I'm already seeing prices drop. Obama's plan was more diluted than anticipated and all of the panicked masses bought their $2000 ARs. Watch Armslist as the new in box ARs start hitting. They'll start out at around $1500, but they'll be $1200 by next week as the "holy shit, prices are dropping" panic sets in. Panic buyers are prone to panic selling. I anticipate $900 ARs by March. As for ammo, private sales will follow this trend as well, but retail will take a little longer to re-supply. All in all, the EOs had little teeth to them and congress is pretty unlikely to pass anything other than maybe a 10-round limit. These are my opinions, so I can't provide links. Sometimes I rely on life experience and education rather than Rush, Sean, Glenn, Bill, Piers, Fox, Huffington, et al.