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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. My friend that got kicked out of the military will tell you he wishes he was still in but it came down to a choice weed or military. He choose weed. He was doing a lot better in life while in the National Guard. He had a good job that he also lost due to drug tests. A girlfriend and son that he lost due to not being responsible / able to support them. Maybe because I don't like weed I can step back and honestly say I can see a lot more people that would be better off if they didn't smoke weed. I also see first hand how it gets into the country and the effect it has on the people of Mexico. It's still Federally illegal and I think the government needs to shit or get off the pot here soon. Either they need to embrace legalization or crackdown on the states making it legal. Is weed worse than alcohol? I can't say but I do know you can make the research favor whatever side you want. Is it that those people would have screwed up their lives without weed. Maybe but I know more people that are unsuccessful in life that smoke than those that are unsuccessful and don't smoke. All the alcoholics I know that are unsuccessful also smoke. Does that mean everyone that smokes will fail no but I think it helps make it easier to fail and accept it. Would people be able to be more successful and smoke if it were legal? Probably but there are a lot of people that would rather lose their job instead of quitting weed. As long as the better paying employers drug test and punish for failure weed will keep certain people from bettering their lives.
  2. Should always have a throw down gun.
  3. I know a lot of people that smoke a lot of pot and their lives are not as good as they could be. One friend would smoke all the time then he just didn't give a shit and quit going to school because he'd rather get stoned all day. Now he lives with his mom and works for jiffey lube. Another friend went to college and blew through a trust fund getting stoned and drunk. Then he dropped out after being at a 2 year tech college for 4.5 years. Now he installs sports equipment for DICKS SPORTING GOODS. Another friend got kicked out of the National Guard for failing too many drug tests. Yes he failed several knowing that he was going to get kicked out. Not because he wanted out he just liked weed soo much and didn't give a shit. He lives with his grandma and works for his dads machine shop. He wishes he never got kicked out of the military but still smokes weed. All of these guys are about 26 yrs old and working jobs high schoolers can get.
  4. Here's a better view of the bikes. The third looks like a dualsport.
  5. I think it would have been a better video if one wiped out trying to take off on the slick floor.
  6. I flagged it for best of craigslist.
  7. Wow good luck with the calls you'll get from that^^^^
  8. Use a friends bullets to do bad things.
  9. You can always sit on your bike and make vroom vroom noises.
  10. Depends on how long you are planning on going without getting more rounds and the rate of fire for the firearm.
  11. Also who would take the guns? Most military and law enforcement are avid gun owners and the ones that aren't know how impossible it'd be to take them. Steps to prevent you guns being seized. 1. Can't take em if they don't know you have em. I sold them a few years back at a gun show. 2. Can't take em if they can't find em. Hide them. 3. Show them you'll protect them. If they are going to take em use em. Why not?
  12. The listed firearms companies have all put campaign money into politicians pockets on both the democratic and republican sides. Never pass that strict. If it does just go to YouTube and learn how to make a zip gun.
  13. What weight does that list actually hold?
  14. Depends on the agency. None are out looking for it. But when they come across it they take it. Where they draw the line on how much is the limit before citing/prosecuting is normally over what the state says is legal. The agency I work for you need several pounds before they will prosecute. If your over the state limit we will call local or state Leo's to deal with it. If your within state regs its taken along with any accessories (pipes bongs pop cans). Then it gets turned over to DEA.
  15. When it comes to taking guns who is going to do it? If you really think about it most military and law enforcement LOVE guns. The ones that don't know how crazy it would be to try and take them. Over regulation is what we have to worry about but I doubt they'd push their luck right now.
  16. It's still federally illegal.
  17. Then I doubt you'd have trouble controlling your throttle on a bigger bike.
  18. Have you ever been in an old folks home? Ask one of those guys what they'd do with a fat hooker? Of you think the answers going to be play cards and sip prune juice. The real answers would give you nightmares. Old people are down with the Jiggle and wiggle although its more of a sag and sway.
  19. Then the answer to all the problems is, HOOKERS AND BLOW AND AN ORGY. Just make sure the Hookers are the hot politician call girl types. Not the street level missing teeth negotiate for a BJ type.
  20. What's the fastest you've taken your current bike to? Was it to the limiter?
  21. I see. Lol. That was a result of being up all night. I lumped motorcycles in as automobiles. And the bankrupt thing threw me off like imprez stated.
  22. Didn't he build the car companies along with the nations highway system and bridges?
  23. If you offer your top dollar and he says no you have no room to haggle. Chances are he won't take your first offer. That's how haggling works.
  24. ASMC will wind down and discontinue new automobile sales in the continental U.S. The Company has determined the best path to achieve this realignment in an efficient and orderly manner is to restructure its operations under chapter 11. The Company will continue to bring ASMC products to market, including its full lineup of sportbike, cruiser, touring, scooter, dualsport, motocross, off-road motorcycles and KingQuad ATV line, as well as its flagship DF300AP, state-of-theart DF20A, and DF15A, among other models. I may just be tired but do these statements from above conflict each other? Also +1 on the samurai, get drunk enough and find a small enough object and you've got a monster truck.
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