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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I have a question about all the protein drinks that are out there. I started Boxing about 2 weeks ago, I’m not looking to bulk up I just want to tone and condition really and so far it’s done great.


    -But is there any advantage to adding a protein mix or other supplement to my diet to help burn some fat?

    -What’s the difference between regular and lean muscle mass?

    -What’s something that can be added to my diet to help burn some extra fat. (I’m not looking for a diet pill just something extra to help my workouts)

    -And finally, can someone just give me the 1,2,3’s on how protein/muscle mass/ burning fat all work together?


    I’m really getting into Boxing and it’s already help me loose weight and tone up, but I just want more! :cool:

  2. I play but i play in leagues during the week. I know there are acouple others that play there as well.


    PS watch out for CAbot rabbitt. He may try to hump your leg.

    Hump my leg huh? I'll make sure I keep my head up ;). So what team/ league are you in? I may look into joining a league after a few more weeks of drop in. I still have a few parts of my game I'd like to work on first.

  3. For those of you counting calories, this site is GREAT!!!



    It gives you the nutrion facts on all foods Resturants to Grocery. I looked up some of the foods that I eat and was suprised at a few things. You can eat the Ultimate feast with all the sides at Red Lobster and still take in less calories the a Burrito at Chipotle with no cheese or Sour Cream! also the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger has less calories then the crispy chicken sandwich. I just started lookiing up everything. Are you a starbucks fan? Order a regular 16oz Iced Mocha and you're taking in 350 calories, but change that to a Skinny Mocha and make it 24oz an you'll only take in 110. I know there is more too it then just calories...But still, it's a good starting point and I'm sure if you look at some of your favorite food, you'll be suprised.

  4. Fucked one of my EXs in the bathroom right next to the living room her dad was watching TV in.


    Fucked my other EX in her little nieces bed. :eek:


    Fucked another EX in her parents bed(who hasn't?)


    Fucked some girl on her deck porch swing while her parents were inside the house.


    Fucked same said girl in a bush off my street.. lol.


    ..I'll stop.

    Okay, so I get how the other situations could get someone worked up, the fear of getting caught in the act...But in her little nieces bed :eek:! What kind of sick pedophile shit is that!?

  5. Sand volleyball at flannagans is the devil. I heard it pop and crack about 4 times on the way down. The girl across from me asked if the noise was my keys or my knee. I assured her it was my knee. I was helped up and limped to the bar where I got a shot and a beer. I then came back to watch the rest of the match to be a good sport. I drove my 5 speed from flannagans to Sunbury with the wife in the car. This morning the pain was much worse than when it happened. So, here is kinda the list of my soon bionic knee.


    Complete tear of ACL, partially torn MCL, severe sprain of LCL, fluid in knee, irregular cartalidge in patella, torn medial meniscus, few other things I still dont understand.


    So far, Doctor visit, and MRI, go to the ortho tomorrow.


    I "won't" walk for 6-8 weeks, surgery is next week, I hope. With alot of physical therapy i might be back to normal in 3 to 6 months.


    Now I cant sleep because it hurts to much.


    I need an automatic to drive


    Hummm.... Good luck with that.

  6. I don't think my Steelers can beat the Ravens 3 times in one season.


    I am going with the Eagles vs Ravens with the Ravens winning by 3


    I have same feeling. Beating a team 3 times is HARD. But the Steelers looked really good Sunday. I think the weeks rest did them a LOT of good. They have been playing with injuries all season, now everyone seems to be healthy at the right time. The Ravens have been playing really good too, but how about the QB. This will be a big game for a new QB. I'm sticking with the Steelers! It will be a great game either way because the 2 teams hate eachother.

  7. you got a telescope? cause from that distance your gonna have a hard time seeing my tiny cock


    Will this do the trick? It's the Hubbble Telescope, it can see planets light years away, it MIGHT be able to locate your tiny penor. ;)


  8. I play, but I'm clear in whg.


    That's only what a 1 1/2, maybe 2 hour drive? Come on over to C-bus, I’ll pay for the hockey! I know there are people on this forum who TALK about playing but apparently that's all ;) Oh well, the longer they stay away the better I get. I had my first goal last week, stole the puck at the top of the face off circle, put the moves on two defensemen and went stick side low on the goalie. I screamed like I just won the cup! Only my second game in about 10 years and I already have 2 points in 2 games (1 Goal 1 assist). GO ME. :lol:

  9. You're right, saying "I don't need to wear a helmet because I'm a good rider" is a fucking brilliant statement and the man should be given an award for it.


    He's a fucking idiot. Is he as dumb as Adam Jones? No. Does that make him less of an idiot? No.




    I don't even know what to say... Let's agree to disagree. GO STEELERS!!

  10. He's lucky he is still able to play football - maybe now you will see my point.




    Meh, It was a bad choice on his part and he is lucky it wasn't worse but I don't think that makes him stupid or a bad player. It seemed more like a careless mistake then being an idiot. I can understand that, he won a Superbowl the year before he had money, he’s 23 and got careless. He got into a motorcycle accident that wasn’t his fault, but he wasn’t wearing a helmet. A bad choice, yes, but to me that doesn’t make him an idiot or a dumb ass. Now players like Pac Man Jones who start shootings at strip clubs and get into fist fights and who can’t even back their shit up on the field. (way to get released from the Cowboys) Or even Plexaco Burris who can back it up, but shoots himself AFTER getting suspended or T.O. and …well take your pick. Ben made a mistake but learned from it and is a better player and teammate. Now if he kept on making the same sort of dumb ass mistakes well then I see your point, but not because some lady ran a stop sign when he was on his bike. See my point?

  11. An 11 second car for under $8K that has more potential is a great deal. Hell even if you only did appearance mods from this point out you’d still have a bad ass car. Imagine what some sort of power adder would do! I really wish I had some $$$ I’ve been itching to get back into a car with some power. But I’m broke right now so the best I can do is drool and dream. GL with the sale, I’m surprised it’s not sold yet.
  12. PUSSY. that's how dinner is served. Most people live in thier little box and pretend that a giant blade didn't slice the neck of that cow to make thier hamburger, or a freshly hatched chick that doesn't meet standards doesn't get it's head crushed and then put into a container to make dog food. . .


    If you eat meat or use leather in any way your a hypocrite.


    True...but...well, I guess there is not "but'. Hypocrite or not I don't have to find some guy twisting the neck of a goose appealing. Yeah there are butchers but I'd imagine their a bit more humane then some redneck ringing the neck of a goose.

  13. The Bengals always suck, and always will, until Mike Brown dies.


    That said - at least the Bengals have been to the Super Bowl, unlike the Clowns. Oh, and they finished this season ahead of the Clowns.


    Steelers still suck cocks though, and "big Ben" is a fucking dipshit.


    A dipshit with a superbowl ring! ;) GO STEELERS!!!!

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