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Everything posted by Saacattack

  1. Who the fuck was that person?
  2. That would suck to get left behind like that
  3. I'll check it out. Beats driving to the dealer but I'll drive there if I have to
  4. I found it! Sneaky bastard! So where can I take it to get a copy made?
  5. Mhmm, I'll have to look into that and see if they can do that
  6. well, not in the dumpster, so that's a start
  7. god dude, i know! I hate all of this, it's actually kind of making me hate this bike
  8. So I lost my ONE and ONLY motorcycle key:(.........and have NOOO fucking clue where I put it. awesome. just awesome. I'm thinking my girlfriend stole it and will put it on the table in the morning because i'm accusing her of stealing it because of a fight we had. gah! or its in the dumpster outside...i really don't want to go dumpster diving, but again, she is my everything. riding is worth it.
  9. Clearly im don't know anything mechanically about my bike. But I'm learning! I would check the volt meter but I don't have a reader
  10. Well I just took it to iron pony and they read the battery and it's good. They said it wasn't corroded but, does that make sense of it smelt like sulfur on the trickle charger? I'm no mechanic, so I'm thinking I'll have to have them or the triumph dealership look at it and see. I'm going to ride again tonight and see if the bike died on me again
  11. I could be wrong, but i put a post up about my battery and the bike dying on me. about a week after i put that post up, i charged it, rode about 4 miles and it died on me. luckily i was near home so i walked it back. I took out the battery and charged it, but this time it smelled like sulfur and was making a different sound while charging.
  12. So my battery is corroded and I'm trying to figure out if it's just the battery or if its the alternator. is there a way to check and see if you have a bad alternator without me having to go to a shop?
  13. didn't they say there were supposed to be more zombies(not necessarily zombie massacre, but something lol)? I guess if they are trying to make it some what real it makes sense but I'm starting to fall off this wagon. In the first season they had more zombies just walking around. When I think of walking dead, I think of rick and glenn covered in zombie guts to get the truck in the construction site. But i'm guessing that will all change here shortly next week
  14. sort of off topic. you guys know a good site I can watch last nights episode at? the one i usually watch off of it being homo(megashare.info). I could wait all week and watch before the finale, but prefer not to. Although, I did just read through all the comments so i generally know what happened hahaha
  15. charged my battery and she started right up!
  16. What colors are available? and I'll send a envelope that way
  17. Alright, I'll get a garage then. I'll be there Sunday and Monday. If anyone else wants to split the garage, let me know
  18. grapes, have you already signed up and everything? if you did, did you get a garage when you signed up? I'm waiting for the money to show in my bank account then i'm signing up and if none of us have a garage yet, i'll get one for both days and then split the cost then or whatever. you got some other buddies you know who might come that aren't on this site?
  19. Anyone want to share a garage?
  20. I'm thinking it's my battery. I started taking it apart and i turned the key and my headlights were real dim and then I looked at the gauge and those were dim and faded. So I'm going to charge it and see if that was the problem.
  21. don't worry, I'll be in the novice group too
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