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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus

    Eating Alone

    Alone-time is what draws me to riding. No phones, no music, no voices..... just my own thoughts. Never done a movie alone though. But going to the movies has never been all that important to me.
  2. C-bus

    Eating Alone

    I love eating alone while traveling for business. After working all day, I don't want to talk to anyone.
  3. I'm not in the market to buy, but the older Ithacas are great shotguns. You've priced it pretty well, so good luck with the sale.
  4. Do you know the approximate age of it?
  5. I clicked on the Scheitz Motors link up top in the sponsor section and they have a 2008 Honda 450 for $3999
  6. I tried to get some substance behind an answer for you, but really couldn't find anything other than other people's opinions on other forums. If it were me, I'd park on the side of the street not attached to the school and put it in the trunk or the far back of the SUV. At least you would follow the "unloaded in a closed case in an area not accessible without getting out of the car" loopholes. Someone else (hopefully Chevy) may chime in with some substance. If so, I'll defer to them without a fight. So which one are you getting? Edit: Yep, listen to Chevy.
  7. Bipod has been sold. No takers on the scope? It listed for $300 new. I think I paid $250 or so for it. I had it mounted to my 30-30 for a while, so I have the Weaver base to throw in as well.
  8. You're right, I missed the missing "0".
  9. C-bus

    Hi-Point C9

    I've also read and heard about their phenomenal customer service. In fact, nearly every comment from someone who has had one discusses how the factory fixed an issue quickly, correctly, and without any hassle. Kudos to them for this business model. But then I start to think.... I've never had a firearm that I've had to send back, get fixed, or utilize a warranty.
  10. Just pulled up the new Vance's ad. $349.99 with "laaaaazzerrrrrr". I'd drive from Cleveland for $120. http://www.vanceoutdoors.com/products2.cfm/ID/85488
  11. Both are good guns. I'll occasionally carry a Walther PPK and would bet my life on its reliability. I don't know anything about the new Smith yet (Gun Tests hasn't reviewed it yet), but I'm sure it's solid. I'll probably have the Ruger in the next month or so due to the size and convenience of throwing it in my pocket. They can be had for south of $300. Sig, CZ, and Beretta also make great .380s.
  12. Nice collection. I wonder if some of those gun people are hesitant to post their collection on a public website that is certainly subject to goberment monitoring. If I had a gun, I don't know that I would post the collection. Good thread though.
  13. C-bus

    Hi-Point C9

    Get a used quality gun.
  14. C-bus

    Today's Problems

    We are on our way to the fall of democracy inch by inch. Look around, we're really THAT close.
  15. It's fine. Never seen dirt. Handled a few rounds from a bench and then slept in the safe. Pm sent to flounder.
  16. Just the one mag with the Beretta. I purchased an extra at a gun-show, but I think I was "had" as it didn't chamber correctly, so I disposed of it. The bipod is harris 1A2.
  17. I've got a few things to clear out that have been gathering dust over the years. First is a Beretta model 1934 .380ACP with a manufacture date of 1937. Google it and you will find that it is regarded as a breakthrough design of the utmost reliability. I've put 100 rounds through without any problem (except for my fat hands getting a few bites). Collector or shooter, your choice....$225. Leupold vx1 3-9x40 scope with rings. Rarely used, limited use in the field. Excellent condition ... $125. Folding, expandable bipod. Attaches to your sling swivel with no tools...$20. Paddle holster for small frame S&W non-m&p autos.... $20. In the spirit of sailing the sea of fail in my fs failboat, I can't upload any pics from my phone. If interested, I'd be happy to email or text pics. Hopefully i'll have pics up by tomorrow night. Edit.... Pics.... Edit 2 bipod has been sold Edit 3 gun is gone. Scope and holster still available.
  18. Sellers wanting too much and buyers wanting to pay too little. And copious numbers of Taliban taking advantage of our giant gun-loophole.
  19. This survey is wrong as it places my beloved FZ6 at 87 right behind a HD Sportster. I am also a member of the FZ6 forum and know for a fact that the fazer is regarded world-wide as the fastestest, greatest, most coveted bike on the planet.
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