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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I thought urs had a hairdryer on it? Mabey I'm mistaken ahh well.


    Yea get it fixed so I can drag you around again.... ooooooo haah j.k


    Drag me around again huh, is that what you call a ½ car length at 130+. ;)Ahhh the good old days! You did get me though, that was a good race! I look forward to a rematch.

  2. You got any pics? I don't think I've seen your car.....
    Not all the best pics but here are a few...









  3. This is the silver gtp I raced u were buddies with a black two door gt that ran strong right?

    If so man its a clean car. I feel the same way as u as my cars eatin two trannys part of a motor an 3 sets of axels lol but its a car you built it'll always have that speciial something. Even if it is being a pos ull want it back after its gone.


    So suck it up stfu get it fixed so ican race you again lol


    Yep, that's it. I don't know what I'll do, but I'll eventually race you again :D

  4. I don't know if it's been asked before, but what was the car that started it all for you, the one you first fell in love with? I realized after bitching about my car in another thread that my Grand Prix really holds a certain sentimental value to me. Unlike most car guys I didn’t grow up turning wrenches on my dad’s car with him at 12 years old or visiting the track. I always liked cars but didn’t really know much about them. I bought the Grand Prix and it was pretty peppy. The next thing I know I was busting my knuckles trying my hardest and taking my time to properly install a CAI. Now I was all over the internet trying to find out more info on my car. I met people who were able to help guide and teach me and it wasn’t before long that I was spending all my time in my drive way under my hood. I got it running 12’s was driving it to work washing it every Sunday. I was in love with my car. So come on…what was your first love? It doesn’t have to be the fastest around just the car that you’ll look back on and say I really loved that car…
  5. 4 trans missions that it?.. Hell manyou got more than a long way if those are your only two problems.


    Gotta pay to play.


    4 transmissions an engine, several axles, completley new wiring for the engine, not to mention all the supporting mods. I know pay to play, I've played and paid...It's just that I don't want to play anymore with this car but it's still making me pay. :cry:

  6. How much do you pay per month now? How much is that after a year?

    Hell, sell the GTP, and buy a $500-$1000 beater, save the rest. It'll be a piece of shit, but it only has to last a year. (my $900 corolla lasted 4 years!) At the end of the year, you'll have whatever you saved from the sale, plus one year's of car payments. That should be one big chunk of change to put down on whatever car you want.

    Only thing is I own 6 more months on the car. I'd have to sell it for what’s left on the loan then buy the beater. I was hoping it would last me another year so that I could save some $$$ and get something better. Shit just never happens at the right time ya know. I guess I was just hoping it wouldn't have to come to this. This car was the one that got me into cars really. I didn't grow up around a DAD or brother who raced or that were into cars. I always liked car but didn’t know a lot about them. I got this because it was S/C and had a big V6 which I thought that was cool! Then I met some people who had done some mods and started. I still remember fucking around trying to put the CAI on it a month after I bought it back in 2004. It took me hours, then the mod bug hit me and I learned A LOT with this car, as gay as it sounds being a Grand Prix and all, I really love this car. It was always clean and I put a lot of pride into it. It wasn't the fastest thing around but it held it's own. Again it was the car that started it all for me. I guess in a way I was hoping to never have to sell it, use it as my DD, buy a V8 and turbo it as a toy and always keep my first love. But it has now turned into a love HATE situation as it gets older, which is part of life…

  7. CL the fucker and take the money and buy a cheap reliable beater outright. Save up while you drive it and down the road get yourself another fun car. If car doesn't do it's job, it's junk. Foist it off on some stranger and get what money you can out of it.



  8. No, welcome to people who don't know how to properly mod and maintain an American car.

    Is this a trick statement? I mean, can someone really mod and maintain a Pontiac!?

    My Formula is a great example of reliability. Fuck off.

    I feel your pain, but at least it's not your DD.

    Wanna part out the GTP?

    It might come to that point, I'll let you know.

  9. When it's good it's good, but when it's bad...well it's my Grand Prix (insert predictable insult here) When it was young, it was fun to drive so I modded it, drove it to the track ran some 12's and drove it home. But one day it decided to start eating trannys, 4 to be exact and giving me all sorts of random problems. The newest was on my way to work this morning when I stopped to get gas. I noticed that my SECURITY light was on (oh no, I hope this doesn't mean it won't start later) against my better judgment I stopped anyway filled it up. Sure as shit, I go to start it, it runs for 10-15 seconds then stalls! :mad: FUCK! What car does that!!! SRSLY you stop to get gas then it doesn't start!? I'm assuming that it's all security related. So I'm going to try a security learn on it later, but fuck! I hate that car. I use to love getting in it, washing it, keeping it clean, and getting into a little action around town and at the track. But anymore I can't fucking stand it! I'd sell it, but I only owe a few more months on it and I don't want another car payment. I said to myself why not just get beater, but then I realized that this IS a beater, fucking pieces of shit! Rant/



    This is in the kitchen and not Tech help because I’m pissed right now and don’t give a fuck about fixing it. I HATE MY FUCKING CAR!!!

  10. Yeah ive still got a membership but i pay per visit. I would go more often but the times I would go (noonish) theyre closed. Plus its kinda ackward/weird working out there by yourself, at the gym i can just plug in my ipod and do my thing. But damn i do miss hitting all those bags.


    Yeah, the do have very restrictive hours, but lucky for me, they work great with my schedule. The bags are great, but what about "The Wall Of Pain"?

  11. "How did you hear about Columbus Racing?

    wish i had'nt

    Why do you want to join Columbus Racing?

    i don't anymore."




    LOL, I didn't notice that :lol:


    WOW....:eek: Imagine that a stripper with low self-esteem....

  12. :lol:

    It's a good starting point, but don't let him off so easy. Here I made a few changes to your OP...

    What’s up Berry! Glad to hear from you. No, I am not the original owner of the truck. I actually found it in my neighbor's barn after he was raped and then eventually murdered in the truck! I think he was involved in a gang-related drug operation and shit turned sour, I'm not really sure of all the details. I didn’t find out about the murder until after I purchased the truck, and then strange shit started happening when I was in it. Every now and again there will be this weird thing in the seat poke my ass! and I’m talking really poke up inside my butt hole! At first it would feel good, and I’m not even gay. But then it started getting real ruff with my hole and it wouldn’t stop. Do you believe in ghosts Berry? Probably not, anyway the butt thing is neither here nor there, probably just a wire or something in the seat. I was thinking I know my original price was probably a little high so I’m open to offers. I just want this haunted thing as far away as possible which is why this truck is for you. I’d need the money ASAP because I want to buy some new guns religious articles to keep the ghosts away, I hope that’s ok with you. Also, if you send me nude pics of yourself I might be willing to knock the price down even more. That seat thing really got me thinking on the other side of the fence, if ya know what I mean. Anyway let me know!



    Your Daddy

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