 so you are wrong there. I have talked with several ATF agents recently and they are also against a weapons ban because they too know it will stir the pot and piss off the real gun nuts like the guy in the video. Especially if its done by way of an executive order. I know that a gun in the hands of a good person is not bad at all. The large majority of who I work with are of the mindset that (as I originally said) if the government gets to big with its gun control laws (not just a magazine restriction) they would not give up theirs or take other peoples guns. When I made the comment about them fighting right beside someone, that was referring to your statement that no one will ever do anything as far as picking up arms because police have full auto. If it got bad enough that people were picking up arms many police and military would also take up arms right beside them. Need an example how about the Revolutionary or Civil wars? Both were sparked out of oppression from the government. Police and military choose sides. If you think the military has the fire power to easily fight rebel groups how do you explain why there are still enemies attacking our troops in Afganistan and Iraq? It's because the military can't see off hand who is friend or foe same as here if it got that bad.
  10. What benefit did the ban have for columbine? Absolutely none. What benefit does the firearms ban have in Mexico? Absolutely none. What benefit do the strict gun laws have in Chicago? Absolutely none? That's all the proof I need that any type of firearms ban is ineffectiveand pointless. Why should I or any other person have to pay extra and jump through hoops because some crazy person does some dumb shit? Should every motorcycle rider have to pay a portion of a speeding ticket because some squid got caught speeding? The hoops you've got to go through to a full auto now would most likely be the same that they would use on a future ban. Such as a super high tax. Not to mention the one that is the most bullshit of giving up your 4th amendment right and giving the ATF the ability to enter your house at any time for inspections. So its not as simple as some extra paperwork and a couple extra bucks to own these restricted weapons like it is to get a ccw. So having less rounds limits how many people you can kill? A pair of cargo pants and a jacket can old a lot of magazines even if they are 10 round capacity. I can carry several 30 round magazines without a back pack or tying up my hands. How would a person carry an extra drum magazines without a back pack? Basically I could carry the same amount of rounds if I wanted to I would just need to reload more. The shooting continues until someone shows up and confronts the shooter. How many rounds were actually fired in these mass shootings anyways? My point being 10 10 round mags can easily be carried and kill around 40 or more people in a crowded area. Your argument about reloading being the great savior is total crap. If it takes a person longer than two seconds to reload then they probably don't have the mental capabilities to operate a weapon. A better solution is prevention. Such as better mental health checks. Hell I would even say it is ok to have to take a 1 time firearms course including the standard background check before being able to purchase a gun similar to the hunter safety courses. As long as the price was minimal, just enough to cover the cost of classes. Maybe even a psych evaluation with minimal cost. Pass that then you receive a permit to purchase firearms. We need to bring back the mental institutions and have help for those that need it. Instead of putting the burden of taking care of people with mental illness on their families and the legal system when the family fails. Do away with gun free zones. The same as you mentioned earlier about cops having M4s being a deterrent, if every person could possibly be armed it would make shooters think twice about shooting the place up. If people were able to be armed in these places you wouldn't need to wait for the shooter to reload and hope you can get to him while he's reloading if he can be shot from a distance. A weapons ban will affect me and my family. Say I teach my son to shoot using my AR-10 when he gets old enough if he wants to get one it'll cost him a lot more for the taxes to get the same weapon. Your quick to point out my reasons as being hypothetical but the thought of a weapons ban doing any good is hypothetical. It may reduce gun violence but that will only be replaced with violence using another tool.
  11. Sent and shared. Wonder if this can/should be done daily?
  12. I agree the nations people will not spark the fight. But if the government gets too big with gun control it will spark a bad fight. The big issue with this is how many cops, military etc. are going to fight the American people over a law that is contrary to the Constitution that they've sworn to protect? Too many people have died in the line of duty for any military or law enforcement personnel to just shit on everything this country was founded on. So IF you did pick up arms to fight not just our government but possibly an invading army the cop with the full auto M4 and his buddies will probably be right beside you. My point is just strengthened by your comment about the cops having superior fire power being a deterrent. Once again my original point was that stricter gun laws do not make a place any safer. Chicago and Mexico are both strict gun law areas and both are very violent. Reducing magazine size (which is what your calling for right?) Has no real benefit. The shooters keep shooting until opposition arrives and puts them down. If everyone has equal firepower it will help keep the peace.
  13. cOoTeR

    Ammo exchanges?

    Call them and see what they say can't hurt. Did you really say .45 acp? Or just .45? If I was still on Ohio is probably buy it from you but I'm not.
  14. I think that is normal while the bike is in gear and you try moving it. But I would check to make sure the spocket isn't wiggling on the shaft. If its not rotating without the shaft moving is say that's fine.
  15. What part of the person did it go through?
  16. I'll buy the gopro from you for $55 so you can buy one of these cameras.
  17. I never said anything about overthrowing our government just pointed out that I believe the people of Mexico would have had a better chance of fighting the corrupt government and cartels if they had more guns. I don't really see what your point is at all. You said that Mexico was a bad example of how less guns is a bad thing. It is proof that limiting the rights of what people can own as far as guns is not a good thing. There is no proof that a ban will reduce violence. All the ban will do is prevent people from being able to purchase equal fire power to protect themselves from bad people who will get the weapons even if it is illegal. All of this talk about bans is just an attack on guns and rights. People do bad stuff why should I have to be punished for the actions of others? People are going to kill people using whatever they can get their hands on. I feel that citizens of the united states should have the means to defend themselves from these people. The only time I would be comfortable with getting rid of my guns is if I knew 100% for sure no one else had one. But you can build a "gun" using 2 pieces of pipe an end cap and a screw. Reducing magazines size will only slow people down for a second or two. This would only make a difference in a shoot out situation. Wouldn't you want the good people to have the same equipment as the bad guys in a shoot out?
  18. I don't see how Mexico is a bad example, it proves that the bad guys will always have guns. If the people of Mexico had the guns to protect themselves before the cartels became soo powerful they would have had a chance keeping certain villages out of the cartels hands. How is a nation going to defend itself from a corrupt government if the government and bad guys are the only ones with guns? The argument aboutthe UK shows that getting rid of the guns doesn't reduce the violence. It reduces violence where a gun is used but violent people will always be violent. Less guns just means a different tool will be used. Gun control and bans are only good for oppressing the power of the people, strengthening the power of an oppressive government and giving criminals an easier way to commiting crime against others.
  19. cOoTeR

    Hot water tanks

    I've rented 2 places with the tankless and they are awesome. The only problem is the first place hadn't been lived in for a while and it seemed like you had to only turn on the hot water to get a hot shower. After bringing it up that I thought the water heater was wearing out the maintenance man turned the heat setting up on it pretty much to max. That sucked the first time turning the water on for a shower after that.
  20. Are you sure its illegal? I thought under federal law it could be made in a limited quantity for personal consumption and running equipment. It's definitely illegal to sell it though.
  21. I love that dudes outfit, showing off a little belly cleavage. If that's his going on the news attire I wonder what he was wearing when they broke in? That dude is gangsta! Did you see how he shot the bad guys holding the gun sideways?
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