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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Best way to get a hold of him is on youtube since the mother fucker doesn't read! LOL
  2. If anyone bothered to read further in the thread to his responce about the baloon, I think you will find it funny and realize that the joke was on everyone who believed him. It was Funny either way.
  3. Main3s

    Teaser Vid...

    Nice looking car, do you have any paticular goals in mind for it (HP#, 1/4, ET...) other then just fast as shit?
  4. You live by Tuttel (sp) Mall? I ws on my way to softball and say 3 of them over that way. I've seen a few of those latley.
  5. Main3s

    New enzo?

    X2 That's one of those cars that's cool to know about but even if I hit the lotto, I still don't think I could get one sooo...
  6. Cool, but the car is kind of ugly. Not a whole lot of body lines. It looks like an old pinewood dirby car that I built in boyscouts when I was 10, LOL!
  7. Main3s

    Fuck this guy.

    I heard nothing happened in the happening...Hummmmm?
  8. Main3s

    CBJ Fans

    Exactly, at an allstar game in the skills compotition and against no defence in the game he was great by himself. But I'd rather have a guy who can play like that in every game and help the team improve. Maybe it's him, maybe it's the rest of the team, or maybe it's coaching but Nash isn't (at least IMO) even in the top 25 players in Hockey right now. He's good, but not great yet. I'm not even sure if I would consider him to be a franchise player. But that's just my opinion and I don't really follow the west too much.
  9. Main3s


    It does look fun, but in no way safe, something breaks and you're fucked/dead!
  10. Main3s

    CBJ Fans

    No offence, but Nash and Zerdev are not exactly "allstars". They are both good individual players, I'd hate to be in goal with either one of them coming my way. But you hardly hear anything about them, maybe it's because they play for the jackets? But then again if they were such allstarts then the jackets would'nt be so bad. I am looking forward to this next season to see how everything turns out for them, maybe they can at least be in the race for a playoff spot!
  11. Main3s

    CBJ Fans

    ^^ Hes not very big 5-10, 170lbs... It's gonna take him a year or two to beef up.
  12. ^^ Yeah the alaphbet song is crazy, at the end he and the beat go backward, Niiice
  13. Main3s


    What kind of red neck bullshit is this!?
  14. That was some Jet Lee shit there! WOW!!!!
  15. Fuck you all! Batman + Bullet= Fail Superman + Kriptionite (sp) = Fail Spiderman + Peter Parker = GAY X-men are mutants so don't go bringin that bullshit into this. We all know Walker Texas Ranger is the best mother fuckin super hero!!!
  16. Very nice! Anything done under the hood?
  17. T.I. not so much...Ludacris is great! cant forget Busta Rhymes, and one of the greatest albums the blackout M.E.T.H.O.D Maan and Redman.
  18. Main3s


    Nice, I'm gonna go pluck my twanger to that Teletubies porn! LOL
  19. That looked like one really uncomfortable (sp) dance she was giving.... :barf: Funny though.
  20. Agreed! I would like to throw 1 other big name in there NAS. He has always been around and doesn't seems to sell out much. I have lost a little liking for Eminem though, his last 2 albums were the same thing with different versions of the songs. Mos Def is definatly one of the best, Talib Kweli and don't forget the Roots.
  21. I would say that out of all the "rappers" out right now his is one of the best. He's got very different style that stands out. Not everything sounds the same like alot of the cRAP out there right now. I use to be a big hip hop fan, but now you really have to dig to find a good artist. So many are selling out and rapping about the same bullshit. Who cares about how much drugs you sold, money you got, hoes, cars, ets....STFU. No one is really trying to do anything different, which is why I kind of like seeing rappers do/ sound different. Believe it or not before rap was main stream it ment something...
  22. WTF!!! srsly how.......... you know what, never mind.
  23. Main3s

    CBJ Fans

    Umberger is good player. He had a good run in the playoffs. I heard the BJ's were looking at Ryan Malone from the Pens. Looks like they finally want to win some game. LOL
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