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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I'd encourage you to stop at FFF on the way up there. Even if you don't buy anything, it will give you a comparison.
  2. I'm already seeing prices drop. Obama's plan was more diluted than anticipated and all of the panicked masses bought their $2000 ARs. Watch Armslist as the new in box ARs start hitting. They'll start out at around $1500, but they'll be $1200 by next week as the "holy shit, prices are dropping" panic sets in. Panic buyers are prone to panic selling. I anticipate $900 ARs by March. As for ammo, private sales will follow this trend as well, but retail will take a little longer to re-supply. All in all, the EOs had little teeth to them and congress is pretty unlikely to pass anything other than maybe a 10-round limit. These are my opinions, so I can't provide links. Sometimes I rely on life experience and education rather than Rush, Sean, Glenn, Bill, Piers, Fox, Huffington, et al.
  3. My plan: 12% of my income should be enough by 60 to retire well. Wife's plan: fiery motorcycle crash and live off the life insurance.
  4. Ooohhh.... Desert Eagle. Consignment?
  5. Actually, baking soda gets the crud off too.
  6. C-bus

    Obama's plan

    I feel for the soldier coming back from a war zone, seeking help to deal with those things that most of us will never understand, and then be blacklisted from legal firearms ownership.
  7. I won't ever eat off of that non-stick cancer shit again. We've been cast-iron only for about ten years.
  8. New Albany Aim Hi had a wall of magazines on Monday. I have not checked for specific models.
  9. Those are all we use. Just use olive oil. Heat it up. Wipe it off. Never wash with soap, just scrape and stick it on the stove to dry.
  10. I have far less of an issue with Reagan's Picture and quote than I do with the whole concept of a prayer group and the other religious dribble on the walls.
  11. Nothing wrong with prayer in school. In fact it builds character and provides a moral base for our children. Step into this scenario for a minute: It's Friday night. Your son is starting his first varsity game as the sophomore quarterback. The kids are pumped! As a father, you couldn't be more proud. "Ok boys..... This is our big night" says the coach... Also your son's favorite teacher. "Bring it in boys"..... Let's put our hands together and ask the good lord for some help". Silence. "Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad" "Now go get 'em!" I call bullshit. You guys mean Christian prayer. As the only Jewish family in a small town, I could count into the thousands the times that I had to repeat "in Jesus's name we pray" in my public school. Did it scar me? Drove me out of everything god and god related. Did I bitch about it? No, it wasn't that important to me. But keep religion for fridays and Sundays. Way more personal than I get on here. Carry on.
  12. Cool. Let me see what I can do about Wednesday.
  13. I'm in the office until Thursday and then Cleveland. If you're in Columbus at all Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll drive it to the office and you can pick it up and drive it around. Office at 270/Cleveland.
  14. Might be able to get out your way Wednesday afternoon.
  15. I don't have any experience with the 8-ball, but I love my Victory! Incredibly smooth engines.
  16. I dropped the price. When I originally posted it, I was using the KBB mobile app that wouldn't allow me to input the actual mileage. Actually using a PC, I was able to see that I was a bit too high on the asking price.
  17. Good point. Why is it that I keep to myself in my personal life, but feel the need to express every opinion on a public forum? Satan. That's why.
  18. She should be fired. It's public school and has no place for religion of any kind.
  19. Thanks guys! No stains..... Wipes right off the leather.
  20. I just ordered Berry's 9mm from cabelas. I also have 2600 brass cases coming from some guy on the interwebz...... Or I just donated $125 to some douche.
  21. I have an exceptional ass, so at least another 200.
  22. Great! Just let me know.
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