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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Thank you for the Del Sol reference. How did I miss that one?
  2. C-bus

    i want peni

    They dine exclusively on seafood.
  3. That's actually a maggot. The black ones are just bigger.
  4. Hocking Hills was awfully nice yesterday.
  5. This^^^ Everyone going in the same direction, no old ladies turning left in front of you, multiple escape lanes, plenty of time to react to traffic changes.... much safer in my opinion.
  6. Doesn't sound all that odd, unless there were some failures to fire up that I just didn't hear.
  7. Hmmmmmm........... IRS and I are having a spat regarding 2010 returns. If all goes well, I may have to have one. Let's see if we can hook up for a lunchbreak shoot at New Albany. I'll bring the ammo and the lane will be free.
  8. And where would on obtain said UTS?
  9. I'd love to get my hands on a few: Deep Royal Blue Python 4" barrel Winchester 94/22 Browning Citori in a nice trap or clays outfit
  10. Sig is going to be PISSED that they ripped off their idea! JK... I love the Mustangs! My old pocket light was one if my favorite guns. So glad to see it re-released.
  11. I just googled scat porn? WTF? I want it banned and those people arrested. As for the OP, at the end of the day.... any restrictions on speech are a bad thing.... not for what it restricts today, but what it can lead to. US military today.... what about an unpopular commander in chief years down the road? Will we go to jail for "It was Bush's fault" signs at his funeral? What about the grand dragon's funeral? Sharpton? I'm very, very skeptical of any attempts to restrict speech. Now, to combat these pieces of shit, organize the citizenry. The Bill of Rights only protects speech from government interference. Organize people to disrupt their speech. Stand in front of them, make bigger signs, do stuff I can't put out on public forums... man-up America! You bunch of pussies!
  12. Not bashing Ducati at all, but good riders seem to struggle staying competitive on them at this level. I'm a big Rossi and Hayden fan, so this move gives me some hope that I'll see at least one on a podium.
  13. I lost all my ammo when Blosser's boat sank. And Kawi was right, cuzz it was a Jew who done sinked it.
  14. What about carrying a firearm even though the sign says not to? That's gotta carry some weight or else it wouldn't stop bad guys.
  15. C-bus

    New toy...

    Nice price! Great pickup.
  16. C-bus

    Career Path

    The more you learn, the more you know. That being said, don't set your sights so narrowly. Pick a more general engineering career path and specialize as you gain experience. I'd take the course though.
  17. C-bus

    Career Path

    Do it now while you're young and kidless.
  18. I really like .380s and have owned several of the classics from Colt, Beretta, Sig, Walther, Jennings (awesome.....not). I have to say that my wife's bodyguard is one of the better shooters.
  19. That's bullshit! If I specifically robbed you for narcs and you slipped me something else, I'd sue the crap out of you!
  20. Can't meet tonight. I'll front the cash and deliver tomorrow.
  21. I will be happy to.
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