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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. That was pretty damn goodm weather he plays "real" ball or not. And besides, don't they have a streetball league now? He could do that for a while but like all basketball players he probably wants to go pro and those tricks don't work there. But again, he was good and made an ass out of a lot of players!
  2. well our balls arnt touching, but sott is cupping my balls, and pauls balls are on my knee. so who really knows whats conisidered gay. we need one more partner for a complete circle jerk

    Still Looking for the 4th guy to complete the circle!? I'm off in about an hour if you can last that long.

  3. Get an Aeroforce Interceptor gauge. They are $200+ but well worth the money. It's a scanner with every parameter you could ever want, record data, clear codes, etc. You can constantly monitor KR. I loved mine


    Yes, I have 1 too and anytime I have a problem with my car its a great starting point to find out WTF is going on. I have it set to view fuel trims and KR all the time.

  4. Bump. I know there are players on here, I hear you talk about playing from time to time. Now I have the equpiment and nothing...:( Well incase anyone cares I didn't do to bad last week. I had 2 shots on goal and a good breakway. Considering this was the first time in my adult life playing I think I held my own. I'm going back this Friday, this time with indoor wheels, I could barley turn around the net with the rock hard wheels that came with the skates. I didn't fall though :lol:
  5. People said the same thing about Cooper....


    Yeah and it worked didn't it. :D


    Tress should stay but something has to be looked at in the coaching staff. Weather or not OSU keeps everyone, changes need to be made and they need to get more aggressive.

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