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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Dunno how he managed that...I dont think i've ever seen that low.


    It was that low for a few reasons. Good timing mostly, I bought the house back in December of 02 and they had the interest rates real low because of 9/11 and the economy. Then I went through with a FHA loan and they were able to help get a lower rate since I had crazy good credit at the time, my beacon score was like 790. Ditching the realtor and looking on my own really helped. I found that there are a crap load of special GOV loans that you can apply for. There is a loan for urban development, if you want to look for houses outside the city they'll pay part of the mortgage up front to help reduce the cost of your loan/ payment, it's crazy. You can qualify for a lot if you take your time and just look. There almost out there like school loans, if you look you can find a great deal.

  2. There wouldn't be an issue if the dumabsses making $10 an hour wouldn't buy a 200k house. :(.


    I'm happy with my $100k house I bought back in '99. Now it's worth at least $130k. Payments are still under a grand.


    X2! When I went looking for a house I found that people were trying to sell me a house, not help me find one. My realtor took me to a bunch of those new builds where you pay $700.00 a month for the first 2 years and then ("Becasue your income will go up" :rolleyes:) the monthly payment will be $1,200.! I'm sure it will go up, and it has, but it sure as hell didn't double. I'd imagine that a lot of people saw what they wanted to see and got roped into it. I on the other hand said fuck the realtor got online and started finding them on my own. I found a nice 3 bed room ranch for $110K. Got a KILLER interest rate .0325 thanks to the 9/11 bs when they were cuttin rate and now I comfortably live in my own home and pay about $200.00 less per month then my friends who rent pay.

  3. LMAO!! I guy I work with somkes Marlboros and has this confused mullet deal going on. And now that you mention it he does smell like Stetson and wet basement... Tilly are you at my work? I've already scouted the perimiter and the OP is NOT here.
  4. -yeah they are rx8 wheels, im not looking to 1/4 drag the car, kinda pointless being FWD..


    -im looking for around 350-400 whp when done which is perfectly doable on this setup.


    -turbo emblem i bought off ebay.


    -ill race that 4 door even though ill get spanked :) 4g63 is no slouch.



    dont mean to sound arrogant just frustrated when you try to tastefully do up your car and the people still hate on it for whatever reason. :shrug:


    Not bad at all I never thought I'd take a second look at a probe. But very well done! And yeah, don't take it too serious it's CR, in the Kitchen, On the internetz...shits tuff in here.

  5. Damn i miss roller drop-in's, if you out-work the other guys it SHOULD be a hell of a workout. I remember just being drained after a good drop-in and going home and going right to bed on a friday night. Although this last weekend I hit up friday ice drop-in and had games saturday and sunday so those were my workouts :)


    I have yet to weigh myself currently, i usually try and stick with it for a while before weighing results. I could care less if i lose number as long as i look better. Ive only been hitting it hard for a few days so i'll update in a week or so.


    BTW, where do you box? I use to go to a gym in powell off sawmill pkwy but i cant remember the name of it. Havent been there in months though.


    Yeah, the hockey does drain you. But the conditioning with Boxing helps. I've been Boxing Thursday, Hockey Friday and back to Boxing Saturday..Shit the last 3 Sundays I've pretty much just been sitting on my ass recovering. But that should start to fade as I get in better shape.


    Oh' and the gym is called Sullivan Brothers. It's the same place you're talking about right off of Sawmill Pkwy in that strip mall. They are moving this weekend to a bigger building in that same strip mal so there will be a lot more room. It's not really a bad deal. I got 12 lessons there as a birthday present, but a month to month membership is only like $40-$45. Or you can just show up and pay $10.00 to work out there for as long as you want.

  6. Well JP, I've given it some thought and even though I don't really know you...I'm going to man up and help you out....The solution to your problem is...(drum roll please)...I'll take one off your hands. Now I know what you're thinking sloppy seconds, isn't classy. And I have to agree, but in this desperate time well you have to have someone to turn to. Think of it as wing man. I'll talk to the ugly girl so you can talk to her hot friend, it's the same thing here. You just let me know which one of the 3 is worse in the sack and I'll “distract” (aka fuck) her for the next few weeks. I know that still leaves you with 2 but I was thinking about that as well. And I think you'll have better luck convincing 2 girls to sleep with you at the same time vs. 3 girls. So let’s recap... 3 girls 5 nights a week turns into 2 girls at once 3 nights a week. That gives you 2 other business days to do other things. The offer is only good through this weekend, so let me know and good luck. ;)
  7. Fuck if it's that bad, you've cleared the bench, the goalies fought, and your coaches were just about to roll up their sleeves, the only thing left to do is pick up some sticks and start busting heads! That’s the great thing about Hockey, when you’re on a team; the entire team has your back, so if 2 get into it, 2 more, and then 2 more and so on and so on…
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