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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Tents are a lot cheaper and you'll sleep just as well when your drunk.
  2. Well I just signed up for an "open" track day at this place with Evan Steel Performance. They are fairly big names out here with guys like Holden and Yates who have raced for their teams. It should be pretty interesting being an "open" track day. But it was limited to 20 people and if its too crowded they are going to break it into groups. But the schedule is 8am gates open, riders meeting at 845 and track goes green at 9 as long as you've gone through tech inspection. Lunch included in the price at noon then track is back open till 5. Should be a good time and it was only $155 so I couldn't pass it up.
  3. Kind of neat but I don't really like the idea of a push button shifter on a sport bike. Riding a bike requires a lot of attention and multitasking. Some people just can't multitask and are afraid to try to ride a bike because of learning how to shift. An automatic bike will take that away and allow people to not be as scared and jump on the bike when they can't pay attention to traffic and working the controls. People may hop on it thinking its the same as riding a bicycle or driving a car.
  4. Good luck. I wouldn't do the open enrollment I know of at least 5 guys that did that and the only work they can get is part time and auxiliary. The job market is flooded with people trying to get a Leo job right now. Why would a city or small town hire full time when they've got enough people to do it part time or auxiliary? Your best chance is look into federal honestly. If you are willing to relocate and are interested in that look into usajobs.gov. I had a friend of mine that was part time in Ohio for a couple of departments but kept getting passed up for full time due to affirmative action. He moved to California and got hired on out there no problem.
  5. Your answer is in this for sale thread. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=95415&page=2
  6. That's the same shit those storm chasing roofers use come in do the job for less guaranty it for life. Do a bunch of shitty roof jobs real quick then when the next storm comes through they've already closed up shop and moved on doing it elsewhere under a different company name. It happened twice about 2 summers ago when we had a lot of bad storms to a friend of mine. The first repair he had done he just paid out of pocket to one of those shit companies. Then his roof got screwed up worse in the next storm due to their crappy work. He tried to track the company down but they were nowhere to be found and when he talked to someone at the number he had from the business they told him that guy closed up shop. The second time he claimed the repairs to his insurance and they hired a similar type of crew. But when that didn't hold up the insurance company paid to have it repaired again.
  7. If its a beater he'll probably take less which means you have a cheap toy. It'll be like a cheap hooker ride her till your tired of it or she starts leaking. then strangle her light her on fire and drop her off in a shallow lake.
  8. Tampons are great for nose bleeds maybe a hit to a meaty area. I did use a maxipad and duct tape to patch a hole I put in my forearm with a broad head. It held up pretty good. But a worst case scenario wound may require more. I think a quick and small kit that you can carry on you while carrying a gun is just being prepared. It just seems crazy because people don't want to think about the possibility of being shot. Why prepare to engage a threat if your not going to prepare for the threat hitting you or another person? A standard kit is just to large to carry a lot and often doesn't have the supplies to deal with major trauma. These guys and many others sell these types of kits. http://www.chinookmed.com/cgi-bin/category/k-tactical
  9. Gear up warm and ride. Just take your time.
  10. I didn't feel like starting a new thread and since most of the gun guys are in this thread I decided it would fit here. I know a lot of us carry a gun and some train to use it. But how many carry a medical kit to address being shot? If you are in a gun fight its fairly likely that you may get shot. Do you prepare on that or are you going to rely on someone else to save you? Or do you really believe you quick draw mcgraw skills will ensure you never lose. Just because your hit doesn't mean your out and you can fight through it but how are you going to prevent bleeding out after the threat is gone? Most paramedics will not enter a scene of a shooting unless its been determined safe by law enforcement. Most law enforcement won't enter without back up. It can take a while until you get help. What do you or would you carry in a med kit? I'm putting one together now and I'm going to put in a turniquet (sp), a compression bandage, gauze, tape and maybe some quick-clot. Remember 2nd place in a gun fight gets you nothing except a cold stone trophy with your name and two dates on it.
  11. I was expecting the refueling plane to pre-maturely blow its load and give the other plane a facial. Lol. But that was some crazy stuff.
  12. It's scary enough with just the wad being shot at you. If you leave one loaded your going to have quite a mess to clean up. Whether you hit them or they just shit everywhere.
  13. It's the same manner of thinking. Only criminals buy cheap guns. = Only criminals carry guns. = If someone carries a gun into my store they are going to use it illegally against me. I better tell people they are not allowed to carry a gun in my store I bet they will listen. It all boils down to the fear of those who are not educated about guns who believe all guns are bad. They are ignorant enough to believe that eliminating the gun will stop the violent tendencies of certain people. As if the person touches the gun then becomes possessed by it and starts commiting crimes. The scary thing is the way the people that live in / around D.C. view guns that way. I have a cousin who lives + works in D.C. along with her husband. They came to Ohio shortly after they got married. This was the first time he had really gotten to know most of the family. He was shocked when we started talking about guns and invited him out to go shoot with us. He was pro-gun and had a 9mm with him but was shocked how open we were about gun ownership. He told us how most of the people he talks to and works with would think he is some kind of criminal for having a gun. That's the common mindset there and its scary because of the politicians that live there some share that way of thinking. I'm the type of guy that thinks everyone should be armed. I think when you get on a plane everyone should be handed a knife when you go through the gate. That would make it harder to commit your planned act of violence knowing you are out numbered by armed people. As far as having the right to go else where when a business says no guns. What if that's the only business around that has what I want? Then I've got to give up my right to carry a gun or drive how ever far it is to the next place that will allow me to carry? In my opinion that's crap. What about taking my kid to school or watching sporting events? You can't go to another school and watch your kids play sports. Or school board meetings. People have been shot inside and on the front steps of court houses, another place you can't carry a weapon or take your business else where.
  14. You could pour the shot out of some shot shells and have the badguys shoot those at you. Not very safe but fun if you have strict safety checks.
  15. Yet they say we can't carry guns in certain areas because they don't want bad guys to do it.
  16. The distributor should be fine. Hell the ATF allowed guns to be purchased illegally and delivered to Mexico. All so they can see who is getting them and track them. Kind of hard to keep track of illegal shit in a country you don't work in so they lost them. Now those guns are being linked to all kinds of violence.
  17. I've got one but I paid less than $700 for it and it shows. But its fun to have such a beater bike that's also pretty badass at the same time.
  18. What about throwing.a paint clearcoat over the top, would that help durability?
  19. I'd ride either one of these bikes but I would never pay what the owners of those bikes think they are worth. The money for the viper bike you could have a a house and decent collection of race worthy bikes.
  20. When I was in the academy the firing line was pretty crowded it was almost a daily occurrence to get hot brass dropped into your shirt. The course of fire was timed with turning targets so there wasn't much you could do about to try to get the brass out without lowering your score. The worst time it happened to me was when we were doing tactical rifle training with the M4. I had two spent casings drop down into my under shirt. When I flinched one of them fell down under my vest and just pressed against my back. That was a pretty good burn.
  21. Here's an expensive box you tacti-cool guys may like. http://www.tactical-life.com/online/products/heracles-research-consolebunker/?hp=products_title
  22. Maybe find some beat up / broken fairing from someone's crash thread and try it out on that. Maybe you could zip tie a piece to the front of your car and see how it looks after a bit.
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