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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. The problem is this:


    As sponsors, both of you have approached me with your concerns about the other, specifically Rob and Jeff. So in all fairness, I delete a thread, lock it, or move it to appease one or the other and ask them to take it to PMs. Then I get caught in the middle, with the other pointing their finger at me and accusing me of favoritism. So much for trying to help. And yes, when either of you run your mouth about me, it does get back to me with a quick fashion. But I still try to render assistance although I get pinned as the bad guy.


    So, you guys are more than welcome to have it out in this thread. Why? Because no matter how much I cater to your requests and remove/edit threads, you two continuously pick at each other with these shitty little quips. Granted, you usually refrain from doing now in the other's respective thread, but generally choose to shit on the other in someone else's thread.


    Just because the two of you run a business does not make you a businessman nor a professional. Your actions speak on the latter, and those leave a lot to be desired. I don't really care anymore, I can't make either of you quit picking at the other, so have a good time. Part of your customer base is watching.


    Quoted becasue it needs to be said again...

  2. I'm so different at work. My personality changes because it has too I guess. People are amazed when they find out how I am outside of work forgetting that I'm 25. But I'm tired of putting on a different "mask" at home v.s. work. So I'm letting my personality from home show a bit at work and vice versa, trying to balance it all out. I got to admit, it's fuckin awesome!
  3. Comments like this are what give Steeler fans a bad name. Look the Steelers are fucking up this season no excuses. The Bengal’s are getting their moment in the spotlight so let em enjoy it. You win humbly and you loose humbly. Love them or hate them the Steelers will always be a successful team. (That’s were the hate comes in) I’m not going to let one season turn me into a bitter fan. There’s no reason to the Bengals are a flash in the pan team. They’ll be good this season, maybe get 2nd 3rd round in the playoffs, they may even have a winning season next year, but the Steelers have, are and until they come under new ownership will always be a winning franchise. So why should I step down to a lower level because some other team is winning. The only reason the Bengal fans do it is because they don’t get many chance to win.
  4. I guess if you don't mind putting in the work. Parting out a car can be tuff if there isn't a high demand for the parts and like was mentioned before most of the parts you'll be getting rid of are fairly common and easy to come by. Not saying that you couldn’t turn a small profit off of it, but I’m thinking if you’d have to sit on some of the parts and wait for the right buyer tying up your money for a while. If there’s money to be made it’s probably not much and what you would have to invest time wise and effort wise I don’t think you’d get much ROI.
  5. I love reading the conspiracy folks on other sites claiming that the "old rich white golfers" set all of this up to get the black man out of their sport.




    I haven't heard that... Heck if it wasn't for Tiger golf wouldn't be as popular as it is today and making the kind of money it is. For the "old rich white golfers" to want him out is stupid considering the kind of attention he brings to the sport. You think if this was happening to Phil Mickelson that people would be talking about it the way the are with Tiger? I doubt it...

  6. I'm in!!! I can get a list of activates and prices from Sports Ohio in Dublin. I've played soccer and dodge ball there several times. It's normally pretty cheap. The key is to get a core group of CR members to commit to it, knowing that probably most people won’t show or do it more then once or twice. We could fill in the missing parts/ members with other friends & family. I figure as long as it’s at least 60% CR people it should be good. I know there has been talks of having a CR softball team, that would be kind of fun for the summer. Dodge ball is year round and that’s a blast too…
  7. Ok so.. Aj's part number brought this up.

    A- 12591349 $228.00 $135.16

    Fuel system - Fuel induction - Supercharger - Actuator

    Actuator, cobalt 2005 - 2007



    B- By-pass valve - 2.0 liter supercharged - 2.0 liter supercharged

    05-07 $42.31 $25.08



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