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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s


    Maybe he would have won if he had a knife....dumb ass.
  2. Way to be different. I like seeing all kinds of cars that people work on. Even if it is an old Corolla. Now this isn't sarcasim, but what is the "look" you are going for? Nice project btw!
  3. If I was a girl I'd be a slut! LOL
  4. If my POS car was still fast I'd offer to help...but I'm slow now so.......
  5. Main3s

    is this real?

    call the 800 #. if it seems fishy then fuck it.
  6. To be honest I didn't get it until the explanation at the bottom. Then I laughed....
  7. Main3s

    Bmw Gina

    That's kind of cool. I wonder how you would wash it?
  8. Main3s

    cars and coffee

    So are we gonna do this or what? This Saturday at.....?
  9. Wow!!! His expression is great! eewww!
  10. If Chuck Norris said it can it really be discussed?
  11. To answer your question...Yes the 30 on to man was what 20 is about the same. True Story!
  12. At the risk of being called gay...I'm not sure the pics would be worth it at this point. It has been hyped up so much that unless they are absolutly perfict tittys and the girl is a 10 it's just going to be a let down.
  13. Stop complaining. I'd take this 90* weather over 1 2 or 3 foot of snow anyday. At least you don't have to shovel 90* temps or scrape humidity off the windows in the morning. With snow you HAVE to deal with it. Fuck the summer heat gives you a reason to sit on you ass and drink a cold one at the pool. That and it only stays that hot in the day, in the evening it's perfict!
  14. Well that sucks to hear. Hopfully it's an easy fix for you. Good luck!
  15. Main3s


    Yes where at? Ill keep an eye out. I hate thieves.
  16. Looks like a good time and lots of places to ride. 4 wheelers are a blast!
  17. Answer this question carefully.... Do her tittys feel like "bags of sand"?.........Yes or No Now get with the pics!
  18. Nice!!! But how board were you though to think that up?
  19. First Impressions on Sullivant Ave did mine. They are a body shop, but the owner Phill is a really cool guy. He races at trails a lot and does performance work on the side. He did a custom 3" exhaust from the down pipe back for a better price then just a cat back. oh and he doesn't care about the cat's.
  20. My question is what kind of porn where you looing to get off to when you found this?
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