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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I think it was a contest to climb the tree and they were helping by pushing him up the tree.
  2. I know its not right and bad luck to make fun of another bikers crash, but if its 100% due to their stupidity it makes it ok right? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf0BjyVXQdg If you need a tree to help you do a burnout you've already failed.
  3. cOoTeR

    close call.

    In my younger dumber early days of riding I was on my friends bike doing triple digit speed and outta nowhere it felt like I got hit in the helmet with baseball bat. I don't know how I stayed on and kept the bike upright. My friend pulled up beside me after I stopped and I asked him WTF just happened. He said "you destroyed that fucking sparrow! Did you see it?" No I didn't but he told me it looked like it swallowed a lit stick of dynamite after it hit the top of the helmet. I could image a full size bird being like hitting a cinder block.
  4. It's all about learning to lead them. Or finding them sitting still on a branch.
  5. They are pretty good pan fried also.
  6. cOoTeR

    first gun

    Nope. I guess it doesn't apply to AK's either.
  7. I always liked wrapping the breast up in bacon and bbq-ing them.
  8. From what I've heard those things don't try to move either.
  9. cOoTeR

    first gun

    Guns go together like I puzzle it should fit snug but if your forcing anything its wrong.
  10. Deer vs suzuki at 85mph
  11. At least its just deer there. Out here there is open range cattle and the areas that aren't open range they still get out onto the road. The big ones only worry me around blind curves they don't dart into the road or run when you get close. It's the young ones that are scary. They will be laying beside the road then as soon as you get close they get spooked and run right infront of you. One day I had 2 about 200 lbs. Each decide they wanted to run across the road when I was in my work truck. The first ones head hit on the bumper then it rolled down the drivers side denting the front fender and both doors. The second "t-boned" the side of the truck at the bed right under the gas fill tube. It really dented that in then rolled down the side of the bed and putting a dent behind the wheel. It was $5,000 in damage and that was fixed in house basically all they did was straighten the bumper and pop the dents out, no paint.
  12. When riding on leaves ride it like your riding on ice. Slow and steady on all controls. Keeping your visor clean is the biggest factor with fog + rain other than the weather. Even if it looks somewhat clean the oils and other road grime will make the rain smear instead of bead up. Cracking the visor barely open helps with fog but if you do it in the rain a lot your helmet may start to stink. To clear the rain I turn my head to the side a couple times and that normally works. Also if your visor is kind of old it may be more prone to rain smearing and fogging.
  13. Lol. I dated a girl who worked on an old folks home and she would tell me how the old guys would punch her and stuff. We will just say I have different opinions on how to handle that then she did.
  14. It's kind of true if the kids weren't buying her husband wouldn't be selling.
  15. She's a teacher the broad was probably selling it at school. Denial is always the first defense. I pulled a guy over and as soon as I got to the drivers door all I could smell was air freshener and cheap cologne. I noticed about a dozen air fresheners strewn all over the car. I called the k-9 unit out and the dog alerted to the car. When we searched it we found 42.5lbs of pot wrapped in packaging tape hidden in the car. The guy claimed he didn't know it was there.
  16. What does one do in a "stripper club"?
  17. cOoTeR

    first gun

    My whole point is that the smaller round doesn't always mean the shooter will be more accurate. If you can be accurate with the small round you can be just as accurate with a large round. It boils down to practice hands down. The punching theory above was to add stress to the above situation to illustrate the point. Being punched in the face is a lot better then being shot. If you had one shot to defend your life with would you really choose a .38 over a larger caliber or shotgun round. You mentioned the .410 not having a good range. How much range do you need in a defence situation? The the PDX-1 round for the .410 should be more than sufficient for daily use. While shot typically won't penetrate it'll still put ya on your ass. The bigger the shot the better. I've seen a demonstration of a vest draped over a car door and shot with a 12 gauge slug. The slug punched a hole in the car door and stuffed the vest halfway thru the hole. You may be surprised with the things criminals can get their hands on nowadays. The world around us is getting more and more violent. Yet us as a society are becoming softer and softer. The guys my co-workers and I deal with can and do get their hands on vests. We have seized hand grenades out of cars driven by gang members.
  18. cOoTeR

    first gun

    The pics hard to see on my phone what'd ya get? What do you know about it?
  19. cOoTeR

    first gun

    I have a .380 that kicks harder than my .40, .45, and my wifes .410/45LC. I know of a shooting in Columbus with a .38sp where the guy was hit in the head and the bullet bounced off. A .40 would not have done that without breaking bone. The energy transfer of the bigger calibers is a lot greater than the smaller calibers. I still stand by the shot gun being way better either in the long form (870) or short ( taurus judge) than a regular round. If you take an inexperienced shooter and give them a .38 and stood them in front of a target the size of a pop can. Told them how to work the gun and aim then told them if they miss your going to punch them in the face. Then you do the same with a shotgun and I bet they fuck the can up more with the shotgun. I used to qual with the .38s when I worked at the prison. There were people that wouldn't even hit the paper of the torso targets we used but they would do great with the .870. Now the ODRC has switched to glock .40's. I've also done training on how to skip shot a shotgun. It's a lot easier and predictable than a handgun round. Also the glorified 9 doesn't do shit to a bullet proof vest. A shotgun while it won't go through the vest will push the vest into the target.
  20. cOoTeR

    first gun

    You spelled cum wrong.
  21. cOoTeR

    first gun

    Did you read the part about moose knuckle flooring?
  22. cOoTeR

    first gun

    You just check to see if the carpet matches the drapes. If the flooring is bare moose knuckle you'll just have to wait till that moose starts growing some fur back on its knuckles.
  23. cOoTeR

    first gun

    Either in her purse or the diaper bag, the ccw laws out here rock. All you have to be is a law abiding resident and you can carry concealed or open. It's nice to know most people are carrying. There's also a lot less of the no guns allowed signs.
  24. cOoTeR

    first gun

    If you care to read this former cop and current morgue workers take on the caliber debate it pretty much is the same as I feel about it. http://www.gunthorp.com/Terminal%20Ballistics%20as%20viewed%20in%20a%20morgue.htm To each their own but it does boil down to shot placement. The larger the caliber the larger the area for an effective shot. When shooting for real compared to practice its a lot harder to be accurate. So when the Original Poster said the gun would be for range and defense I suggested the shot guns. It's a lot easier to hit a target with the 9 rounds that come out of a 00 round then with 1 out of a smaller handgun round. Even with a range gun I prefer the shotgun due to its versatility the opportunity to shoot moving targets. But the OP is more into handguns apparently so the taurus judge is still my suggestion. It's what my wife carries because she's able to hit what she intends to easier. She does ok with my .45 but doesn't like the grip. She hates my .380 kel-tech because of the felt recoil due to the small size.
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