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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I don't know what made me think of this... But doesn't this guy look like the gay bastard love child of the dad from The Wonder Years and Rudy :lol:














  2. How you figure?

    How do you figure?


    If someone makes an absolutely awful joke, or says something completely random or pointless. One member of the group may "zing" them. This works best if done during the awkward silence after the joke/comment. The zinger may also point with an open palm, fingers first at the joke/comment maker while zinging them for effect.

    TwistedRx7: It is the same thing as a dog whistle only gay men can hear another man whistle JayZ!!........(expecting laughter from the group)

    Super_GTP: (waitin a few seconds for the awkward silence to take hold].......ZING!!!!!



    An interjection commonly used after making a witty joke at someone else's expense while they are present.

    Person 1: Your room smells like ass.

    Person 2: That's because you're in it. ZING!

  3. My issue with Wal-Mart is its employees and about 90% of the shoppers. Most of the employees are worthless. They can never help you find shit, they can’t/ don’t do their job and are just complete morons. Apart from doing half their hiring south of the border, the other half they must recruit from state fairs and movie extras from lord of the rings. And I can’t go there on Saturdays or Sundays for fear of going postal on half the idiot shoppers. Look motherfucker if you’ve never used/ seen a U-Scan before, why pick Saturday afternoon with a cart full of shit and 20 people behind you to try and figure it out!? And that’s another thing, why do they have 30+ check out lines and when you go there they never have more the 5 open WTF!
  4. My employer has their own work out facility...It's great because it's like 3 minutes from my house and I think I'm the only one who ever uses it, so it's like my private gym!

    Sorry, this has nothing to do with lifetime on Sawmill…But I have a friend who goes there and he loves it, I thought about joining with him but you can’t beat a free gym membership.

  5. I think when they lost to Florida the whole team screwed that up. OSU pretty much ran through every team that year and was a favorite to win. Troy Smith (IMO) got a big head after winning the Hisman and the rest of the team thought the game was in the bag. Florida came to play and OSU got beat. I think that's the teams "fault". Last year they did get lucky and got matched up against a better team. I guess my beef with this is there seem to be too many fair weather fans that want to place blame and say this or that about Tressel or the Big10 or whatever. OSU is a great football team, they have their flaws and weak spots but shit, if you look at the past 3 or 4 seasons, it been fun to watch as a fan. I guess I'm just an optimistic person. :) You guys make good points thought, it’s a tuff call.
  6. I think some of the pussy play calling has something to do with a freshman QB and not wanting to put him in position to make bad plays. I think Tressel is smart enough to see the flaws in his game and switch it up. Predictable or not, if the plays are executed properly, 9 times out of 10 they should work.

    Also on the whole Cooper’s recruits…How long did John Cooper recruit and coach…What 9 years? And how many Championships did he win with his own recruits? Riiight. Tressel has taken the Buckeyes to a BSC title game all but maybe 1 year since he’s been coach. Just because the buckeyes don’t win the National Championship every year doesn’t mean they have a crappy coach or team. Sure it’s disappointing to get there 2 straight years and lose but at least for 2 straight years he had them in a position to win a National Championship.


    anyone else think tressel needs to go?


    ^^^ Band wagon fucking people. Tressel was a god when cooper left. Everyone was masturbating to him and his sweater vest. He's won a National Championship, and gone to 2 others but all of a sudden the buckeyes aren’t unbeaten and now he’s a crappy coach and play caller that needs to go? Tell me…Who should coach them then? Let’s fire him for making it to 2 BSC national championship games and loosing. WTF people, He HAS WON CHAMIPONSHIPS, and BIG GAMES. There are other coaches on the side line, and players on the field. It’s a god damn team sport. Now people say “We’ll I always thought he was just an okay coach”…Funny I didn’t here that when they were kicking the crap outta everyone in 06!? Just get off it already. He’s the coach. Rant/


    BTW…They’ll probably loose

    Texas 34- OSU 12

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