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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. From what I've seen, this is priced very well. Good luck with sale!
  2. How do you like the flip-down sun visor? Worth it?
  3. Last week was nature's cruel, cruel trick.
  4. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    Enough with the threats. Thank you taking an intelligent debate and taking it down to this level. I know many COs who would be cringing right now.
  5. We believe that our bikes appreciate in value from MSRP.
  6. I have not seen said signage nor do I acknowledge rumors of its existence.
  7. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    How about no more "earned income tax credits" where we refund taxes that were not paid, for simply shitting out kids you can't afford to feed? Personally, I'd start there.
  8. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    I don't want to see teachers, police, or firefighters/emergency workers lose pay or benefits. But too many of you are under the illusion that the union gives a shit about you. Dues, my friends.... they care about dues. Have any of you been at the table? In every one of my experiences at "the table" with the SEIU, they don't ask first for pay increases, benefits improvements, vacation time.... nope, they first demand the ability to automatically deduct dues from your paychecks instead of you having to consciously write them a check each pay. Is this bill right? After reading the debates, I am beginning to see the opposition's points. Someone has to give up something to make the Ohio fiscally sound. Any volunteers?
  9. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    Thank you for that. Rep to you when I'm allowed to again.
  10. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    Management always gets the union it deserves.
  11. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    I find it interesting that the media and labor groups immediately turn the attention towards police, fire, and teachers. In my opinion, fwiw, add ODOT and the IRS to that list and you have the few groups that are actually necessary for a free society to exist. If, at the end of the day, they remained whole, I could live with it. Many on this site advocate smaller government and less spending. Let's not forget that every penny of "spending" goes to someone else as revenue. To cut spending, someone loses something that they have. Any volunteers? Save the cops!...... government cheese ftw!
  12. Welcome to the site! Nice intro.
  13. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    Average Columbus city teacher makes north of $50k, works 7 hours per day for 180 days per year..... $39.68 per hour. Wife is a teacher, mom was a teacher. Not saying "overpaid", but let's lose the "underpaid" myth. It's a pretty good gig.
  14. Hell yes, I rode! Well actually, had a meeting then went home to get the bike.
  15. C-bus

    Senate Bill 5

    Collective bargaining in the private sector revolves around the perception of equitable distribution of the Company's profits. In the public sector, they're dealing with the citizens' income. I agree that strikes should be prohibited in the public sector. Private ... strike takes money from those aweful entrepreneurs. Public.... strikes put the public in jeopardy or neglects a service for which we have already paid.
  16. New Albany has a decent selection of leather. Prices aren't horrible. Vances has the DeSantus nylon holsters so I would assume buckeye does as well. NASR sells HK as one of their main brands as well.
  17. C-bus

    CL fail

    At least he spelled "CBR" right. I call shenanigans. No one is that stupid.
  18. My post did sound snarky. Not my intention at all. Sorry about that.
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