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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. gross...your sig aka gamercard is for an xbox but the main image you have on there is from Army of 2, a PS3 game. Whats up with that?

    Wanna know how I know you're gay? Srsly, who the hell pays attention to that...other then you. ;)

  2. i plan on buying about 10,000 gallons. And storing at my shop for this summer.


    has race gas gone down too?

    As dumb as that sounds at first, if you could afford to do that you would get a good ROI. lets do the math shall we....

    Current average price per gallon = $1.55


    10,000 gallons X $1.55 = $15,500


    Average price per gallon 5 months ago = $3.45


    10,000 gallons X $3.25= $34,500


    $34,500 - $15,500 = $19,000 profit….

  3. Here are a few of my favorites...










    Or you could stick with the original plan and break his leg....That's always a riot. :lol:






    Or even better yet, break his cat’s leg!






    Either that or just have dirty butt sex with his mom and then spread rumors about how bad she was in the sack.





    Either way i hope your day gets better. ;)

  4. I'm with Sam on this one. How is it fair to say what happened and speculate when no of you were there? I’m sure because this was on CR we all feel like we have something to contribute. But the fact is the best thing to do is just STFU about it. It was a really fucked up situation no matter what happened. I was unaware that the CPD was trolling here so all the more reason not to speculate and stop giving uneducated opinions to feed the fire… But in the other hand it is a public forum for discussion and this is a hot topic.
  5. Wow, thanks for posting. This is very humbling. I’m kind of dealing with a shitty situation(s) in my life now and I’m angry at everything/one. This man who by all accounts should be pissed at the world is…Forgiving……
  6. wat

    Hey it works on my car. If you simply turn off the TCC you'll still get a 1 wheel burn out becasue the EBTCM sees the slip and pulls power. Yank out the fuse and 2 wheel burn outs all day long. Maybe it's just a Grand Prix thing.

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