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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I was looking at this thread and it inspired me to take my rc out to lunch. Gotta love the looks the open pipes get.
  2. So what's the price tag?
  3. I think they have some radioactive bikes there after the nuclear plant blew up.
  4. Or you could patch it back together then go accidentally wreck it. That is if you have full coverage. Or sell it to a track guy cheap no title then say it was stolen. *this is a joke I'm not encouraging you to commit insurance fraud.
  5. It's rocking an 1832cc engine let's not short it those 32cc's lol.
  6. Sounded to me like he was just getting off the bike. Just because he lost sight of them doesnt mean they lost sight of him. If there were 2 cops on the stop its pretty likely one got a positive reading on the tag and probably ran it. May have came back with something of interest possible warrant and such. If they had lost sight of him the best excuse he could use is " I wasn't on the bike. A guy that was thinking of buying it test rode it and just left decided he didn't want it." Be prepared to give a vague description "he was about 6' white dark hair said his name was Mike, drove a 4 door dark colored Honda". The only problem is your lying to the police if they have any way to prove it was you video matching you to a T no helmet or they actually never lost sight your going to get hammered. Attitude is the biggest factor of how the stop will go. Being polite and not trying to rush the cop goes a long way. Even minor things can be construed as attitude sighing, rolling your eyes making a face like your pissed. I've never been pulled over and had an issue with law enforcement. When I got my last speeding ticket I knew I deserved it I was doing 80mph in a 55 heading towards a 35mph zone. I was very polite the whole time and the cop said he didn't really want to ticket me but he had called it out on the radio to other cops up the road to look out for me because he didn't think he could catch me since I was doing 80. OT wouldn't look good on him to not ticket me. I said oh well its not like I wasn't doing it. Then he said I bet that thing is a whole lot faster then that (referring to my CBR). I said oh yeah wanna race? My point is be nice and accept what you did. If you didn't do what your being accused of stay relaxed knowing you can find a way to prove his mistake. Any type of disagreeing can be seen as arguing. They may be dicks at first but that's because they don't know who they are dealing with but trust me if your polite they will calm down. Now go out to your street and film the area you rode in or at least take pictures of the speed limit signs and document their location. Get on a map site (mapquest Google rand mcnalley) and put your route in there.You left work or where ever at this time and got home at that time (hopefully the timing is close to the time it'd take to do the route obeying the speed limit.). Now print that map out and the location of the other stated road. This will show that it would be illogical for you to be on the other road. Take it to court and show 1 you were doing the speed limit. 2 the cop made a Mistake (not the cop is an idiot). If that other road is nearby it may not work but you can ask the cop if the place you violated this was at the traffic stop. Then ask if he can show the route he took from the stop to your apartment. This part is becoming a bit of a stretch to accomplish w/o a lawyer. Ask to see the documentation from the other stop dispatch transcripts and any tickets written. If his documentation shows him being on a different road than your ticket it will show his mistake. Make sure you dress nice and are well groomed when you go to court and don't wear a hat. My guess of what happened is he saw the other car on the road stated on your ticket and mistakingly wrote the same info on your ticket. One time I had a cop write a date on a ticket that was prior to me getting the ticket for my court date. I showed up a month late claiming I couldn't make the date on the ticket due to my inability to go back in time I thought it was a mistake and I was supposed to be in court on the current date. I didn't enter a plea but asked if I could speak to the judge and prosecutor first. I told asked if I plead guilty to speeding if I could get no points and no court costs just pay the fine. Then the prosecutor asked the judge if he and I could talk since the court room was not the place for the current discussion. The prosecutor also pointed out to the judge that he could see where the officer had corrected the date on his copy of the ticket. The judge agreed to let the prosecutor and I talk and scheduled a new court date. I had to wait for a few more cases to go through then the prosecutor and I talked. I told him what I thought was fair pay the fine and no court cost or points and he would get the warrant for me not appearing removed since that was the cops error and I couldn't make the date he put on my ticket. He agreed and all I had to do was pay the speeding fine.
  7. The reasoning that he shouldn't have given you a ticket because you could have ran is juvenile. Running would have been a good way to get yourself hurt and turn it into a felony. Maybe he didn't want to ticket you but the cop you passed relayed your speed and info expecting him to cite you. He maybe purposely put the errors on the ticket so it would get thrown out. Or since you didn't have valid proof of insurance he had to ticket you per department policy.
  8. Lean off the bike and you don't have to lean it as far. The only way you'll figure it out is either take the advice given here or do your own thing until you crash. Right now it seems like you feel like doing the second part based on your arguing of the advice given.
  9. Snap caps work too. Getting a double feed simulation is a little tricky with em but its good practice.
  10. So you still have the camera? What model contour2? Is it the one that is Bluetooth capable? If so I'll buy it. Let me know shipping to 85644.
  11. Do you ever try practicing Drawing, shooting, reloading and clearing malfunctions with the non-dominate hand only?
  12. Did you get it on film?
  13. He tried that last part and failed.
  14. You cannot turn a bike by just leaning. Watch the cornering bible on YouTube they explain it and why it looks and feels like the rider is only leaning.
  15. I think there will be quite a bit of bumping coming off the straight. I'd like to see it. Heck they've had NASBIKE there why not baby Nascar.
  16. Is rock it. Around $20,000 I'll wait till the price drops. yeah throw some crazy loud pipes and blare some loud rock music. The colors will match my gear too.
  17. Then your going too fast before you turn in. Your panic breaking.
  18. The brand new price is $20,000 for the model listed (I missed a zero). I don't think its too much of a stretch that a used one would go for $5,000 less after these have been out a year. These aren't the full size ones all they have is a glove box and hard saddle bags, no touring box. It's their attempt to get at the younger cruiser crowd who doesn't want to go full size yet.
  19. I know where you can find a race ready 03 cbr 600 for around $2,500.
  20. What did you use to black out the exhaust? Engine block high temp paint?
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