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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I'm not sure what it is. For me I know that he and I had been through hell and high water and we had made it. Every day we made the decision to come home to the other one and maintain our family, life and love. But for me I wanted the outward symbol of that commitment and dedication. Very simply it takes it up a notch, if only in a woman's head. So let me ask you a question. If you love her and are planning to be with her anyway and it puts her at ease by doing it then why wouldn't you?


    Because forever is a long ass time...it's like...forever. I don't really know why... I have a hard time ordering off a menu at some places because that's a decision that's going to affect my hunger for the next few hours, let alone the person that is going to affect my life for the rest of my life. Well maybe it's not that extreme, but it's just a tuff, scary decision and for now I don't have to face it. Besides people change, I’ve changed over the past 6 years and so has Kari (my G/F). I just want to make sure we are both comfortable with our lives as individuals before we commit to each other. I’m 24 and she’s 31 so we look at things a bit different. That and lets face it, rings are expensive ;)

  2. Punch him in the face. Move on with life.

    X2. I'm sorry, but if someone jumped on my back (which I guess is the literal interpretation of getting “jumped”) and kept on harassing me over BS after I tried talking to them, I'd have to beat their ass too. I really don’t know how people get themselves into messes like this. I have friends that I don’t “run into” that much out at bars. How do you keep running into the same guy who is giving you shit? And if he’s that big of a punk, either call the cops which should scare him or beat his ass.

  3. that was super hard for me, when others would get engaged and hadnt been together as long.. I feel her pain :)


    Help me with that, from a woman’s perspective. Why is it the woman always wants to get married and the guy...well...he just eventually agrees. Girls see their friends get married and Oh snap, “when are WE getting married?” starts up. I heard about it all summer. 3 of her friends got married and we went to all the weddings. Now her younger sister is engaged and so is my best friend and she is always dropping hints. I tell her “I love you” and she points to her ring finger. :lol: Don’t get me wrong, I love my G/F we’ve been through a lot in our 6 years and have always hung in there with each other. I think most of our friends see us a married already. I want a nice wedding too, not like I dream about it or anything. But what is it about getting married for women that is the same as a guy getting an exotic car or scoring the game winning touch down in the super bowl? Seriously, women are all about getting married and I just don’t see what the big deal is… Sorry, I’m not trying thread jack or sound like a downer and rain on the good new, just wanted a female perspective.

  4. me too lol. Her sister kim had a crush on me since forever ago. thats priceless



    she went to my high school and was in some of my classes. I was friends with her in middle school. that is kinda funny i did not expect to see that when i opened the link.


    Why aren't you fuckers turning her in!? $$$$$$ Come on, you've got to have some way to get in touch with her. ;)

  5. Is it possible this will be the lowest rated super bowl since Bal v NYG? Ariz is a nice story but is there really any star power for the draw?


    Pittsburgh is such a polarizing team. You either love them or hate em. I'm not sure where the ratings are gonna come from.


    I hate to say it, but I agree. It's going to be like the Steelers vs. Seahawks a few years ago. Hopefully with the same outcome :cool:

  6. They are great cars! I'm pissed with mine right now, but I'm on a few other GP forums and there aren't many complaints with them. Mine has about 140K miles on the body and it’s still in great shape. A few rattles, but most of the luxury features (heated seats, climate control and HUD) still work fine, Do some little mods, maybe a 3.4 pulley, intake, colder plugs, wires, t-stat and no cat and you'll love the car! That should get you about 260-275 whp. But once you start pushing 300 WHP it's going to get expensive with trans upgrades and unreliable. If I could do it over again, I would have stopped with the rockers and just kept it like that. That would have made for a much more enjoyable DD.

    Oh and I have never heard of a S/C going bad on these from regular use. People who spray N20 and fuel through them have stripped the coating on the rotors which causes then to heat up, but not stop making boost. Change the SC oil (even though it’s not in the maintenance manual) and maybe while you’re at it the bearings and the coupler for piece of mind.

  7. 1. Attempt to start the car, let it stall, but DO NOT turn the key off! Leave it in RUN.

    2. Wait 10 minutes or until the Theft Sys light glows steady instead of blinking.

    3. Do not turn the key off, but start it immediately.

    4. This should reset your Passlock system.



    ...you can thank me later.


    Thanks...But I already tried that, no luck.

  8. I only sold it because at the time I didn't have the time/money to do the swap. Had an LS1 swap been as easy as it is now, I would have done that.


    It's okay to feel love Kenny... Say it with me...I LOVE YOU! Hahahaha :lol:

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