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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Welcome to CR You idiot, read the fucking stickies. Hell just have common sense. Do you really think your Sentra is that bad ass that just by mentioning it people are going to love it!? FUCK NO! So post some god damn pictures of it and tells us a little more about the powa it has. Fuckin amaze me with something because hearing about your Hondas and Sentras has got my dick limp.
  2. I picked up this gem last week, set me back a pretty penny, but I'm ballin outrageous right now so I said fuck and copt it anyway, check me out!










    It gives me the date and time in an easy to read digital format. The watch is plated with the best 12 karat gold/ brass mix. It’s water resistant up to .914 meters (not sure how deep that is exactly, but whatever). The face is sealed with the finest plastic. The band is elastic and aluminum. The gold one is top of the line. I only wear it out to real nice restaurants like Applebee’s. I’m thinking about getting the black one to wear as a daily but I got stack some more chips first. Oh and in case you managed to miss it, this bitch has a calculator built into it. Now I can figure out elementary math problems like addition and subtraction without being bothered by thought. If you’re interested you can get them at any of the fine jewelry counters like K-Mart, Sears, Wal-Mart and Big Lots.

    • Upvote 1
  3. A friend of mine made a LOT of money off of Wal-Mart and their stupidity. Not saying what he did was right but if you can walk in any part of the store without being questioned then their just asking for it. Imagine how much more profitable Wal-Mart would be if it were managed properly :eek:.
  4. Meh, the "message" was there I guess, reminded me of the old Captain Planet cartoon. Big blue tree huggin' guy that flew around protecting the planet from polution... :lol: Still a fun movie!
  5. Actually you couldn't be more wrong. All it will take is one person filing a complaint against you for creating a hostile work environment.


    There are only 2 ways this can go from there:.


    1. Management orders you to cease and desist. You comply!




    2. A mandate comes down from management either listing acceptable music/radio stations, or banning music entirely in the workplace. This is a great way to achieve popularity with your co-workers.


    Gangsta? Not really! Just a great way to show your level of maturity!



    Wow, uptight are we... No one complained. I work around 6 other people who don't have sticks up their ass. I played a few songs and put my headphones on and went back to work in a respectable manner. Someone made the "Office Space" comment and I decided to post it here too because I laughed. Gangsta... No you're right, I'm not. Personality and since of humor yeah, try it next time. :rolleyes:

  6. Bad ass movie. Some of it is a little out there and people say that it's not a great story line. But who cares. Go and slip into movie magic for about 3 hours and get away from reality definatly a fun movie! Would probably watch again (In 3D this time)
  7. That kid party's harder then most people I know. Good for him :lol: I wonder what he told his friends at pre-school the next day....

    Like "Hayden what's wrong"

    "Man I got so fuckin waisted last night dude. Get this, I had wanted some presents right, but I'm all up in my bed naked n shit so I got my sisters dress on right.."



    Well you get the point :lol:

  8. i wonder how they explain all the tire in the wells and concrete. if someone did that in any of my cars, id make them buy me new tires.


    And blame any future drivetrain failure on them


    You gave me great idea, I'ma take must busted ass GTP wil the slipping trans to a valet and have them beat the shit outta it, then get it fixed for FREE!!!

  9. That state sucks to drive across. :o

    Srsly, I've never even met anyone from Nabraska. It must all just be fields.



    Still 10 times better than Kansas.:nono:


    And Kansas, If it wasn't for Dorthy, the movie twister and the J Hawks who would even know about that state!?

  10. uhhhhh its my car. i bought it i work for my dad, and yes they are his tags. i bought the car with my own money so yes the title is in my name. until i sell the car, thats what i do i buy cars and turn them i just go after different cars than he does. he buys cars to sell to the regular public i buy cars to enjoy and sell them later. so no its not daddys cars none of the car I OWN are my FD, FC and this 350 are all under my name.


    That's not what I meant, I'm just saying regardless of how you came across the car, it looks good and the pictures are very nice. I could give a fuck less how you bought it or what you may or may not know about it. I was just shocked that a photo thread turned into a debate over you and your car. But carry on, take it to a track day and all will be forgotten.

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