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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I don't have a dog in this fight, so my opinion is bestowed sans passion. The "overpriced" argument is a myth (retail). Compare HD to any of the metrics and you will find similar price points. Personally, I think the metrics use too much shiny plastic. Would I rather pay $8500 for a Shadow Phantom or an 883 Iron? I'll take the 883. Now where HD owners go wrong is resale when they try to recover cost on a 5-year old bike. To the original post, HD lost the young market when they killed Buell. Bad call
  2. Can't believe you haven't sold it yet. glws
  3. Due diligence ....... I always ride ten mph under the speed limit just to make extra sure.
  4. Any day I'm at my Columbus office, I'm riding ... except yesterday but that was because I wasn't comfortable strapping the power-point projector to the back in the monsoon.
  5. Friend of mine does large - scale commercial.
  6. With your impressive knowledge base on ....., well just about everything, you must be infinitely successful both entrepreneurialy and personally. Thank you for you.
  7. FFL holders follow different guidelines than private citizens. Not required to ask as a pvt citizen.
  8. Nope. I called BATF when I sold my AR. Make sure legal age and Ohio residence and you're good to go. I glance at license and write nothing down. However, no real requirement to look at I.d.
  9. Kid #3 would beg to differ. Pulls my boat, navigates Painesville winters, keeps the kids happy.
  10. Used MDX. Let some other schmucko take the depreciation hit, three rows of seats if you want them, and... well.... it's a Honda. From your list, I only have experience with the Impala. My in-laws are on their second one in five years and have had zero problems. They love it. Congrats on the baby!!! By the way, have you seen the LBTS smiley? You're a legend.
  11. My Interarms PPK/S was a pos that liked to stovepipe. My newer S&W PPK is my secondary carry gun. Never has malfunctioned, crazy accurate for a smaller gun, and feels great in the hand. OP.... nice choice!
  12. Well that was quick! Good for you. Get back in that saddle. Too many learn about the importance of gear the hard way. Good choices pay off. I'm really glad you're ok.
  13. Go faster ....... but seriously, give it a little gas through the turn and lean a bit.
  14. You're fixating on not crossing the lane lines. Worry more about where you are looking than your steering.
  15. Was having a department manager meeting when my maintenance director burst in. We all thought he was screwing around, but it was no joke. One week earlier to the minute, we were standing beneath the towers deciding whether or not to take our infant daughter on a tour. We decided to do it next year.
  16. No shit. Let's do this. WOLVERINES!
  17. Just about every splinter group of society should be pissed off right now Does Obama urge the Klan to cancel a march? Does Obama urge the looneys not to protest at the burials of our fallen soldiers? Does Obama call up the grand pubah of the Neo-nazi skinheads and ask them to please avoid the use of swastikas on the Holocaust Remembrance Day? No, he chose to take his stand here and reach out. Where's the outrage from his supporters?
  18. No, if the government prohibits the burning of the Koran or prohibits the building of, or forces the move of the mosque ... then the constitution is dead. If the mosque moves (I know it's not going to) because of pastor dipshit's ploy, then freedom of speech has prevailed and the constitution is alive and well. Remember, the bill of rights protects us from the government not pastor fucktard or the ayatollah imam dude's prayers and poor taste.
  19. Obviously it's not going to compete with a 16"+ barrel, but I've read that they're quite accurate. 2 or 3 years ago Vance's was selling for about $800 and giving away several hundred rounds of free ammo with purchase. I was seriously considering, but was and still am concerned about future ammo availability. That being "said", I'd buy one if I found one for the right price.
  20. Sleeping yellow lab pup. I'm screwed. Oh, and a webkinz
  21. On our worst day, we're still a great nation. It's our jobs to keep it in check. The constitution protects all view points, not just the ones we believe in. We can't prohibit a mosque from being built because it's offensive. We can't prohibit rebel flags as much as we must allow rainbows. This is where Beck goes off point and mixes personal biases. Freedom doesn't discriminate or prefer.
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