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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Tripple WTF! Do me a favor and don't refer to it as " Hypermiling" that's gay.
  2. I always say I'm not going to get in the throttle...........but I do..... Good luck!
  3. Nice cars! Welcome to CR. Do you race the cars much or just wrench on them and get rid of them?
  4. Saw this on another forum great ideas! http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7&products_id=22 http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=4&products_id=37 http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=6 http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=1 http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=18 They have many more products too, check em out, I think I'm going to pick up one of these for my exhaust rattle. http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=10
  5. X2... But don't worry guy I don't know, I got ya! + rep for you!
  6. Just 2for me... IRON MAN! Two Thumbs U... 3rd May 2008 05:34 PM thanks for ruining the movie you stupid fucker. go jump in front of a semi Finally over $4 a gallo... 7th May 2008 10:40 PM great post The IRON MAN one made me LOL. Just because I thought it was an obvious use of sarcasm, I guess not.
  7. ^^^ LOL ^^^ Peaches and Pickles come the fuck on...Are you kidding me, how can you be afraid of food? Did they get attacked? I could see if the girl was rapped using a pickle that might turn her off, but to be afraid? But Mayo is serious business, so I understand that.
  8. You can't argue with results. I though they would turn out a nice blood red color, you know, like the car.
  9. Me too. I know it's fucked up, but the pic (even if it is real) is funny looking. LOL
  10. That's one way of doing it. I wanted to see him polish the spokes that way.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I just know a little about E85. But when I was looking into that for my GTP it seemed like a wash. Because E85 isn't a efficent as regular or premium it takes more to burn to run, hence the bigger injectors. So while it's cheeper per gallon you use almost twice as much. No doubt that it helps in the power dept. but for $$$ savings, I'm not sure.
  12. sucks to hear about the car! hopefully your next one will be better...You could always mod the GTP in the mean time
  13. Main3s

    My Fish

    Yeah, if your beta is always "displaying" like that it can stress him out and potentially cause problems. Get a Snake Head and put it in there with the Oscar. http://snakehead_fish.tripod.com/
  14. Hypermiling huh....So that's what they are calling cheep ass white guys now a days. The MPG is impressive, but if you have to roll through turns at 55mph and push start your car or turn it off and coast to light’s then I’ll pass. Goofy ass people.
  15. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    YES!!!! GO PENS!!!!! Did anyone else think it was super bad ass that Sykora said in the 2nd OT that he was going to score....Then he did!!! That was GREAT!!!!!! I also liked that you could see the cup in the entry way late in the 3rd and hear the fans chant "We want the cup!" then "mad max" told them all to STFU with 34.3 seconds left!! That was a hell of a game. The Pens are still in it.
  16. Niiiicce!!!!.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I can't swim
  17. That's not too bad if it's all stock. I think my GTP made 230-240 stock...and that's with a supercharger . I don't think that you really need to make that car fast for it to be nice. I'd take one, all looks and no go.... Well at least until I got beat by something.
  18. ^^^ Yeah, and if gas keeps going they up the way it is you'll be saying that about 93! LOL
  19. Maybe I missed it, but what were the numbers? Sounded good.
  20. That's too bad, you had a really nice looking car. I'm sure in a month or so it will be back to normal. Good luck!
  21. Ok, something primarily for forced induction cars... People I keep talking to are whining about running premium, it's "too expensive" they cry. What? Since when? I have an 18 gallon tank. On average I don't run it to the E line, so likely I'm putting in 15 gallons at a fillup. Assuming you are paying $4.09 a gallon for regular that is $61.35 Assuming you are paying $4.29 a gallon for premium, that is $64.35 That is A total of $3. $3! How FAR can you go on $3? Lets say you get 25 mpg (I know, you all probably do much better unless you keep your foot in it), that is 0.73 gallons, a total of 18 miles you can go on that $3. IF you get better mpg with premium (most cars do now that have the high/low octane tables properly setup), it is EASY to get better mpg with premium than low octane. The % difference is mimimal. The distance you can go can really end up being much improved. So why NOT get a good tune if you don't already have one, and enjoy running premium?
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