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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I never run into problems down by Brothers, I guess you have to know how to move through the D-bags. People have said shit to me there on occasion but honestly I just look at it like this. I know they’re drunk and have their “boys”, ego and drunk tuff man suit on so I just ignore it. I really don’t see the point in getting into it with some prick who can’t handle his Liquor; I’m down there to have a good time with my friends. Yeah it erks me sometimes, but it’s just not worth it.


    It sucks that you got busted up but it takes both sides being stupid to get into a fight. If you knew they were just looking for trouble and someone to fight then way say anything back? What could they have possibly said that you just couldn’t let slide? And to get upset about no one jumping in to stop it is just as stupid. You see unlike you and the 5 drunk guys everyone else standing around is smart enough to let it go. Why should someone else put their ass on the line either getting hurt or going to jail for you and something stupid?


    Officer: You’re under arrest for disorderly conduct

    Bystander: But why? I just jumped into a random fight to try and help the 2 loosing guys!?


    I don’t think it’s a matter of ethics and the right or wrong thing to do in that situation it’s more about being smart.


    Anyway, good luck next time around hope you heal up soon and go Jackets!

  2. User name/Starting weight/Current weight/Target weight


    MKV Aaron/345/345/260




    True Blue/290/290/240




    super_gtp/210/202.6/175 (down 8 pounds)








































    Nick/17%/17%/9% (body fat)












    Good luck guys!



    Alirght so I started last Moday (12-29) and I'm down 8 pound! As of this morning I weighed in at 202.6. My secreat? We'll I had the flu Monday and Tuesday so I didn't really eat much and whatever I did eat...well...it came out quick. BUT, I was back to felling 100% on Thursday. I haven't done much on the diet end yet but I played roller hockey Friday night and sucked at basketball Saturday night. so I'm trying to burn off the extra pounds first.

  3. I like to thin my motor oil with water to save money. Those quarts of oil get expensive real quick.


    Also noticed that 3 slices of white bread work great to filter used oil. Strain it through the bread twice, and you're good for another 5k...


    Shit mang you do that too! Glad to hear I'm not the only one, my shits run great after the bread filter.

  4. First off, I would never buy a used toilet....

    Second, shit is shit no matter who's ass it came out of.

    Unless you're a pro golfer, then that apparentaly increases the value of your used crapper!

  5. I need to make a correction...my weigh in is 328 :D Last night I was 333, but this morning I was 328. One night of sleep = HUGE weight loss! At this rate I can probably meet my goal in 20 nights.


    Like I said, you weigh less in the AM. I'm guessing it's like your curb weight, Before you fill the fluids/ your body.

  6. maybe he didn't know it was worth that or even knew what he had.


    It was probably one of those..."one of these days I'm going to fix it up and drive it" things that seems to happen when you get older and life takes over, leaving hobbies on the back burner. Someday you guys will get old and understand what I'm talking about. trust me.


    We're not talking about some old school Catty or even maybe an old benz, were talking about a fucking Bugatti 1 of only 17!!! How the hell does someone just happen to run past a vintage car like that and have no clue what it is and leave it set. If he did buy it used then the original seller had to know it's worth...Why cant I have some old rich uncle who buys rare exotic cars and forgets them! I hate my fucking life :mad:

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