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Everything posted by modular

  1. I have found a great deal on a left over new Buell '09 1125CR or R at a dealer in Michigan. I have heard of charging/electrical issues with these that is corrected by a recall. Any other issues? I read through some on the big Buell site but the electrical issue seems to be the recurring issue. Anyone here have experience with this bike??
  2. Dude, that was awesome! I needed a good laugh to start the day.
  3. modular

    KY ride???

    Another fella and myself rode 10 Sunday. It proved to be quite technical with the blind crests and corners right after them. Factor in the wind and it was an exciting ride, fo sho.
  4. If that was a panel van I would totally rock it. I have always loved E250 4x4's.
  5. modular

    KY ride???

    I live just north of Cincy so I can go whenever. I don't want to be gone too long on Sunday. This will be a trip to help me get settled with the new bike.
  6. modular

    KY ride???

    I think this Sunday I will do the 9/10/22/159 then return back up 10/9 route since I have never been down there yet. Just wanna check it out.
  7. modular

    KY ride???

    Since some of you have to shoot by me I may be in on this as well. I have never been in Ky. riding as of yet and have heard great things about it.
  8. I ride to work when I can. It's only 8 miles on way on all surface streets but a good wake-up in the morning and relaxing after work.
  9. The above quoted for truth and is also my story. Dropped it at the post office this AM.
  10. modular

    Hello all

    Hello and welcome. Loves me some Buell goodness. What model XL does your wife have?
  11. including quantum physics
  12. Nice. Be sure to post pics of the Hawk when it's done!
  13. modular

    Camel toe

    Honestly, I was 80% expecting something like that.
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