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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    This is what I was thinking about...
  2. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    How important is the not at work part? I don't think I can wait. hahaha
  3. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    April fools bitch, I don't want yo shit!
  4. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    Oh yeah, well I'm fucking your brother!
  5. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    Yeah, but it's cool cuz it's april fools amiright!?
  6. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    That's how I roll!
  7. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    Then I had this girl friend of mine txt me a pic of her naked saying, "When can we play again, I want you to fuck me good like last time". I left my phone out and yelled for Kari to see who it was... Maaan she was sooo pissed. LOLZER!!!!
  8. Main3s

    Pranks Today?

    I offered to buy someones car in the FS thread then backed out of the deal at the last minute! April fools bitch, I don't what yo shit!
  9. Main3s


    I've been putting mine off for 7 years and counting!
  10. yeah "Welcome to Thailand, where our #1 export is trannies!"
  11. Main3s


  12. I need a bike I may go just to check it out. I hope to be a first time bike owner by June
  13. Main3s


    Sweet... me too, well I'll have to check with Kari first, but I'm sure she won't mind.
  14. Main3s


    I know I'm late to the party, but Greg + pussy whooped = Paul I think you're confusing just having a girlfriend with being pussy whooped. You see most men enjoy the company of an attractive woman. Sometimes they even prefer to hang out with said attractive woman, and potentially get sexy time, over hanging out with guys. Now I know this may come as a shock to someone who isn’t familiar with ladies, such as yourself but most men DO enjoy women. And if that sometimes comes at the expense of skipping out on your circle jerk, then as men we should support our brethren. We typically refer to this type of behavior as being a “Straight Male”. The line is drawn when said man becomes obsessed with only one woman and lets her lady parts control him. Being controlled by the pussy and simply enjoying the pussy is a thin line. Too much or too little can result in becoming “Pussy Whooped” or in your case, too little can be referred to as “Homosexual”. I find non of the above to be present in the Greg + Lauran (?) case. Based on my findings it appears that Greg has simply found an attractive woman with whom enjoys having intercourse with... BTW, you going to cars & coffe this weekend?
  15. Yeah dude congrats! Due to your complete disregard for form and technique and the fact that you went balls out for 4 minutes! I think you're most disserving of the title... "CR KING OF THE RING"! It's doesn't really mean shit, cuz I'll still kick you skinny ass , but now you can throw it in your sig, until the next fight night ! thanks again for coming out and putting on one hell of a show!
  16. X2 that's a great shop, I have heard nothing but good things about it!
  17. The government can't make money by selling weed (because it's 100% natural) but they can make money by busting you with it. And I agree, educate yourself on the affects that drugs have on you. People assume that all drugs you get from pharmacies are safe and that if you buy drugs from “the street” are bad. There are more far more dangerous and addictive drugs out there being sold by pharmacies.
  18. So the only pic's are of a prego girl and some chick brest feeding...
  19. Yeah, me too, or it was a salvage/ junked. There is no way someone who spends money on a new(er) vette would spary paint it... Would they?
  20. A sliver GTP, I heard those are rare. Welcome!
  21. It does, that's where I just got mine. It had been a while since I got my last one, so I thought I was just being a pussy, but the guy said that the inside of the arm normally hurts more.
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