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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Or I came home and decided to put a garden in the backyard at 2am. Less people poking around.
  2. You know they used to say all the same bad shit would happen to a person if they went over 18 miles an hour back in the day.
  3. Next time just tell them your hanging out with a bunch of gun nuts you met online.
  4. I went on a beer run once and my friend only had his card so he said to give him our cash for what we owed for the beer and use his card. He didn't go for whatever reason. Went to the gas station bought the beer and signed his name (with his permission). The next day his card got declined / shut off by Chase Bank do to suspected fraud.
  5. That's how you meet new people with similar interest instead of hanging out with their (the person asking the question) boring ass all the time. It's nice to learn new routes. Or just tell them its an excuse to get on the bike where you can't hear your wife nagging all the time.
  6. I didn't watch the whole second video but it sounded like he was saying it was the ups drivers fault. What a winner.
  7. Isn't this guy the same one who hit a deer then screamed for his mom? I'm pretty sure he was wearing the same squid outfit.
  8. And the same video with a crash. Cool stuff like this is never done in English.
  9. http://abcnews.go.com/m/story?id=17377808 Seems like It's a little to close to the time of the other embassy attacks to not be related.
  10. Should have titled this as Free Pussy. You'd get a lot more interest.
  11. One of the comments on the latest link stated the truck passed several cars to chase down the bike and slam on the brakes infront of him. It also stated that at the 23 intersection the truck started backing at the motorcyclist and that's when he shot the tail gate. I'm guessing this is where he snapped.
  12. Interested to hear the details on this.
  13. A scooter is not a motorcycle or else it would be called a MOTORCYCLE. I'm far from a squid so you must be mistaking me for someone else. You were all butt hurt as soon as I said I don't wave at scooters before I called it a nerd mobile. I would really like to see the rider that can use a scooter and out ride an average rider on a sportbike. I never said I was the greatest rider or my bike was the best. I said motorcycles are better than scooters. Hell I never mentioned my bike that was you two. Also I don't care how bad you want to fuck me its not going to happen. I really don't give 2 shits if you like me or not. It's just a sad life when you dislike someone because they don't wave at you even though they don't know you.
  14. No I wave a motorcycle riders not scooters. All I've said was I don't wave to people who ride scooters on purpose. You got all pissy about it and started with saying fuck you to me, seems like your the doucher. You sound a little jealous to me. If your so hi and mighty and wave at all riders how often do you wave at people on pedal bikes?
  15. If you feel you must challenge me to prove your manhood because I dislike your nerd mobile. Alright challenge accepted. http://www.motorcycleroads.us/roads/az_us191.html http://excessivelocity.blogspot.com/2009/05/arizona-191-old-666-devils-highway.html This road is only about two hours from where I live just let me know when you wanna go for a ride. Just don't run yourself off of the edge of one of the cliffs. I'd hate for you to be known as the guy that went down trying to prove to the world scooters are cool.
  16. Gotta love the AZ crazies. I've said it before there is something about the desert that attracts crazy people.
  17. I love the emails stating they are a broker and will sell your shit for a 15% commission.
  18. There were a few cruisers in there also. I really like the bike that comes on the screen in the first video on the exit ramp. It appears to be modded for stunting and has no rear fender, license plate or brake light. (at least not that I saw). That's always good for a group ride.
  19. Title sums it up. http://m.autoblog.com/2012/09/20/what-happens-when-a-swarm-of-stunt-motorcyclists-meets-a-police/
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