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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Sub-sonics out of a 26inch target barrel do the trick in the city limits.
  2. I used to want one..... until I read the part about the ballistics being similar to the .22mag. I'll take the magnum. There are a few out there with ridiculous capacity magazines.
  3. C-bus

    Baby Ben

  4. Nickelodeon's coverage sucked..... young bucks...
  5. It's like one of those peep shows. Oh baby....yes....that's right....who's your daddy ... slam goes the window. Fuck! Do you have change for a $10?
  6. I can't tell if this is trolling or putting the cart way before the horse. Did you buy this bike or are you still considering options? I seem to recall you wanting something sportier than a vtx, but now a full-out track bike? To each his own. If you're sincere, you've come to the right place, but I really think you should search you soul for what you are really looking for. IMO
  7. I thought you might have. Sometimes my sarcasm is not sarcastic enough.
  8. I believe this to be true. Know that GAP insurance is required when you are paying more than it's worth.
  9. No, I chose my words carefully. My statement implies a wrongful attempt to convict, perpetrated by a biased media. I think she is guilty, but a jury could not find her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based on the prosecution's presentation. The system worked. The prosecution failed. The media "failed"...... that was one of those sarcasm things.
  10. The defense did a masterful job of poking holes and creating doubt. Big brother failed to prove their case. The media failed to convict her. My gut says she's guilty, but the system worked as designed. As bad as it is, it was refreshing to see a jury consider the case in front of them and not the media-manufactured bias.
  11. Scottish /German. Speak fluent English, Scottish, Irish, British, Canadian, and a little Australian ... "put the shrimp on the bar-b..!". Ride Japanese and drive Japanese.
  12. I prefer to think of some of these things as "suggestions ". Common sense is my revised code.
  13. Other than lane-splitting, California is doing everything it can to destroy the sport. I'm sure the riding is extraordinary, but putting it on the list would be sacrilegious. Communist bastards.....
  14. I'm not absolutely sure but I believe Florida may have laws prohibiting gear. I've been here for a few days now and haven't seen more than a helmet.
  15. 11. I don't have either but would like to own various models of both.
  16. Welcome! We used to sail from sandusky to Huron every year to winter the boat. Great little town.
  17. Sorry for your loss. At least you didn't have to take that painful trip to the vet that most of us eventually suffer through.
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