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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Rich people don't build the Bentley, wait the tables, transport the liquor. I am only arguing the government's entitlement to already-taxed assets. Paris is a humorous example, what about the farmer who inherits his family property now worth $800,000 because 75 years after purchase, someone builds a Nordstrom a mile away. Now this farmer has to give up the family farm that he has worked his entire life or come up with the coin to pay the taxes? My goal is to negotiate life making ethical decisions and have enough after I die to give my kids and grandkids a piece of my legacy. The global concept of helping those who need help is not foreign to me nor do I shy from it. However, when the reality of many of their situations hit,it's a different issue. Do you know how many employees over the years have asked for their hours to be cut so they don't lose their benefits? How many people rush out to do their taxes so They can capitalize on their "earned income tax credit" where they get more back in tax refund than they ever paid simply because They didn't pull out sooner.... and the waste it on crap.....parasites. Lost a job, down on your luck, trying to get back on your feet, need some interim help..... not a parasite. I don't want there to be any mistake with what I am referring to.
  2. Thanks man. I appreciate the props. I'm actually stopping at the Fin on my way back from Cleveland today to replace the spring. No problem with it, but this a gun that I've shot and enjoyed over the years. Edit: FFF doesn't carry gunsmithing. I'll stop by NASR on my way to Nerk instead.
  3. I'd say the Hiltons have contributed significantly via payroll, property, and capital gains taxes. But after that, the government is entitled to more? Paris Hilton supports more parasites in a year than you and I will in a lifetime. Her contribution, though purely financial, is indeed significant.
  4. What kind of an asshole would believe the government shouldn't be entitled to your already-taxed assets once you die? The estate tax is nothing more than state-sponsored thievery. Punish those who've made good decisions and have contributed to society while continuing to reward the parasites. The American way.
  5. Price is well below for what you can get a Colt 1911. I price my stuff to sell. Don't assume the low price reflects poor condition. As for lbts glws, long live the rocket!
  6. I'm a little miffed about this. Part of the job, in my opinion.
  7. C-bus


    I've never been a fan of Taurus, although the new stuff gets decent reviews. I've also never shot one so take my comments for what they're worth. I'd check out the Beretta cougar series for a similar package as well as the small Glocks. The .45 is a great round, but continue to look at .40 caliber as well. The ballistics are similar, but you may find more options. Just my opinions, others may disagree. Back in the day (queue old-guy voice), they made their mark making shitty copies of Smiths and Berettas. However, their Raging Bull revolver started a trend towards some innovative technology. They definitely stand on their own now as a legitimate manufacturer.
  8. So, so tempting, isn't it? I'm going to use the money to put towards a carry-friendly (3-inch barrel) 1911. Kimber, Springfield, S&W, Colt... not sure yet.
  9. Sorry about the little pic. Technology has surpassed me.
  10. Matte Stainless Colt 1991 A1. Wilson combat hammer and beavertail grip safety professionally installed by qualified gunsmith. Includes three Colt factory magazines and two 10-round McCormick mags. Great shooter as is or would make a fantastic base for more modifications. Can't beat a 1911. This gun is a full-size 1911. $625. I travel to and from Cleveland several times per week for you Northeastern guys. EDIT: This gun is no longer available.
  11. Wifey and kids are in Florida in June , so I'm very likely going to be able to help out if needed.
  12. 50 pounds by next December 31st. Traveling for my new job has fattened me up beyond what's healthy.
  13. If nothing else, print the latest Vances flier and take it with you for a point of reference at the gun show. Chances are good that you won't find better prices than Vances at the gun show unless it's a private seller who's about to get hosed by a table dealer.
  14. That costs an extra $10. There's never an excuse to be a dick or talk down to a woman (sandwich-making directions excluded). If they were like that with me, my wife or my guests, I'd also tell them to get fucked and would not return. I guess I really never talk to them when I go. I have no intentions to pay $50-$100 more than I should, so I don't play at the gun counter. Gun counter warriors are some of the worst when it comes to unsolicited opinions. However, until I A) move out of the city, B) find a new indoor range within 15 minutes of my house, or C) have a bad experience, I'll keep going. The video is a pain in the ass.
  15. $5.00 buys a range card so you don't have to watch the video for another year. Like many gunshops, there are know-it-alls behind the counter. Gun prices are usually 20% higher than anywhere else, but their range among isn't too bad. I shoot there often and enjoy myself. They are a bit pretentious though.
  16. Well done. Thanks for the write-up.
  17. Post up your opinions after shooting. I've not shot the LCP OR LCR. I wish I had seen this earlier as I just picked up a police trade Glock 22 for cheap at Vance''s today. I would have loved to try it out. Maybe next time.
  18. Every time I say that, they bring it over and I don't buy one.... FZ8, Super Tenere, CB 1000R, and the list goes on. Nice bike though.
  19. Thank God it's just me in the office today or I'd have to explain my tears. Funny as shit!
  20. Unless an obvious flag goes up, I answer. I can see who is there through the windows and find joy in messing with college libs with their greenie petitions.
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