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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Attention CR roller hockey players. I will be making my maiden roller hockey voyage this evening at Central Ohio Roller Hockey in Grandview (link http://www.columbusrollerhockey.com/). It’s drop in from 7-9 $10.00, I’m sure I will do poorly since this will be my 1st time out in about oh 8-10 years. So if any of you guys want to join me, come on out. At least that way if I get fucked up we can talk cars. ;)
  2. Nothing ticks me off more than when someone calls me, I miss the call at the last second, then call them RIGHT back, and they dont answer. Like in that one second they got busy.


    Or they're in the process of leaving you a message and don't have call waiting?

  3. This is from a yahoo sports artical on the USC Penn State game. Som very harsh words about the BIG 10 and the Buckeyes. Kind of hard to face the truth sometimes. :(


    Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany wasn’t in the press box during the game. He was somewhere in the stands, according to a Rose Bowl official, and presumably wearing a fake mustache, dark glasses or some suitable disguise. Those who know the inner-workings of college football know that Delany is one of the fiercest opponents of a playoff. And if Delany thinks USC’s lobbying for a playoff was shrill, just wait.


    It’ll get worse when Texas beats the daylights out of Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl on Monday. Wait for the game to be played if you must, but it’s worth noting that Penn State’s loss to USC dropped the Big Ten to 1-5 in bowl games this season. Of course the only way to guarantee the Buckeyes would lose would be to put them in the BCS title game, where they got clobbered each of the past two years.

  4. Am I the only one who realizes he is a shitty driver? The cars with probably half the horsepower who CAN drive were right on his ass because he couldn't handle the car. I love the vid JP but that is how it came off to me.


    X2 for having 1000+ HP those other cars kept up pretty damn good, even on the straight away. Poor driver FTL.

  5. x2 especially the history channel or something I enjoy watching, it seems the more informative it is to me the faster Ill fall asleep, the more boring the longer I stay up. I hate waking up in the middle of the night because I cant fall back asleep watching infomercials and lifetime movies, I'll watch the whole damn thing.


  6. I do enough weird things that I'm just normal.

    Anyone who has ever eaten around me knows that I flat refuse to eat anything green in color

    A friend of mine has the same "problem" I just thought it was becasue his parents never made him eat his veggies.

    I also have a strict rutine, side dish then main course, dessert if I got any, and after all that I'll drink the drink. In that order and that order only, pisses me off if I go somewhere and they send something out after the main course.

    Something similar for me. If I start with the side dish I have to eat all the side dish before I move on to something else. I don't necessarily HAVE to start with the side, but whatever I start with I have to finish before I start eating the next part of the meal.

    Anyway point is I hate eating, it's the worst part of life.

    Yes, eating and gaining vital nutrients to sustain life IS the worst part of life.

  7. The best showing for the big 10 so far sadly enough has been Northwestern and Missouri. Northwestern at least lead in that game and it went into OT and lets not forget that Missouri was ranked as high as 3rd this season. I sure hope OSU can do something against Texas and save a little respect for the BIG 10...
  8. Still in progress. I didn't drink last night (still recovering from the flu), have been eating lots of fruit and drinking my water. I'll post my weight on Sunday.


    Just a suggestion for everyone, try to weigh yourself around the same time every time. Believe it or not you weigh a little less in the morning so for the sake of being consistant try and pick a time of day to weigh in and stick with it.


    Also something that I hate about eating better is that it gets boring. I can eat a Bananna and toast for breakfast for about a week then I get sick of it. So maybe people can post up what they eat so others have options. I eat a fruit cup (no or Low sugar) and scramble up an egg.

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