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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I would rep but internet is broken.
  2. Work travel finds me in Maine this week. This is a beautiful state! I could live here.
  3. "You do know Japan and China are two different countries, right?"
  4. C-bus

    Good News thread:

    That's awesome! Kids are great. Wouldn't trade them.
  5. Is it just me or is it super-speedy now?
  6. I'd WASP that thing up to $800 and then Catholic it in its tight little boy-ass while Islamming the handle-bars clean off.
  7. I've been very critical of the current crop of mid-level 1911s like the Kimber custom line. I felt that a $1300 gun should not need to break-in before becoming reliable. I felt that I could never really trust it if I don't know whether it's done breaking in or not. That was until I really had a conversation with an owner. He pulled out his Kimber (verified it was unloaded of course) and let me play with it. The tolerances are so extremely tight by design, the break-in period is really a final step in manufacturing. His gun went from "I wanna send this POS back and sue these bastards" to 100% reliable after shooting the crap out if it. Most of the interwebz hate out there is from people like me, used to 100% out-of-the box reliability from our Smith/Glock/XD/Sig/Walther/HK/Beretta. If you buy a 1911, plan on spending some money on rounds and range time to finish the job the manufacturer started. If this concept isn't for you, get a $400-$900 gun from the list above and you will be accurate and reliable. I don't have a 1911 anymore, but I do regret selling that Colt. I'll have another one day.
  8. Oh man, that sucks! Heal up quickly! I'm a little bruised and battered myself. Had a bit of over-falsity of confidence and decided to do some high speed donuts in the gravel area. The quad stopped, I didn't. Landed on my shoulder, elbow, hip, knee. Just sore. I was sure the bike was going to land on me, but it stayed on all fours. It happened early enough in the day to remind me of my true skill level. For that, I'm a little grateful.
  9. Great morning! Took the trailhead just south of New Straightsville. Trails were empty right up until about 11:30 or so, but then started to get crowded. Quad handled great!
  10. C-bus

    Holder out

    No way he would ever make it through that process. I would hope.
  11. Thanks. Actually, I've been watching your youtube videos...trying to get a feel for the trails. Nice work!
  12. Shitty day.... Been in airports since 3:00 today.... Layover in DC.... Having a beer and an old friend walks by. I don't have many friends. It was good to have a beer with him.
  13. I'm going to take the new quad down to Monday Creek early Saturday morning. I know it's the epic ride and I know it's some free day and may be crowded, but damnit.... I rented the trailer and I'm going. Anyone want to join me? I don't know shit about the trail system and have limited 4-wheeler experience, but what the hell....right? Anyways.... Post on here if you might find your way down there.
  14. Whore Card member Services..... My wife recorded some asshole from that company telling her that he found her number and can find her address.... He's going to rape her and kill her. Police took the report but couldn't track him down.
  15. C-bus

    Holder out

    I believe Louis Farrakhan is on the short-list. He's looking for a moderate....someone to reach across society's proverbial "isle".
  16. C-bus

    Holder out

    Hell, I don't know. It was on all the terminal TVs as breaking news. I generally get all my news from OR posts.
  17. C-bus

    Holder out

    http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/work-remains-eric-holder-resigns-attorney-general-n211416 What gem will we get to replace him?
  18. I definitely see the benefits of AIWB for concealment and ease of draw. No question. But unless you are on your feet all day, how do you function? Sitting? Driving? Bending over (how you doin?)? I find kidney carry to be the most comfortable, but a gun bigger than a sub-compact tends to print more than I'd like it to. It's an open carry state, so in places where carry is permitted it's a non-issue....... But some places just aren't rational that way.
  19. There are a bunch of hotels at that Reynoldsburg exit off of I70.
  20. C-bus


    That would suck if we armed a group to fight a common enemy only for them to turn around and use that training and those arms against us. Would never happen though........
  21. Nothing wrong with a cruiser. I love mine. Different strokes.....different folks.....
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