I know I'm late to the party, but Greg + pussy whooped =
Paul I think you're confusing just having a girlfriend with being pussy whooped. You see most men enjoy the company of an attractive woman. Sometimes they even prefer to hang out with said attractive woman, and potentially get sexy time, over hanging out with guys. Now I know this may come as a shock to someone who isn’t familiar with ladies, such as yourself but most men DO enjoy women. And if that sometimes comes at the expense of skipping out on your circle jerk, then as men we should support our brethren. We typically refer to this type of behavior as being a “Straight Male”.
The line is drawn when said man becomes obsessed with only one woman and lets her lady parts control him. Being controlled by the pussy and simply enjoying the pussy is a thin line. Too much or too little can result in becoming “Pussy Whooped” or in your case, too little can be referred to as “Homosexual”. I find non of the above to be present in the Greg + Lauran (?) case. Based on my findings it appears that Greg has simply found an attractive woman with whom enjoys having intercourse with...
BTW, you going to cars & coffe this weekend?