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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. What's the draw with the 5.56 vs. .223? Accuracy? Versatility? Ammo availability?
  2. I didn't mean it like that. If someone voices intent, I won't buy the sights and we can work something out.
  3. At 5:30 today, the Novaks go on and the gun will no longer be for sale.
  4. C-bus

    Gun Shows

    I get it where I can. Bastaad
  5. C-bus

    Gun Shows

    If you want a good deal on a gun, troll the booths and look for the guy holding his gun case with the "your gonna give me what for this?" look on his face. Whatever you offer will be great at that point. Wife and kiddies are gone that weekend so I might try to hook up.
  6. Seriously though, the OP is overthinking this. .22s are cheap fun. You can't go wrong. And if you do go wrong, sell it and try again. The only rimfire rifle I have left is my grandfather's WWII-era Winchester bolt-action trainer. That barrel is so long and thick (like Kawi, I hear) that subsonic rounds sound like a bb gun shot.
  7. A final bump. If I don't sell it in the next week, it's going to grow some Novak sights and return to its comfy home in the safe. Anyone?
  8. He needs to remember that it is still a public office that he holds. Not living in the governor's mansion, trying to have a private swearing, etc... Policy -wise, there is tons of waste if he looks under the right stones.
  9. He's not starting out on the right foot. I voted for him, but I'm starting to feel a little buyer's remorse.
  10. Those are exactly the reasons why I went out of my way to exclude police and fire rescue (including medics). Hell, your investment in your training may be the difference between my life or death.
  11. You are much closer to this issue than I am. Just be aware of where your info comes from. The biggest financial loss here is to the rich millionaires running that union on your dues. If you think the parking lot at Lehman Brothers had some cars, go see your national headquarters. Regardless ... good luck to you and stay safe.
  12. My intent was not to minimize what a CO does. It is dangerous and is a very necessary job. What is the pay/benefits difference between private and state-run prisons? When a prison is privatized, do they term everyone and then hire back at new rates? Does the union change or become null/void? These are actually questions... I'm not trying to make any points.
  13. C-bus


    I bought a bike with undertail exhaust for a reason.
  14. That's cuz Billy didn't have a golden radio voice.
  15. Corrections is not law enforcement or fire rescue. I would never advocate privatization of those services. We've nearly totally privatized waste management, road construction, airport security and the list goes on. I will admit that I am not an expert on corrections, but the union-mentality worker's rights bullshit doesn't hold water in a debate with me. Jobs are created because a service is neeed, not to provide work, pensions, and overtime pay. I don't have any skin in the corrections argument and could be swayed by reasonable debate.
  16. A horrible day. What surprises me is that the murderer had such far left political leanings listing Mein Kempf and The Communist Manifesto as favorite works of literature. The extreme on both sides of the political spectrum are filled with unstable wack-jobs.
  17. Ever hear someone cheer about getting that "city job" or "state job " or "county job"? Great benefits. Wait a second.....who's paying for those? That, my friend, is what people mean by inefficient. When a private-sector entity doesn't make money, they evaluate their efficiency and re-think costs and business strategy. When a public-sector entity isn't paying the bills, they take more money from you and me. Pension? What's that?
  18. I'm inventing numbers here but.... if it costs Ohio $200million to run some prisons today and they can offer the contract to the lowest bidder while setting minimum requirements around staffing, sanitation, nutrition, and general treatment of prisoners, how can we lose? As for John's previous statement about who we put in prison..... I agreement whole-heartedly. Prison should be reserved to those who have taken life or property, or have caused injury to another. LEGALIZE IT!!!
  19. The government is vastly inefficient. Privatization works.
  20. Privatization isn't synonymous with deregulation. I'd like details too, but the private sector may be a solid solution. Healthcare used to be privatized and was/is heavily regulated... "used to be" was sarcasm.
  21. Hate to admit it, but I can't get behind her either. Enough about politics though. People needlessly died today.
  22. The liberal machine has a boner right now as a chance to discredit Palin arises.
  23. A wise newb. Good thought process.
  24. Was my post contradictory to this? Drugs, mental health issues, running away from something (law, family, crazy wife) are the reason someone is homeless in many cases. Not all of course.
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