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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. Ah fuck, I am on breaks so I will probably be sitting in a bus shelter when this shit hits
  2. good call. I have had my windows open in the house the past couple of days. I really don't want to have to explain to the insurance people why the second story of the house has water damage.
  3. looks like they are about 20-30 mins away from getting hit but there are alot of strong echos in that area so they will be in for a ride
  4. So there is a lovely line of storms that are about to hit the western half of the state and work its way over. If you rode to work today I hope you can find a safe spot for your bike and if it is still at home find a safe place to tuck it away for a little while. Sustained winds of 20 knots with gust up to 45 knots will make for a fun ride.
  5. no matter what species you are, bitches will always send you running for your life
  6. gen3flygirl


    Never mind he is getting. His as ass handed to him
  7. gen3flygirl


    Naw I am good, there might be a few on here that can vouch for the awesomeness of my dirty pillows but I have enough dignity to keep them to those that know me in real life
  8. gen3flygirl


    If you saw my tits right now you would understand why my mouth isn't open
  9. gen3flygirl


    So does your mom but I don't see that happening any time soon
  10. gen3flygirl


    The big bar and grill formally paninies across from the student union has it
  11. I have to hand it to these guys the dubbing skills made me giggle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDrpPqsXfVU
  12. +1 I don't think being a dumb ass counts as an unlucky streak.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuCweSnSQ6w
  14. Some guys just don't get that no means no maybe, at least he would know what to expect in the bedroom I don't judge you guys for your sheep so leave me alone:spank:
  15. My dad was in the air force with a guy named Richard Hair, you guessed it he was Private Dick Hair to all of them
  16. When I was a lot younger we had a salt water tank. I loved those fish but it was a lot of work keeping it clean and making sure all your fish weren't trying to eat each other. I think their final demise was when we left for a trip and the tank's heater went out . I had a beta fish that lived for 3 years, I cried when it died.
  17. I am watching It at work right now. Fucking. Amazing.
  18. Depending on the date I can help out mj and bring more jello shots
  19. :mad:from fucking 2.5 years ago. STFU!
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