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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I'm spending far more money on this thing than I should be simply because I haven't had a Buick in so long. It's like meth, except you don't lose teeth.

    I decided to be "Smart" and instead of dumping money into my car, I'm spending money to remodle my bathroom and kitchen. It's going to be the best looking kitchen evar! :lol:

  2. Mildly big turbo, some bullet proof head gaskets, and soon a cam and lifters, then it should be ready to go in (well, after I tap the block for an oil return).

    Nice! I want a fast toy car again, but mine is broke and I'm poor :(

  3. YES!! I'm stuck at work and I'm the only motherficker here. I have to wait for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA today to send information for their papers tomorrow and Friday. It sucks, at least we have eachother...
  4. how has no one seen this already to know better then not to click it lol. still though you got them good lol.

    I can only speak for myself on why I haven't yet seen the video in question. But I personally don't search the internet for Gay porn so I can shre it with with other grown men. It's a lifestyle choice for me.

  5. pff I'm not spending money for some dickfuck to tell me what kind of person I am.

    I'll tell you for free and judging by this post I'd say you’re an angry person. The way you lash out at said “dickfuck” person for not including you is a sign of needingness. You strive to be to liked and included but don’t want to show it, that’s why you get angry when people don’t include you, in this case your car. Your negative rep enforces that theory. Sure positive rep would be cool but no rep at all would make you nothing and a sad person. By driving a style of car that 75% of this forum drives only supports that needing to fit in and be liked but admitting that would make you soft. So to mask your pain and weakness you get angry. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. I like your car and Jesus loves you…. :p

  6. is that a referral link..? where you make money when we buy the book or something?

    Shit I didn't know it was a referal link. Kenny, I'll click the referal link a few hundred times and when you get all the referal money you buy the book. I'm not sure if referal links work that way or not, you'd probably know more about referal links then I. Greg is right though since it's a referal link you probably want to let someone know. You know just to stay on the level with everyone. :p

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