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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus


    It's the Ukrainian Mexicans taking all of the good jobs. Enforce the borders!
  2. It really works for me because it tracks things in the same orderly manor that my brain works. It keeps me honest. The sleep feature is really a non-issue for me as I usually type in a guesstimate each morning. The calorie feature keeps me from over-indulging, but also allows me to know when I can have a few extra beers or an ice cream treat. What really does it for me is the tracking of my steps and stairs each day. I travel so much that I was getting only 2000-3000 steps per day. Now, I never go to bed without at least 10,000 steps and 10 flights of stairs. I walk/jog/run every morning to get those steps in. I had a three hour layover in Baltimore on Monday....got 12,000 steps walking the terminal while attending conference calls. I can be a bit obsessive, and this fits me quite well. Next step for me is to build more muscle-mass.
  3. My dewalt doesn't have a light, but it's built several privacy fences, a deck, multiple kids shit stuff and has doubled as a hammer.
  4. I've used the piss out of my Dewalt 18V for about ten years. Still as strong as the day I bought it.
  5. Saw that this morning. Considering going, definitely buying tickets.
  6. I bought a Fitbit in August. Down 45 pounds. I highly recommend it. Simply tracks activity and calories.
  7. Very nice! I hear great things about the XDs9.
  8. I ride a cruiser, so I never really go fast enough to counter steer.
  9. I can't stomach buying guns there anymore. I'll buy the on-sale ammo, but not the guns. It's probably been a year since I've purchased a gun from them.
  10. Won't be far from me either. If their customer service is better than their their columbus store, I'd join rather quickly.
  11. It's a great little gun, but if your shield is reliable and you shoot it well, you probably won't gain much.
  12. Not having all that shit around me is why I ride.
  13. Bought and shot a new toy today.... Walther PPS in 9mm. I've been really struggling for that right carry gun. After my third attempt at a Gen 4 G19, I got rid of that a few weeks ago. Never a failure, but all three constantly pinged my face with brass. I was carrying my Sig 239 pretty religiously, but I've found the weight to be pulling my pants down even with a holster belt and Supertuck Holster. After a little research, I found a Walther PPS. This thing is really amazing to shoot. Weights less than 20oz and hits whatever I point at. I really like this gun. I bought a DESantis leather OWB made for a G26 until my Supertuck and CS Sidewinder ship, but it is extremely light to carry. If you get a chance to try one, I highly recommend it. BTW, I tried a mag full of those Liberty Civil Defense rounds. Pretty cool little cartridge. Almost no felt recoil and a flame that looked like a torch. Hit the mark though. I'm keeping the gun loaded with the rest.
  14. As a city-boy, I have to use public ranges. I have memberships at Aimhi in New Albany and at Blackwing in Deleware (Shotgun membership). I enjoy both and feel that I am treated as a member should be.
  15. Not atypical. Claim the difference on your return. It's not dollar for dollar, but it's something. I drove 37,000 miles last year at $.45. Claimed the difference. We will see how it turns out.
  16. Still weighing the options. Many good opinions on here. I was convinced that this was not going to happen until I dropped my daughter off at school yesterday and saw them plowing with a Grizzly 400. Going to speak to the municipality and see if I can write anything off if I do the sidewalks on the street.
  17. Thanks guys! I think I was overestimating the plow's abilities. I was envisioning digging neighbors out of crap like this. Hmmm....
  18. The snow is thick.....I don't have a snowblower..... I obviously need a 4x4 4-wheeler with a plow. The Yamaha Grizzly 350 at IP looks to be at a reasonable price. Thoughts about this machine? I'm really going to use it recreationally....maybe some light trail riding, maybe some hunting applications, digging out sidewalks and such. Decent machine? I'll caveat by stating that this may just be a passing whim and the reality that I live in the city and will likely never get a chance to ride may eventually set in before purchasing.
  19. I have to admit that I'm struggling to find redeeming qualities. I barely open the monthly rag anymore....I have AAA so RA is irrelevant.... And no one shows AMA Daytona racing on TV (the only racing worth watching IMO). I'll still pay because I should, but it's a waste of $$$ right now. Too bad really.
  20. Vance's flier today has $16/50 9mm. Twice what it used to be, but better than it has been. Fortunately, I haven't had to buy handgun ammo since before the CT shooting. For the shotgun sport shooters, $59.99 for a case of Top Gun 12 gauge is a great deal.
  21. My neighbor's Benz. He doesn't believe in private gun ownership.
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