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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I don't think he has a website. Here's his email. We meet at the Flying J Kirkersville off of 70. terebil@gmail.com I recognized him from the New Albany Range. He says that he's done some business with Dale. Stand-up guy.
  2. Didn't want to jump on the yay or nay bandwagons until I had a chance to get used to it.... Posted my first new thread and it is SO much easier! Posting pictures is cake now where I used to struggle and struggle from mobile. Thank you for investing the time and money.
  3. If anyone is looking for top quality gun repair, I highly recommend Bill's Gun Repair. I was communicating with a guy on Armslist about 4 months ago about an AR when I saw his signature for his Gun Repair business. We didn't do the AR deal, but I asked him to take a look at my one, true never-sell gun. My 870 was given to me for Christmas when I was 16 by my late father. Not only sentimental, but this gun shoulders like no other. But it had developed a fatal crack in the high gloss stock. I simply could not find the wood to replace it well. Well..... $50 and 9 weeks later, it's perfect. Bill gave me updates throughout the long process of repair and refinish and now I have it back.... The lighting is different, but the stock is the same one. If you are in need of high quality repair, Bill is your guy. terebil@gmail.com
  4. C-bus

    Qsl Tonight

    I went may 1st and it was packed. Walked the lot and then headed out until late. Not gonna lie... I enjoy looking at the bikes. Never do eat or drink there. That's after.
  5. True, very true.Brian.... Not sure if mobile rep is the same. Don't see green/red
  6. Symbolic negative rep to you (can't figure out the real shit). Floyd defined my teen years, of which I have no recollection.
  7. I'd rep you if I knew how.
  8. I love that Honda has this 500 platform. Nice bike!
  9. Seriously though.... Think of how many people signed up for MSF months ago and said "screw it" and just took the test. I'm sure there are some, but I can't think of anyone I know that hasn't been able to just show up to a class and get in.
  10. Not for profits generally make as much not for profit as they can. I personally prefer to donate to volunteer driven, 100% local.... Charity Newsies for one... As a teacher, my wife sees first-hand the benefits to those kids.... Not to their parents.
  11. Somebody has to run it. It's a big organization. Find a CEO for less who can manage that infrastructure.
  12. Endorsement is the full license. Need your permit to take MSF class, so go get your book, study, and take the test first. Edit: didn't see page 2. What they said ^^^^
  13. The Fin Feather Fur on i71 Ashland exit had some thus week. Seem to have them every time I'm there (it's usually my gas stop between here and ClevelAnd).
  14. All you need is a bandana and a wife-beater.
  15. I've been to 3 over the years. Very relaxed atmosphere. Great sounds coming out of the shop. I'll miss it.
  16. It's not like you point it out when they're not.
  17. Wife-ometer is reading 100% chance of my ass being at daughter's soccer game.
  18. Good write-up. I have the Cross Roads.... Similar to a Road King concept. Not sure if the bags are different, but I find them to hold plenty and are shaped well. I can fit helmet, jacket, boots in one side when I travel for work. I agree with chromed plastic... Does kind of leaves me flat. One of the reasons I'm not a big fan of the Japanese Cruisers. Other than that, the cornering is outstanding and the ride is great. I would not have the heel shifter though. Such a waste of all that great real estate to move your legs! IMO... Top +: Comfort on the long haul Engine performance Lines Cruise Control Leg Room/foot room Storage Top -: Chromed Plastic Sewing machine exhaust at idle Key on the side (don't know why it bugs me, but it does) I really love riding it though. I'll get a second bike next year for sporting around, but I'll keep the Vic. I've been lusting after a red or white Thruxton.
  19. I've repped him on several occasions. Although I don't agree with his stance on guns, freedom, and politics, he IS a good debater and brings his points with general respect and intelligence. Some posts in poor taste.... Yes, at times.
  20. Google any brand + "malfunctions" and you will have pages of interwebz lore. After thousands of rounds through my Glocks, I have never had a single Malfunction. Not a single one ever. To me... My G19 is reliable. I don't need my gun to win any arguments on ORDN, nor do I care what others carry or shoot.
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