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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. I have always thought people who ride scooters in the snow are insane. I almost ran over a girl with my bus because she bit it on a blind turn while ridding a scooter in the snow. I thought I was going to have a heart attack at 21. She had a little bit of shock but was able to stand up right away, I called paramedics anyways.
  2. if you didn't wake up spooning with the porcelain god yesterday morning and had made it down to jed's you could have gone over to honda northwest with us and molested the one they have
  3. I voted, but it was because i liked the camel
  4. I am all for eating alone. It is when you start getting into going to the movies alone that I get iffy. I have done it several times before but I don't always like the judgmental look the high school kid gives me as I ask for one ticket and there is no one behind. They probably think their life sucks but mine sucks even worse since I can't find any one to join me in a social activity that requires the least amount of interaction.
  5. My parents didn't poured concrete walls for the house they just built and loved it. You might also want to look into doing a little digging for geothermal heating and cooling.
  6. I don't think I have ever really made a guy wait either. I am a very punctual person so I then to hold other people to those same values. When I started looking for a job as a kid my parents always told me that if you are early you are on time, and if you are on time you are late. I some what apply that to dating. If if has to take me forever to look nice for you then we probably aren't meant to be together. I don't wake up with my hair looking perfect and make up on, get over it.
  7. She better look like a damn model if it is taking her 2 hours to get ready. I have NEVER taken more than an hour to get ready and thats pushing it. I have super long and curly hair so a good portion of that hour is used up straightening it. Seriously she better be putting out for wasting your time.
  8. Nice! I would like something like this one day. Add a hanger and I would be set!
  9. :cry:awww come one now. Did I hear you coughing? just call in sick, it is that time of year.
  10. Hell no! I freaking hate the snow and cold. Constant THO = me being able to etch-a-sketch a piece of glass
  11. Fuck... just saw your time stamp on your post
  12. Nope.... been at winking lizard since 8
  13. high on monday for columbus is 14
  14. Damn right I am jealous. I want someone to make my sammiches.
  15. Happy birthday!!!! I will donate a dollar to he make pandas extinct foundation in your honor
  16. Mahdey might have one. Try sending him a pm
  17. even if it was sunny and 80 you wouldn't know how to enjoy it. You give up getting another motorcycle for a permanent sammich maker. Oh well, at least you can enjoy sammiches all year round.
  18. don't think I will be able to get any over time this weekend so i am in.
  19. i feel like i am missing a very good story
  20. my bus' heat didn't work so well today. I think I would curb stomp a puppy if that meant it being 80 and sunny again.
  21. this is what happens when you buy a snow blower. Really F'ing cold and no damn snow!!!!! I blame you ghost boy
  22. I second that. Where the hell was my invite? I haven't seen you guys in months These girls work at the one down in Louisville, KY. I know the brunet in the middle in both pics.
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