I've run for the past 10 years (competitively in HS and should have in college lol that's another story though) and work at the running shop and coached HS cross country for 3 years. 1)you most likely have the wrong shoes. Possibly size but mostly the function of your foot and shoe. 2)Don't get too repetitive. It's like lifting, if you do the same thing over and over and over again you don't see much. you should which up your distance. Whether it's going farther or shorter(but not sprinting stuff) 4)as far as breathing goes, try to inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. it will get a smoooth rythem going so you can relax. The other thing that will help is if you can keep your arms at 90 degree angles and move them just back and forth.(if you don't run like that and you do, you will feel like a robot) 3)The reason why you pick it up towards the end is because you're tired and just want to be done. Almost everyone does it at some point. hold you're self back from picking it up. just because you wouldn't be tired at the end doesn't mean you didn't get a workout in As far as shoes go through, I'd make a drive to Cinci or Columbus and go to Fleet Feet(I worked in Columbus and currently work in PA). We will look at you your feet, see what they are doing functionally and get you proper shoes. Sounds silly, but will makes a night and day difference. What race did you sign up for?