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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. What are these cb caps? Aside from birds and safely killing cats inside what's their use? Are they legal in town or just quiet? I'm about to buy a house in a small neighborhood and I'm pretty sure firing one is frowned upon there. I'm probably going to need to get a pellet gun soon also.
  2. The rumors are popping up more and more so I think it will be a reality soon.
  3. There have been rumors about this for awhile now. Last I heard it was going to be pretty pricey but I've wanted to give one a try for awhile.
  4. Well his name is bad train driver.
  5. Originally it showed up that you had posted it twice. I just clicked on the link and got the same message. Don't know what happened to the other.
  6. You know you thought the same thing. If not your at least curious now.
  7. The deal so good it gets 2 threads. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101085 Does this count as a repost?
  8. According to Facebook she is always at World of Beers Easton.
  9. After reading a few of your posts I've got to wonder about the condition of your roast beef curtains. A beat up catchers mitt that's been chewed on by a pitbull comes to mind.
  10. With the power the modern 600's put out the way most people see it is if you need more power why settle for less? I know if they put a 1400 in a lighter sportbike I'd probably buy it just because. I know I don't need all the power but I want it. It's a blast to roll into all that power. I love running up the mountain roads here in first and second gear at about 75-80mph getting on the gas and feeling it pull away.
  11. Didn't realize you had multiple safes in your house. I understand the child issue and having a newborn I've been thinking about that a lot. I prefer the shotgun as a home defense gun but that's personal preference. Awhile back someone posted a link to a setup mounted to a bed with a vehicle style gun lock. I'll probably go that route along with a lockable drawer in a nightstand that's unlocked at night. I use my safe for storage but most of my handguns are loaded in there. While I'm awake and around the house I have my duty gun either on me or pretty close. As far as the rounds going off in a fire the way I've understood it to be like is if they are not in a chamber there is nothing to direct the blast. So the bullets do more of a case splitting than firing. Could it hurt someone well anything is possible. The fire fighters most likely won't be in the house unless there are other people to get out or they have the fire pretty well contained and feel its safe to enter. If your concerned about one extra round pay for a larger magazine then you won't need to worry about the chambered round during a fire. Or store it upside down.
  12. Drinking a jar of this is not = to drinking a jar of moonshine. Most recipes are 1 quart moonshine to 1gallon cider and 1 gallon apple juice. So 1 quart (the size I'm assuming your calling a "jar") of apple pie is equal to about 1/8th of the jar in straight shine. It's a lot weaker then regular whiskey. Just saying.
  13. I don't see the point of keeping the loaded gun in a safe especially if its not going to be in an area you will be near by. If its a defense gun what exactly is your plan? Run past the bad guys to the basement unlock the safe and return before they do harm to your family? Or gather your family and move them to the basement and make a stand there?
  14. I just got a helmet camera I can start posting some rides on here for you.
  15. Your a horrible drunk chick. How do you get too drunk to post boobie pics? It should be a goal of yours to get drunk enough to do things you'll regret later. Just getting drunk enough to pass out is amateur shit.
  16. Yeah it was pretty funny. It happened while the gap trip was going on.
  17. You gotta be careful using that word around here. I got an infraction for calling exarch a cunt.
  18. But if your the type of person that takes the mirrors off your bike for street use it means your cool.
  19. In this case going ballz deep in a random bush is a bad thing!
  20. Where the hell have you been? Also I post a shit ton on here how do I not make that list?
  21. Everyone knows a leather outfit makes you a super hero.
  22. http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/region_s_palm_beach_county/boynton_beach/nathan-norman-boynton-beach-police-grant-terminally-ill-boys-wish
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