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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Coming from Tusc, you would go by the one in reynoldsburg first. What do you want to know? Safe part of town, lots of restaurants, gun prices are high, ammo prices are higher. Decent hunting, fishing, and boating gear. On your way out keep going on 256 past the I 70 ramp and take the first left and you're at the AMA motorcycle museum.
  2. http://www.tvracer.com/ Found this websight today. The season is right around the corner. In fact, WSB starts February 27th! Bring it on .
  3. In 1995, my constitutional law professor asked the class to access something on America On Line. I asked what channel it was on.
  4. This rule will have a serious impact, causing rampant high school virginity. Poor kids....
  5. Glenn Beck told me it was Muslim Mexicans.
  6. If you're 21 and you WANT to go to a high school dance, you should be euthanized. Please. As for the OP, I wouldn't have done well in Medina.
  7. C-bus

    17 hmr

    I've read that they're inherently crazy-accurate.
  8. A middle finger on her way to speak to the manager about how she was wronged by her card. Look, I know how your debates go and I fully expect the outcome when I enter into them. Honestly, you're a hell of a debater (queue master debater joke). You've taken me beyond my initial thought which was to provide a master list of consumables on which the Ohio Pride card would work. Hence the elimination of wasteful spending. There are people who need help and I'm good with helping them. There are those that are complacent in the system and those that abuse it. I want them off of my payroll. I'm out. I have millions of Ohioans to buy crab legs and cigarettes for tomorrow.
  9. Wife took care of that for me. As an armed citizen, I'm cautious to start a confrontation that has a potential to escalate. But words were exchanged among the ladies.
  10. Shouldn't you? What's the motivation to emerge from tough times if there isn't stigma associated with entitlements?
  11. Just last week at Giant Eagle. The exact scenario. I had plenty of time to study the situation as she was arguing that she didn't use the card yet, so she didn't know why it didn't have any money left. Her man was with her talking on his I-phone. When she wasn't getting her way with the young cashier, she pulled out her I-phone and dialed someone so that she could cuss and swear about how stupid this cashier was. Where I live, I see it every time I walk in the Grocery store. Edit: By the way, the bling-bitch was white and the young cashier was black. So don't go down the bigotry road.
  12. When they pull out the Ohio Pride card, they are recipients. I thought I put that in my post. My bad.
  13. Then go to the "government cheese" model with transportation as well. Taxi tokens, housing voutures, but not cash. Do greater than 50% of recipients abuse the system? Probably not. Don't really know, and if we did, I don't think we would do anything about it. It's the anecdotes that piss us off. The cart full of stuff that we don't buy because it's not a good value; the I-phone on the ear being held by the hand full of bling attached to the arm full of tats holding the designer purse.... that's what gets the blood boiling. How dare people be permitted to spend your hard-earned money that way. Government cheese, my friend. Self respect? Dignity? "Rights of the consumer"? Check it at the door when you sign up for the give-aways. Edit: I'm also referring to the able-bodied here. I do not include the elderly, MRDD, or the legitimately disabled in my rant. A society with a conscience will not allow those that need help to go without. But we need to define "need" a little more carefully.
  14. Tie the Ohio Pride card to certain, specific, nutritionally-sound generic food items. Then eliminate cash payouts. You want cell phones, cars, and tats then get a fucking job.
  15. Bring back government cheese. Seriously, compare my shopping cart to any cart on the 3rd of the month.
  16. Social Darwinism FTW!!!!!
  17. Charlton Heston is still my president.
  18. That was the one I had. Didn't get to benefit from a Brazilian.
  19. Not sure if it does anything for me. I could see myself on a big old Road King or maybe a Fat Bob if I was to get a cruiser again. Although for that money, a Victory Hammer or Triumph would be options.
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