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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. It's awkward when she counts with you. "Ummmm, right.... that was number 3....":p
  2. It's hard to imagine loving more than one. Regardless of my $.02, heed my other advice. Vasectomy in September, pregnant in December. Actually, not all that uncommon.
  3. If doctor says to wait for 20 loads and 3 months, make it 40 and six months. Ask me how I know. Also, fwiw I think you're too young. Circumstances change over time.
  4. I went to IP yesterday to try some on. The Stars were limited in selection (2 patterns ) unless I missed the rest. I'm leaning towards a shoei rf1100 again.
  5. If it can happen in the deep south, it can happen anywhere. Glad I sold all of mine.
  6. I knew a place in Cincinnati, but they ran into some advertising issues.
  7. Everyone in America has their opinion. I have one too, but I'm not going there. My only hope is that the legal system judges this based on facts and evidence and does not succumb to pressure from the outside. I'll endure rioting if he truly was innocent and I'll endure a blow to the 2nd amendment movement if he was guilty. I just want them to get it right based on the facts of THIS situation.
  8. No, that wasn't my intent. Lol.... sorry if that's how that read.
  9. I saw this this morning. A sad day. RIP riders.
  10. C-bus

    Fuel Economy

    Nice... new job or new house?
  11. You would think that maturity level + riding style = healthy parts business.
  12. I don't really know the difference between good bags and bad ones, but my experience with the Tourmasters (cortech) in my avitar has been positive. They don't fall off and zip when I want them to.
  13. I'm a little jealous too.
  14. Ever hit the bi-porn thinking you're getting ffm, but you get mmf and watch it anyways? That's kinda how I felt reading the last few pages of the AFJ thread over there.
  15. I can't help but take the never-ride, gun-talking, small-penis thing as a personal attack. And from this day forward, I will be matching Ryan's margin on all of my purchases and will be sending it to OR.net as my supporting contribution. The yuppies on this site support small businesses owned by like-minded, ethical, and honest friends.
  16. I'd go half helmet and a set of super absorbent tampons. You'll have to cut the strings though.... they tend to smack your eyeballs. But seriously, I'll be watching this thread. I'm not comfortable with earplugs or music. I think it would lesson my awareness of my surroundings. My exo700 LBTS and it's time for a new lid.
  17. I woke up next to that face in college once.
  18. Sunday.... moto 2 at 2:00 and Moto GP at 3:00 from Qatar. Speed Chanel.
  19. To the OP..... after a page and a half of hurt feelings, OR exemplified OR by totally going off subject and ragging on people who ride all types of bikes (even scooters, which are ghey). We are equal opportunity offenders, so enjoy the ride (even on your slow-ass cruiser with boobie tassels).
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