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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Can't figure out how to get my iPhone pics to 100 whatever's to change my avitar.
  2. If it is your opportunity to get an engineering job, and it's your only opportunity on the table, you take it and drive.
  3. We can be a righteous bunch, no?
  4. You're welcome. I'm sure I paid for most his recovery.
  5. C-bus

    Ohio Bike Week

    I wish I remembered. It was very industrial.... Kind of dirty. We would sail from Sandusky in spring and fall to winterize.
  6. C-bus

    Ohio Bike Week

    Fremont here, but we used to dry dock in Huron.
  7. Round trip? Not bad, but cinci is a bitch during rush hour. I commute 140 one way at least 3 days per week.
  8. C-bus


    .comStand corrected. Pulled my receipt.... $20 haz charge.
  9. Drinking started at 5:00. No rides for me.
  10. C-bus


    I've gotten primers and powder with no hazmat from cabelas.
  11. C-bus


    Get on the Brian Enos site for a good list of start up needs. His packages are not at magical Dillon prices and you don't need those brands, but it's a good list.
  12. C-bus


    There is no doubt that Dillon is top if the line, but I have no regrets about starting on a turret. One bullet at a time, but enough pace to make it worth your while. Also, by the time I had scales, dies, etc... My $100 Lee had $350 in it easily. That Dillon would cost about $1100 for a start up (priced it out).
  13. C-bus


    I think the Lee Turret is the perfect beginning press.
  14. When I took my test, there was the "local chapter president" of some bike club on a goldwing. He said he was on his last attempt before some kind of waiting period if he failed again (failed several times). Convinced it was the size of his Goldwing that was impeding his success, he asked to borrow my Nighthawk 250. I let him do it while I processed my new license. Came out and low-and-behold.....he failed again.... On perhaps the easiest bike on the planet to maneuver. It ain't the bike..... It's the biker.
  15. http://www.motorcycle.ohio.gov/ I don't recall any waiting time. Get the book, take the written test = permit (no passenger, no highways, daylight only) Pass riding test or complete MSF = Endorsement
  16. Today's issue of Cycle World (a great issue, BTW) has a BMW R1200 that's actually going to be produced. Very similar. If I can't find a link, I'll snap a photo and ghetto-upload it. I would seriously consider this when new bike time comes again.
  17. I like that. Very much like.
  18. Open carry where I live is akin to me kissing a black man in downtown Macon circa 1960. Just wouldn't go over well with the locals.
  19. Revolution, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk, and Homeland. Those are my four DVRs weekly (when in season).
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