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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. i think it can not one hundred percent sure. I ahve a guy that is supposed to get back with me about possibly picking it all up this weekend but if he doesnt I will let you know.


    are you on goclubgp?


    Well let me know how it goes, I've tried everything with this trans now I'm just looking at replacing it. Yes, I'm on goclubgp too.

  2. ANYONE? MY trans jsut took a crap on me in my camaro so I need cash. make me some offers I will let this stuff go


    What are you asking for the trans? I'd make an offer, but I'm poor and don't want to low ball you, so what did you have in mind? Also, do you know if a 98 trans can be directly swapped with an 01?

  3. Yes, I hate Time Warner! I should have canceled it after the install guy couldn't do his job. This motherfucker had, and I kid you not, 3 separate lines of cable running into my hose from the back and side and it was all going to the same connecter!? He left because it was dark and my cable was coming in really fuzzy. So after he left I went back through and disconnect about 15-20 feet of cable and 6 connectors, ran 2 lines into the house, one to the TV one to my modem and what do you know…clear cable. Now the info/ guide will read No Data at random time then for no fucking reason the cable box will just reboot and take 10 minutes to do so. I hate there customer service dept, hate their service and installers, nothing but shitty service all around here. The only reason we have them is for the NHL center ice package.
  4. Mud, the firm is The Mergis Group. Although I have been interviewing with the Dispatch as well, so we will see what the future holds.


    SuperGTP, nothing planned as of yet. Still have the temp tags on it. I'm sure big brake kit and exhaust is in the near future, hopefully before spring arrives. I just plan on driving it for now, then beat the hell out of later. No drifting or 1/4 mile as of yet. Motocross will probably be more of what I'll do. Other rides, RX350 and a Mitsubishi Gaylant (first car.)


    Who have you been talking to at the Dispatch. I've worked with them for 6 years now, pretty good company IMO.

  5. all very well put! congrats to you two. never met either of ya but wish you the best!


    also super_gtp... i could never imagine being married before 25 myself. so its understandable. i am not married, but want to be more then anything. that doesn't mean i am just trying to find someone who would say yes. been pretty well single for ehh 2.5 years. i'm particular. its ben said many times but still true. when your ready you will know. it actually sounds like you are about there now, just need to do it. you know what you might want to do. go look at rings by yourself. dont have to be there to buy. just look, and think about the ring on her finger, and what that signifies. you might be surprised how you feel about it a few days after.


    Good call..."Note to self...Stay AWAY from jewelry stores" :p J/K

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