Rich people don't build the Bentley, wait the tables, transport the liquor. I am only arguing the government's entitlement to already-taxed assets. Paris is a humorous example, what about the farmer who inherits his family property now worth $800,000 because 75 years after purchase, someone builds a Nordstrom a mile away. Now this farmer has to give up the family farm that he has worked his entire life or come up with the coin to pay the taxes? My goal is to negotiate life making ethical decisions and have enough after I die to give my kids and grandkids a piece of my legacy. The global concept of helping those who need help is not foreign to me nor do I shy from it. However, when the reality of many of their situations hit,it's a different issue. Do you know how many employees over the years have asked for their hours to be cut so they don't lose their benefits? How many people rush out to do their taxes so They can capitalize on their "earned income tax credit" where they get more back in tax refund than they ever paid simply because They didn't pull out sooner.... and the waste it on crap.....parasites. Lost a job, down on your luck, trying to get back on your feet, need some interim help..... not a parasite. I don't want there to be any mistake with what I am referring to.