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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I just finished reading the whole thread. So utterly full of win.
  2. C-bus

    new here

    Welcome and keep us posted on your search.
  3. C-bus

    Carry options

    P95 is too bulky. You'll never carry it. I have three in the carry rotation... Glock 19, Walther PPK, and SW 642 revolver.
  4. True Story.... Got clipped in September of 2005. Waited the recommended 12 weeks before flying without a net. Made absolutely sure that I met the required number of ..... well, you know. Took my cup in. "Looks good" says the doc. Wife conceives that night. The moral of the story... If the doc says "12 weeks", wait 20 weeks. If the doc says 20.. well, you know, do it 50 times. 99.9% effective still leaves .1%. Great kid though. Glad it happened. The boys hurt for about 2 days. Wife's sympathy lasts for about 2 hours. And now you know....... the rest of the story.
  5. C-bus

    Carry options

    You have a lot of choices for under $500. You can pick up a Ruger P95 for less than $300 right now at Vance's. A S&W Sigma for $279. M&Ps (although actually intended to be used by limp-wristed girly men:D) will go for mid $400s, XDs and Glocks are right there as well. Bad is/was selling his Beretta PX4C for a great price on this forum as well. Go pick up a few and see how they feel. Stick with a major brand as there is some junk out there.
  6. I used to keep one in the ashtray of my camaro back in highschool, but that's another thread.
  7. Black guns commit more murders than any other color. They should be banned.
  8. I've got a 3-9x Leupold that I'll part with for $100. I think it was $250+ new. Barely used. I had it on my 30-30 before I asked myself WTF was I doing with a scope on a lever gun. It's only seen fresh air on one hunt.
  9. Definitely try more before buying. Maybe rent a few. Personally, I find lasers distracting while I'm shooting. I find myself more concerned about where the light is than where the sights are aligning. Granted I've had extraction problems with Hi-Powers myself, but how much shooting experience do you have? An auto like the hi-power needs a firm platform of resistance to function correctly. Are your elbows tight? Wrists?
  10. That certainly is an interesting look. I'm not too quick to say "ugly" though. Interesting. I wonder what they'll MSRP for?
  11. I used to have a beautifully blued Hi-Power. It sat comfortably in the hand, but had some real trigger and reliability issues. It's too bad, because it was one of my favorite guns to polish up. Someone got a great deal on that one too. They go for $900+ new now.
  12. I will NEVER tire of this gun.... Of course that's what I've said about every gun I've ever purchased. You'll be my first call, my friend.
  13. No, I didn't see those. I'll stop by Wednesday and pick up a set or two. Thanks!!
  14. That never ends well. Something about seeing boots or shoes on the road really puts it in perspective for me.
  15. It may be a while. I had to take advantage of the wife and kids being out of town this weekend. I thought about a membership, but I only go 4-6 times per year, so a membership doesn't math-out for me. Surprisingly, they have Gen 4s for $40 less than Vance's sticker price. As with anything, price is always negotiable.
  16. Were you just visiting or did you have business there? Just curious. Great pics.
  17. I admit it, I used to be one as well. Fifteen years ago, I bought a Gen 1 Glock 17. Couldn't hit a barn with it. Sold it. About three or four years ago, I bought a Gen 3 Glock 26. Although it functioned flawlessly and I shot very well with it, it never felt right in my hand. So I didn't carry it and eventually sold it. The week after Christmas, I found a Glock 22RTF used for a great price and picked it up. The grip is better, but not perfect. This week, I was on my way in to Vance's to pick up a Sig 239 that I had been eyeballing for a little bit better carry piece when I asked to pick up one if their on-sale Glock 19s. It was the older Generation 3 and the price seemed right to me, but like its G26 little sister, it still didn't quite feel right. The guy behind the counter then suggested that I hold the Gen 4 G19. What a difference!! Apparently, I have little girly pixie hands, because without any of the available grip pieces added, this thing fit like a glove. Of course I picked it up and went on my way. Not mine, but like mine Range Report: I spent the afternoon at NASR today and put 600 rounds through it (another 150 through the G22). I've owned/own many different guns in my day from most manufacturers (Hi-Point not included in that list), but this G19 Gen 4 is, by far, the most accurate, shootable, gun I have ever had experience with. I had not a single failure to feed, failure to fire, failure of the slide lock, and only a few user-fault fliers. The Gen 4s have a new dual recoil spring set up designed to reduce recoil. It did significantly. I was able to hold rapid fire strings of 15 shots within the six inch target at 150 yards (ok, 25 feet... but still...). Like Goldilocks, I have found perfection in the G19. Hate on, all you Glock haters, you've got a convert here. Hey, it's winter... did you expect a motorcycle thread? Edit: I've carried it comfortably IWB in a DeSantis since Thursday. I thought it might be too bulky, but that is not the case at all. Actually more comfortable than my S&W 642 that I've been carrying for years.
  18. C-bus

    Gun Shows

    If they are going to profit from the second amendment, they should respect it.
  19. C-bus

    Gun Shows

    I'm in the parking lot. The special ops gun show will not permit the carry of a loaded firearm regardless of having a CHL/CCW permit. Therefore those hypocrites can forego my $5.00 and lick my second amendment-loving crack.
  20. She's cute with that short hair and those moves.
  21. That's pretty tuff. My first truck was a pretty little '98 Tacoma.
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